
tech2024-01-07  99

Screenr is a new, free web application that lets you create screencasts. Let me start by saying I was neither asked nor paid by the makers of Screenr to do a review. I’m telling you this because this is a gushing review. I absolutely love it.

Screenr是一个新的免费网络应用程序,可让您创建截屏视频。 首先,我要说的是,Screenr的制造商既没有要求我也没有给我酬谢我进行审查。 我告诉你这是因为这是一个令人毛骨悚然的评论。 我绝对喜欢

Firstly, its incredibly easy to use. I had my first screencast made in a matter of minutes. Secondly, the image quality is really excellent. Thirdly, the screencasts work with Twitter (only if you want them to, you can completely by-pass Twitter if you want), they can be instantly uploaded to YouTube and you can download them as mp4 files for playing on mobile video devices and smart phones.

首先,它非常易于使用。 我在短短几分钟内就完成了第一次截屏。 其次,图像质量非常好。 第三,截屏视频可与Twitter配合使用(仅在您需要的情况下,如果需要,您可以完全绕过Twitter),它们可以立即上传到YouTube,您可以将它们下载为mp4文件,以便在移动视频设备和智能设备上播放电话。

Did I also mention it’s free?


For web designers and bloggers, this is a super tool for creating videos that you can add to your site or blog. After you’ve made your screencast, Screenr gives you the code to embed the video. Another nice feature is that when you download your video as an MP4 file, the Screenr logo does not appear on the video.

对于网页设计师和博客作者,这是用于创建可添加到您的网站或博客的视频的超级工具。 截屏之后,Screenr会为您提供嵌入视频的代码。 另一个不错的功能是,当您将视频下载为MP4文件时,Screenr徽标不会出现在视频上。

If you find that you’re explaining the same thing over and over to your clients, or perhaps you want to show them how to use a CMS or WordPress, you could make a screencast and send them the link. You don’t need to worry about hosting as the screencasts are hosted by Screenr.

如果发现您要一遍又一遍地向客户解释同一件事,或者您想向他们展示如何使用CMS或WordPress,则可以进行截屏并发送链接。 您无需担心托管,因为截屏视频由Screenr托管。

If there is a downside, it’s that the maximum video length is 5 minutes. But maybe that’s a good thing as it might help to keep you focused and brief in your explanations? Overall though this is an incredibly impressive app that I’ll be using for my own site.

如果有缺点,则最大视频长度为5分钟。 但这也许是一件好事,因为这可能有助于使您集中精力并简短地进行解释? 总的来说,尽管这是一个令人印象深刻的应用程序,我将在自己的网站上使用它。

As part of the review, I made a short screencast. It’s a very quick Photoshop tip:

作为审查的一部分,我进行了简短的电视广播。 这是一个非常快速的Photoshop提示:

Have you used Screenr before? What do you use it for? And if you haven’t used it before, is this something that interests you for your own site or e-learning?

您以前使用过Screenr吗? 你用它来做什么? 而且,如果您以前从未使用过它,那么您是否对自己的网站或在线学习感兴趣?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/create-a-screencast-with-screenr/
