
tech2024-01-07  110


Google is rarely publicity-shy and they’ve been promoting their new fade-in effect on the search home page. You may have seen it. Although it’s possible you haven’t — Google are testing the system and not everyone can view it.

Google很少公开宣传,他们一直在搜索首页上推广其新的淡入效果。 您可能已经看过了。 尽管您可能还没有这样做-Google正在测试该系统,但并非所有人都可以查看。

It works like this:


When you visit Google.com, only the logo, search box, search and “I’m Feeling Lucky” buttons are shown.

当您访问Google.com时 ,仅显示徽标,搜索框,搜索和“我很幸运”按钮。

You can now type a term and hit return to perform a search.

现在,您可以键入一个词并按回车以执行搜索。 However, if your mouse cursor moves anywhere within the browser viewport, the normal links and options fade into view.


(Note that Google has used progressive enhancement, so users without JavaScript will see the standard page.)

(请注意,Google使用了渐进增强功能 ,因此没有JavaScript的用户将看到标准页面。)

Here’s a short animation which demonstrates the action:


According to the Google blog, the company has tested 10 variants of the fade-in and the company employees “really like it”.

根据Google博客的报道,该公司已经测试了淡入淡出的10种变体,并且公司员工“非常喜欢”它 。

Sorry Google, but I don’t get it? What benefit does the fade-in actually serve?

抱歉,Google,但我不明白吗? 淡入实际上有什么好处?

Hiding advanced or little-used functionality from the user can be a good thing. For example, many people have learned to love the ribbon in Microsoft Office. However, in this case, what’s the point in hiding a handful of options for a few milliseconds? I can’t believe many users are overwhelmed by the links — most people ignore them.

隐藏用户的高级功能或很少使用的功能可能是一件好事。 例如,许多人学会了爱上Microsoft Office中的功能区。 但是,在这种情况下,将几个选项隐藏几毫秒有什么意义呢? 我不敢相信许多用户会被链接所淹没-大多数人会忽略它们。

If the fade-in is aimed at new computer users, I suspect few will notice the effect. In my experience, novices tend to over-use the mouse in preference to their keyboard. For example, rather than hitting return, many will switch to the mouse to click an “OK” button. Those users will see the fade-in as soon as the page has loaded.

如果淡入针对新的计算机用户,我怀疑很少有人会注意到这种效果。 以我的经验,新手往往会优先使用鼠标而不是键盘。 例如,除了点击回车外,许多人都将切换到鼠标以单击“确定”按钮。 这些用户将在页面加载后立即看到淡入。

I initially wondered whether the fade-in would assist touch-screen or mobile users, but activating an on-screen keyboard would show the links too?


In addition, the effect requires several lines of JavaScript. That’s not a problem for most of us, but the extra page weight could dramatically increase Google’s hosting and bandwidth costs. This is a company that doesn’t add closing body and html tags to save a few precious bytes!

此外,效果需要几行JavaScript。 对于我们大多数人来说,这不是问题,但是额外的页面重量可能会大大增加Google的托管和带宽成本。 这家公司不会添加闭包body和html标签来节省一些宝贵的字节!

Ultimately, I can only think of one reason why Google has introduced the fade-in … competition from Bing. Bing is prettier and offers nicer animations but Google’s effect is hardly going to bring deserters back.

最终,我只能想到Google引入Bing的“渐入渐进……竞争”的原因之一。 必应(Bing)更漂亮,并提供了更好的动画效果,但Google的效果很难带回逃兵。

Whatever the reason, many people are asking how to disable the fade-in and a number of Greasemonkey scripts have already appeared. I’d be surprised if Google keep the effect.

无论出于何种原因,许多人都在问如何禁用淡入,并且已经出现了许多Greasemonkey脚本 。 如果Google保持这种效果,我会感到惊讶。

What do you think of Google’s fade-in effect? Is it useful or should Google stick to basic search without the gimmicks?

您如何看待Google的淡入效果? Google有用还是应该坚持没有search头的基本搜索?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/googles-search-fade-in-useless/

