SitePoint Podcast#32:云中的一切

tech2024-01-08  89

Episode 32 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week your hosts are Patrick O’Keefe (@ifroggy), Brad Williams (@williamsba) and Kevin Yank (@sentience).

SitePoint Podcast的 第32集现已发布! 本周的主持人是Patrick O'Keefe( @ifroggy ),Brad Williams( @williamsba )和Kevin Yank( @sentience )。

下载此剧集 (Download this Episode)

You can also download this episode as a standalone MP3 file. Here’s the link:

您也可以将本集下载为独立的MP3文件。 这是链接:

SitePoint Podcast #32: Everything in the Cloud (MP3, 33.9MB)

SitePoint Podcast#32:云中的一切 (MP3,33.9MB)

剧集摘要 (Episode Summary)

Here are the topics covered in this episode:


TypePad Motion picks up where Pownce left off

TypePad Motion在Pownce离开的地方接机

Six Apart Opens Up TypePad APIs, Relaunches Pownce As TypePad Motion (TechCrunch)

六人制开放TypePad API,重新宣布Pownce为TypePad Motion (TechCrunch)

TypePad Motion (Six Apart)

TypePad Motion (六个)

Brad’s WordPress Logo post


TypePad Platform (Six Apart)

TypePad平台 (六个)

Microsoft to blame for SideKick data outage, loss


Sidekick outage: How can Microsoft save face? (seattle pi)

同伴中断:微软如何挽回面子? (西雅图pi)

What Caused the Microsoft/Danger Disaster? (Hiptop3)

是什么导致了Microsoft /危险灾难? (Hiptop3)

WebKit dominating mobile browser market


There Is No WebKit on Mobile (QuirksBlog)

手机上没有WebKit (QuirksBlog)

WebKit Mobile and Progress (Alex Russell)

WebKit移动与进步 (Alex Russell)

Mozilla Slams Chrome Frame


Mozilla Join Microsoft in Slamming Google Chrome Frame (SitePoint)

Mozilla与Microsoft一起抨击Google Chrome浏览器内嵌框架 (SitePoint)

Host Spotlights:


Brad: Woopra

布拉德: 伍普拉

Patrick: Social Media, the Bad, and the Ugly

帕特里克: 社交媒体,弊端和丑陋

Kevin: Dropbox LAN Sync beta

凯文: Dropbox局域网同步测试版

显示成绩单 (Show Transcript)

Kevin: October 16th, 2009. Pownce rises from the ashes as TypePad Motion, Microsoft endangers cloud-hosted data, and WebKit takes over the mobile browser market. This is the SitePoint Podcast #32: Everything in the Cloud.

凯文: 2009年10月16日。随着TypePad Motion,微软危及云托管数据以及WebKit占领移动浏览器市场,Pownce灰飞烟灭。 这是SitePoint播客#32:云中的一切。

And hello, hello. Welcome to another SitePoint podcast. I’ve been away for a couple of episodes, but I have to say, guys, you did a great job in my absence. I might just sit back and listen again this time. It was fun to actually listen to an episode and I didn’t know what was going to happen next.

你好,你好 欢迎来到另一个SitePoint播客。 我已经去了几集了,但是我不得不说,伙计们,在我不在的情况下,你做得很好。 这次我可能只是坐下再听。 实际听一集很有趣,我不知道接下来会发生什么。

Brad: It was all Patrick.


Patrick: Well thank you. It was a team effort.

帕特里克:很好,谢谢。 这是团队的努力。

Kevin: We’ve got Brad Williams from WebDevStudios here today and Patrick O’Keefe from the iFroggy Network. Stephan is off today. He’s suffering the effects of some flight delays, so blame the airlines I say, but we’ll try and make do without him.

凯文:我们今天有来自WebDevStudios的Brad Williams和来自iFroggy Network的Patrick O'Keefe。 斯蒂芬今天下班。 他正遭受某些航班延误的影响,所以怪我说的是航空公司,但我们会尽力让他摆脱困境。

Our first story today is to do with Pownce and this is revisiting a story that we talked about really early in the life of this podcast. Pownce closed its doors a while ago when they were acquired by Six Apart.

