wolfram 在线

tech2024-01-07  85

wolfram 在线

Wolfram Alpha is a name that’s causing a huge frenzy of speculation on the web. Cited as being the most important website ever and a Google-killer, wolframalpha.com was launched with a huge marketing blitz on Friday. As is usual with these high-profile events, the site failed almost immediately. It is live again, but this weekend has been re-branded as a “test” launch with the full service expected on Monday 18 May.

Wolfram Alpha这个名字引起了网络上的巨大炒作。 Wolframalpha.com被誉为有史以来最重要的网站和Google杀手,上周五以巨大的营销热潮启动。 与这些引人注目的事件一样,该站点几乎立即失效。 它再次上线,但本周末已重新命名为“测试”发布,预计将于5月18日星期一提供全面服务。

Wolfram什么? (Wolfram What?)

Despite the odd name, Wolfram Alpha is an interesting project. The system is promoted as a “knowledge engine”. Superficially, it looks like any other search engine, but its aim is to present intelligent data rather than links to other websites.

尽管名字很奇怪,Wolfram Alpha还是一个有趣的项目。 该系统被推广为“知识引擎”。 从表面上看,它看起来像任何其他搜索引擎,但其目的是呈现智能数据,而不是指向其他网站的链接。

The project’s creator, Stephen Wolfram, was frustrated that computers had not reached the technical summit people expected 50 years ago. You can not ask a computer a natural language question and have it compute the answer. Wolfram Alpha is possibly a first tentative step towards that goal. The system is primarily aimed at a technical audience so it could become a useful resource for students, researchers, analyts and scientists.

该项目的创建者斯蒂芬·沃尔夫拉姆(Stephen Wolfram)对计算机没有达到50年前人们期望的技术峰会感到沮丧。 您不能向计算机询问自然语言的问题,而要计算机计算答案。 Wolfram Alpha可能是朝着这个目标迈出的第一步。 该系统主要针对技术受众,因此可以成为学生,研究人员,分析人员和科学家的有用资源。

它行得通吗? (Does it Work?)

Although the service remains a little glitchy, I did manage a few test queries. The parser prefers simple language and works best with hard facts. I tried “When will halley’s comet next appear” – that confused it, but “halley’s comet” returned better results. Bizarrely, “halleys comet” (without the apostrophe) provided much more information (click to enlarge)…

尽管该服务仍然存在一些小问题,但我确实管理了一些测试查询。 解析器更喜欢简单的语言,并且最适合于有事实的情况。 我尝试过“何时会出现哈雷彗星何时出现” –对此感到困惑,但“哈利彗星”返回了更好的结果。 奇怪的是,“哈利彗星”(没有撇号)提供了更多信息(单击放大) ……

Getting the right phrase is a little hit or miss. The results sometimes give links to other resources on the web, but Wolfram Alpha rarely shows what else it knows or provides a way to drill down into the data.

获得正确的短语有点成败。 结果有时会提供到Web上其他资源的链接,但是Wolfram Alpha很少显示其所知道的其他信息,也不提供提供深入数据的方法。

Google应该担心吗? (Should Google be Worried?)

Absolutely not. Wolfram Alpha will never have the global appeal of Google’s search results. It may give intelligent and accurate data, but it does not provide opinion, reviews, or the variety of information sources.

绝对不。 沃尔夫勒姆·阿尔法(Wolfram Alpha)将永远不会对Google的搜索结果具有全球吸引力。 它可以提供智能且准确的数据,但不提供意见,评论或各种信息源。

The site will be useful to find facts quickly and obtain attractive graphs or diagrams. Students will certainly benefit and I can see it being used in association with Wikipedia.

该站点将有助于快速找到事实并获得引人入胜的图表。 学生一定会从中受益,我可以看到它已与Wikipedia结合使用。

Have you tried wolframalpha.com? Did it understand you? Will you use it?

您尝试过wolframalpha.com吗? 听懂了吗 你会用吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wolfram-alpha-launch/

wolfram 在线
