在欧洲购买Windows 7…价格仅为美国的一半!

tech2024-01-07  124

It’s been a confusing few months for Microsoft’s European customers:


In February 2009, the European Commission investigated Microsoft for anti-competive practices because Internet Explorer was bundled with Windows.

2009年2月,由于Internet Explorer与Windows捆绑在一起,欧盟委员会对Microsoft的反竞争行为进行了调查 。

In March, Microsoft revealed that IE could be uninstalled from Windows.

微软在三月份透露, 可以从Windows卸载IE 。

In June, Microsoft announced there would be a special “E” edition of Windows 7 released in Europe. IE would not be provided and it would not be possible to upgrade from XP or Vista.

六月,微软宣布将在欧洲发布Windows 7的特殊“ E”版本 。 不会提供IE,也无法从XP或Vista升级。

In July, Microsoft allowed people to pre-order Windows 7 E at a 50% discount. The OS has received positive press, which resulted in all pre-order copies selling out on day one.

7月,Microsoft允许人们以50%的折扣预订Windows 7E。 该操作系统受到了积极的关注,导致所有预购副本在第一天就销售一空 。

The EU slammed Windows 7 E; they considered that offering no browser was not an alternative to offering a choice. Microsoft relented, Windows 7 E was abandoned, IE would be installed, but European users would be offered a ballot screen to choose their default browser.

欧盟猛烈抨击Windows 7E。 他们认为不提供浏览器并不是提供选择的替代方案。 微软拒绝了, Windows 7 E被放弃了 ,将安装IE,但是欧洲用户将获得一个投票屏,以选择他们的默认浏览器 。

The ongoing EU spat has resulted in a marketing muddle for Microsoft. It’s not possible to order upgrade versions of Windows 7 in Europe — you must purchase the full version. However, it’s been attractively priced because, originally, no browser would be provided:

持续不断的欧盟争执已经导致微软的营销混乱。 在欧洲无法订购Windows 7的升级版本-您必须购买完整版本。 但是,它的价格具有吸引力,因为最初不提供浏览器:

On the Amazon US site, Windows 7 Home Upgrade is priced at $120.

在亚马逊美国网站上, Windows 7 Home Upgrade的价格为120美元 。

The full version of Windows 7 Home is priced at $200.

完整版的Windows 7 Home价格为200美元 。

The Amazon UK site is selling the FULL version of Windows 7 Home for just £65 (a little over $106)!

亚马逊英国站点仅以65英镑 (略高于106美元)的价格出售Windows 7 Home的完整版 !

Yes, you read that correctly. The UK price of Windows 7 is significantly less than the US price! EU residents can also choose their default browser, whereas US users must install one manually!

是的,你没看错。 Windows 7在英国的价格明显低于美国的价格! 欧盟居民还可以选择其默认浏览器,而美国用户则必须手动安装一个!

I’m stunned. UK and European residents normally accept they’ll be ripped off owing to various undisclosed shipping and currency conversion ‘costs’. It looks as though the EU investigation has done us a big favor (it’s about time!)

我很震惊 英国和欧洲居民通常认为,由于各种未公开的运输和货币兑换“成本”,他们会被撕掉。 看来欧盟的调查已经给了我们很大的帮助(时间到了!)

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/windows-7-cheaper-in-europe/