今天我们的第一个故事是与Pownce有关的,这是我们在播客生命早期就谈论的一个故事。 Pownce不久前被Six Apart收购时关门。

Am I remembering that right, Brad?


Brad: Yes. Six Apart essentially bought Pownce not to keep it going, but as it was reported, to kind of gain their talent that was working behind the scenes on Pownce and now we know exactly what they planned to do with it. They actually released what they have titled TypePad Motion, which is essentially Pownce open sourced, so you can literally download the open source application and set up your own microblogging platform anywhere that you’d like.

布拉德:是的。 六分之一公寓本质上是买了Pownce而不是继续经营,但据报道,这是为了获得在Pownce幕后工作的人才,现在我们确切地知道了他们打算如何做。 他们实际上发布了他们名为TypePad Motion的东西 ,该东西实际上是Pownce开源的,因此您可以从字面上下载该开源应用程序,并在您想要的任何地方建立自己的微博客平台。

Kevin: Now I was just looking at TypePad Motion and on my homepage is a giant WordPress logo posted by someone named Brad.

凯文:现在我只是在看TypePad Motion,我的主页上是一个名叫Brad的人张贴的WordPress巨型徽标 。

Is that you, Brad?


Brad: Ahh … maybe.


Patrick: As your counsel, I advise you not to answer any questions from this man.


Brad: It may or may not have been testing the new service.


Kevin: That’s bordering on sabotage, I have to say.


Brad: It’s just that it’s the first picture I found on my computer.


Patrick: What do you got on there, a bunch of WordPress logos?


Brad: Yeah, pretty much.


Patrick: It’s a sad life, isn’t it? Gosh.

帕特里克:这是一种悲伤的生活,不是吗? 天哪

Kevin: When this acquisition first happened, they kind of hinted that there would be something like this – that Pownce would be returning, that they were shutting down now, but they had big plans to use the technology of Pownce in a new way and you’re right, I guess this is the outcome of that. It has been several months, at least.

凯文(Kevin):第一次收购时,他们有点暗示会有这样的事情– Pownce将要回来,现在他们正在关闭,但是他们有重大计划以新的方式使用Pownce的技术,是的,我想这就是结果。 至少已经几个月了。

But this TypePad Mobile (sic) is kind of showcasing a new platform that Six Apart is launching as well ? the Typekit (sic.) platform, which as far as I can figure is an API for people to build their own blogging platforms out of.

但是,这种TypePad Mobile(sic)展示了Six Apart也正在推出的新平台吗? Typekit(sic。)平台 ,据我所知,它是一个供人们用来构建自己的博客平台的API。

So rather than getting something like WordPress that has a fully integrated solution, Typekit (sic.) platform gives you bits and pieces like posts and comments and user accounts and you can plug them together like LEGO bricks however you want and build your own blogging platform out of the pieces that you want.


I’m not really convinced that this is solving a real problem; it’s kind of a solution to a non-problem in my view at this point.

我不是很确信这能解决一个真正的问题。 在我看来,这是对非问题的一种解决方案。

Brad, do you have any sense for what this would be good for?


Brad: I mean, I guess launching your own microblogging site, that’s kind of what they’re pushing the features for using it, kind of having your own brand and maintaining your own brand rather than promoting another social network’s brand, you can kind of launch your own.


Kevin: Right, because the world doesn’t have enough social networking sites.


Brad: That seemed to be kind of their big push behind it.


The thing, like you mentioned, this is part of TypePad platform and part of that means your data is actually stored on TypePad servers, even on the open source side. So if you download the actual application and set it up on your own server, your data is not going to save locally in your own database; it’s still going to save in TypePad’s database in their infrastructure. It’s definitely something you want to think about whether you still want to kind of hand over your content and data to TypePad.

