
tech2024-01-07  86


There are so many brilliant resources out there, it’s hard to keep up with what’s going on. Using Twitter is one way to attempt to keep up because there are tons of links whizzing backwards and forwards between followers. So here’s some of the best/most useful/most interesting design-related links discovered in 140 characters or less through Twitter this week.

那里有许多出色的资源,很难跟上正在发生的事情。 使用Twitter是尝试跟上的一种方法,因为在追随者之间有无数的链接来回旋转。 因此,本周通过Twitter在140个字符以内的字符中发现了一些与最佳/最有用/最有趣的设计相关链接。

How to roll a can using pure CSS by Roman Cortes

如何使用 Roman Cortes的纯CSS滚动罐头

The myth of the page fold, evidence from user testing.

页面折叠的神话 ,来自用户测试的证据。

Ten lessons of a web startup by Evan Williams (who started Blogger and Twitter).

埃文·威廉姆斯(Evan Williams,他是Blogger和Twitter的创办人)创办的网络课程的十课 。

Some very nice calendar desktop wallpaper from Smashing Magazine readers.

Smashing Magazine读者提供的一些非常漂亮的日历桌面墙纸 。

Steve Jobs doesn’t mince his words regarding Google and Adobe.

史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)对Google和Adobe毫不动摇。

Six Revisions have 10 tips for designers using Twitter.


Gajitz asks have animated gifs matured from being annoying to being arty?  (I’d err on the side of annoying but there are a few nice examples, including this one.)

加吉兹(Gajitz)问动画GIF是否从烦人变成了附庸风雅 ? (我会在烦人的一边犯错,但是有一些很好的例子,包括这个例子。)

The Guardian shows 4 new covers for re-issued JD Salinger books all with a heavy emphasis on typography.

《卫报》 为重新发行的JD Salinger书展示了4种新的封面,所有封面都非常强调版式。

Design observer has an article about “who owns student work.” It’s a particularly interesting read for anyone who might be creating work in university.

设计观察员有一篇关于“谁拥有学生作品”的文章。 对于任何可能在大学里创作作品的人来说,这都是特别有趣的读物。

Tips to follow when designing a lead generation page, from Carsonified.

设计 Carsonified 的潜在客户生成页面时应遵循的提示。

Woorkup has a really nice collection of six flash websites which tell a story.

Woorkup有一个很好的六个闪光网站集合,讲述一个故事 。

Web Designer Depot has a great post of tips on how to improve your website print style sheets.

Web Designer Depot在如何改善您的网站打印样式表方面有很多技巧。

Using SVG for flexible, scalable and fun backgrounds. Part 1 and Part 2 on a List Apart.

使用SVG获得灵活,可扩展和有趣的背景。 分开列出的第1部分和第2部分 。

If you’re a Typekit user you might be interested to see screenshots of all their fonts in every browser and every platform.

如果您是Typekit用户,则可能有兴趣在每种浏览器和每种平台上查看其所有字体的屏幕截图 。

Web Design Ledger has some cool eye candy in the form of creative ads from around the world.

Web Design Ledger以来自世界各地的创意广告的形式吸引了眼球。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/design-tweets-of-the-week-ending-310110/

