
tech2024-01-07  104


The team at SitePoint is pleased to announce a new edition of one of our most popular books—EVER!


CSS选集:101基本技巧,窍门和技巧,第三版 (The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks, 3rd Edition)

An Inspiring Collection of Ready-to-use CSS Solutions


By Rachel Andrew

瑞秋·安德鲁(Rachel Andrew)

The first and second editions of The CSS Anthology stood the test of time as the must-have book of best-practice solutions to CSS problems. Now completely revised and updated for all modern browsers and beautifully presented in full color, The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks, 3rd Edition is now available.

《 CSS Anthology》的第一版和第二版经受住了时间的考验,成为解决CSS问题的最佳实践解决方案的必备书籍。 现在已针对所有现代浏览器进行了全面修订和更新,并以全彩精美呈现, 《 CSS Anthology:101 Essential Tips,Tricks&Hacks,3rd Edition》现已发布。

Rachel helps you solve everything from the simplest text formatting problems to mastering those temperamental three-column layouts.


Within the 392 beautiful pages of this book, you’ll learn how to:


Combine CSS with images to create impressive visual effects

将CSS与图像结合在一起以创建令人印象深刻的视觉效果 Build navigation, rollovers, and menus without JavaScript

在不使用JavaScript的情况下构建导航,过渡和菜单 Solve cross-browser compatibility problems

解决跨浏览器的兼容性问题 Design flexible two- and three-column layouts


And much more …

以及更多 …

If you’re looking for a CSS book that’s easy to follow, consistent in format, well illustrated, and presents you with plenty of screenshots and code examples, then this is the book for you.


Give dry, academic-style texts the big flick! Gain control over the look of your web site with the help of the most complete question-and-answer book on CSS, The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks, 3rd Edition.

轻描淡写地发布学术风格的干燥文本! 借助关于CSS的最完整的问答书《 CSS Anthology:101 Essential Tips,Tricks&Hacks,3rd Edition》 ,可以控制网站的外观。

You can buy your copy from our bookstore or download 4 free sample chapters. If you’re after the full PDF you can buy that here.

您可以从我们的书店购买副本,或下载4个免费示例章节 。 如果您需要完整的PDF,可以在这里购买 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/the-css-anthology-101-essential-tips-trick-hacks-3rd-edition/