就像您提到的,这是TypePad平台的一部分,这意味着您的数据实际上存储在TypePad服务器上,甚至在开源方面。 因此,如果您下载实际的应用程序并在自己的服务器上进行设置,则数据将不会本地保存在您自己的数据库中。 它仍将保存在其基础架构中的TypePad数据库中。 您是否仍然想将内容和数据移交给TypePad绝对是您要考虑的事情。

Patrick: That’s an interesting point. That’s kind of a moment for pause for me, but from looking at the TypePad Motion site, it’s somewhat clear that they’re branding it as like a community platform. I don’t see why they couldn’t make some headway in there similar to Ning. I mean, you can look at Ning and obviously no one hosts Ning data but Ning, so you have a lot of celebrities who are using Ning for sites from 50 Cent, Fabulous, various celebrities are using Ning sites because they’re easy to set up, there’s really not a whole lot of mess or cost or effort that has to go into it because you’re not hosting it.

帕特里克:这很有趣。 这对我来说是片刻的片刻,但是通过查看TypePad Motion网站,可以清楚地看到他们像社区平台那样将其品牌化。 我不明白为什么他们不能像Ning那样在这里取得一些进展。 我的意思是,您可以看一下Ning,显然只有Ning可以托管Ning数据,所以您有很多名人都在使用Ning来访问50 Cent,神话般的网站,而且各种名人都在使用Ning网站,因为它们易于设置起来,实际上没有太多麻烦,成本或工作量,因为您没有托管它。

I think the same thing could apply to TypePad Motion. It’s sort of maybe somewhere between Ning and Twitter, and that will appeal to certain celebrities or music artists and they’ll prefer it and they’ll give it a shot. That’s how I kind of view it as sort of a Ning-like platform, but obviously close to the Twitter.

我认为同一件事可能适用于TypePad Motion。 它可能介于Ning和Twitter之间,并且会吸引某些名人或音乐艺术家,他们会更喜欢它并尝试一下。 我将其视为类似于Ning的平台,但显然与Twitter接近。

Kevin: That really is a… yeah, it’s a strange one because WordPress gives you the option of hosting your blog at and everything’s done on their end, or you can download the WordPress software and run it entirely on your servers. I wonder if WordPress would be as popular as it is today if that download still stored your data on their servers in the cloud.

凯文:这确实是一个…是的,这很奇怪,因为WordPress使您可以选择在WordPress.com上托管博客,并且一切都已完成,或者您可以下载WordPress软件并完全在您的服务器上运行。 我不知道WordPress是否会像今天一样流行,如果下载的内容仍将您的数据存储在云中的服务器上。

That brings us to our next story, which is this huge failure of the cloud in the past week for Sidekick users. Sidekick handheld Windows mobile phone – but much more than a phone, it’s one of these smartphones with a slide out keyboard, really a pocket computer for those people who use it ? and in the past week, the servers that sit behind this device and store all the user data when that device is switched off have failed.

这将我们带入下一个故事,那就是上周Sidekick用户的云计算的巨大失败。 Sidekick手持式Windows手机–不仅是电话,它是其中一款带有滑出键盘的智能手机,对于使用它的人来说真的是一台便携式计算机吗? 在过去的一周中,位于该设备后面并在该设备关闭时存储所有用户数据的服务器发生了故障。

It looks like the rumors are swirling and so no one’s really quite sure what happened except that the data services associated with this device went down and Microsoft – or rather Danger, which is a subsidiary of Microsoft that hosts all of this data – was saying, “Do not turn off your phone, do not take the battery out or your data is going to go away.” A lot of users, when their phone stopped working that was the first thing they tried ? they turned it off and on again. We’re in the computer age – that’s what we do and just like that – their calendar, their contacts, even their photos in some cases disappeared because apparently there was no backup for this cloud-hosted data.

谣言似乎在旋转,因此除了与该设备关联的数据服务出现故障并且Microsoft(或者更确切地说是托管所有数据的Microsoft子公司Danger)在说,没有人真正确定发生了什么, “不要关闭手机,不要取出电池,否则数据将消失。” 很多用户在手机停止工作时尝试的第一件事是? 他们关闭并重新打开。 我们正处在计算机时代,这就是我们所做的事情,就像那样-他们的日历,联系人,甚至在某些情况下的照片都消失了,因为显然没有备份此云托管数据。

Guys, what would you do if this happened?


Brad: When I first read the story, what kind of struck me as interesting is that I had no idea there were any cell phones out there that actually stored your personal data like contacts in the cloud. I just assumed they’re all locally stored on your phone.

布拉德:当我第一次读到这个故事时,令我感到惊讶的是,我不知道那里有没有手机能够将您的个人数据(例如联系人)真正存储在云中。 我只是假设它们全部存储在您的手机上。

Kevin: Yeah, we’re talking about it giving us pause that a blogging platform stores stuff in the cloud. Imagine something as personal as your mobile phone.

凯文:是的,我们正在谈论它,这使我们暂停了博客平台将内容存储在云中的情况。 想象一下像您的手机一样私人的事物。

Brad: Yeah, that’s the first thing that caught my attention and you’ve got to wonder, how many Sidekick owners actually knew that? Is that something they tell you right up front, “Hey, your data is actually stored on a server off your phone and if our servers are affected so will your personal data.” I mean, that’s something that I would want to know about my phone.

布拉德:是的,这是引起我注意的第一件事,您必须怀疑,实际上有多少Sidekick业主知道这一点? 他们是不是直接告诉您:“嘿,您的数据实际上存储在手机附近的服务器上,如果我们的服务器受到影响,您的个人数据也会受到影响。” 我的意思是,这是我想知道的有关手机的信息。

Patrick: I’m sure it’s in the agreement you sign before they give it to you. [laughter]

帕特里克:我确定这是您签署的协议中的内容,然后他们才会给您。 [笑声]

Kevin: [laughter]

凯文: [笑声]

Brad: I’m sure it’s in the fine print.


Patrick: I’m sure it’s there.


Kevin: They save money building memory into the phone by just transferring everything over to the cloud.


Brad: Yeah, it just blows my mind, especially something like the Sidekick, which is a smartphone essentially. So it’s not like just some cheap little free phone they give you, it’s a smartphone, it does a lot of smartphone functionality and for it not to be stored locally is wild, I have no idea.

布拉德:是的,这让我很震惊,尤其是像Sidekick这样的东西,它本质上是一部智能手机。 因此,这不像他们给您提供的便宜的小巧免费手机,它是智能手机,它具有许多智能手机功能,并且因为不存储在本地非常荒唐,我也不知道。

Kevin: I mentioned there were a lot of rumors swirling and I want to stress that this story that I’m about to relate is pure rumor at this point, but the best information we can get about exactly what happened here is that Danger, the company that hosts these servers, wanted to do an upgrade of their Storage Area Network (which is SAN), and they brought in some contractors to do that work. Normally, when you would get that kind of work done, you would make sure that there was a backup in place of this data in case anything went wrong, but for one reason or another, there was no working backup. When the contractor flicked the wrong switch or typed the wrong command, this Storage Area Network was destroyed and there was no backup in place.

凯文(Kevin):我提到有很多谣言在流传,我想强调的是,我现在要讲的这个故事纯属谣言,但我们能确切了解到这里发生的一切的最好信息是,危险,托管这些服务器的公司希望升级其存储区域网络(SAN),并招募了一些承包商来完成这项工作。 通常,当您完成此类工作时,请确保在发生任何错误的情况下可以使用该数据进行备份,但是由于某种原因而没有有效的备份。 当承包商轻击错误的开关或键入错误的命令时,此存储区域网络被破坏,并且没有备份。

They’re exploring all their data recovery options as the story goes, but they’re not that hopeful. Microsoft continues to post occasional updates saying, “there’s a bit more hope… we’re not really sure,” but they immediately started advising their customers not to turn off their phones because what they’re going to try and do is bring these services back up and then ask the phones to sink back to the now empty servers and recover all of the data that way.

随着故事的发展,他们正在探索所有的数据恢复选项,但他们并不抱有希望。 微软继续发布一些偶尔的更新,说:“还有更多希望……我们不太确定。”但他们立即开始建议客户不要关闭手机,因为他们将尝试尝试并提供这些服务备份,然后要求电话沉没到现在空的服务器上,并以这种方式恢复所有数据。

But for customers who have lost their data, they’re promising— T?Mobile, which is the mobile phone carrier which carriers this device, is promising customers who have experienced data loss a $100 “customer appreciation card” in addition to the free month of data service that is already being handed out to all Sidekick data customers.

但是对于丢失数据的客户来说,他们是有前途的— T?Mobile是运营商使用此设备的移动电话运营商,它承诺已丢失数据的客户除了免费月份外,还可以获得100美元的“客户赞赏卡”已经交付给所有Sidekick数据客户的数据服务。

So there you go guys, that’s the price on your irreplaceable data ? $100.

那么,你们来了,这就是您不可替代的数据的价格吗? $ 100。

That sounds like they’re getting off cheap.


Patrick: Well, it’s clear there was a server outage from the reports, I mean that’s a fact. I guess the speculation is why there was an outage and what happened with the backup system because there are reports, and everyone came up and said “there was a server outage, we lost the data, please don’t turn off your phone.”

帕特里克:嗯,很明显,报告中有服务器中断,这是事实。 我猜想这是为什么会发生故障以及备份系统发生什么情况的原因,因为有报告,每个人都说“服务器中断,我们丢失了数据,请不要关闭手机。”

They released a statement – T-Mobile released a statement saying that “recent efforts indicate that the process of recovering some lost content may now be possible.”

他们发表了一份声明– T-Mobile发表了一份声明,说:“最近的努力表明,现在可能可以恢复某些丢失的内容。”

They’re still developing, they’re still working on it. I think that $100 – it’s better than nothing. I mean, at this point, what are we going to do, right? Let’s say the data is lost, so what are we going to do? Obviously we can’t bring it back if it’s gone so obviously, you can offer a freebie, you can offer a credit. I mean I understand some people may take offense to that – “It’s a $100, that’s what my life is worth to you? My life is my phone.”

他们仍在发展,他们仍在努力。 我认为这100美元–总比没有好。 我的意思是,这时我们要做什么,对吗? 假设数据丢失了,那我们该怎么办? 显然,如果它已经消失了,我们就无法将其带回,您可以提供免费赠品,您可以提供信用。 我的意思是说我理解有人可能会对此表示冒犯-“这是100美元,那对您来说我的生命值得吗? 我的生活就是我的电话。”

Brad: You should give everybody a free out from the contract.


Patrick: But you can leave the service, and that may be something that’s going to happen.


Kevin: I think of $100 in terms of how long on the plan that’s worth. A heavy data user like that is going to be getting through $100 a month. That’s almost saying to me like, “Okay, we screwed up this month, so you get this month for free. We’ll try and do better next month.”

凯文:我认为该计划的价值为100美元。 像这样的大量数据用户每月将获得100美元的收入。 这几乎对我说,“好吧,我们这个月搞砸了,所以您可以免费获得本月的费用。 我们将在下个月尝试并做得更好。”

Is one failure like this a month really the best that they’re hoping for and otherwise they refund you for that month.


Yeah, I’m with Brad; the right thing to do is to give them an out from their contract, but failing that, obviously, they’re going to be holding onto their customers for dear life. They need to at least be really open about how they communicate and I would offer a year refund if you want to stay in your contract.

是的,我和布拉德在一起 正确的做法是让他们摆脱合同,但显然,如果失败,他们将挽留客户,以维持他们宝贵的生命。 他们至少需要对交流方式保持真正的开放态度,如果您想保留合同,我将提供一年退款。

Patrick: You need to give away money that’s not yours. [laughter]

帕特里克:您需要捐出不属于您的钱。 [笑声]

Brad: I think really Microsoft needs to step up and say something. Microsoft really hasn’t said anything about this, so of course, there’s all these different rumors going around and nobody really knows what happened, except for Microsoft. They need to come out and at least make some type of official statement.

布拉德:我认为微软真的需要加紧说些什么。 微软确实没有对此发表任何言论,因此,当然,所有这些谣言四处流传,除了微软之外,没有人真正知道发生了什么。 他们需要出来,至少要发表某种正式声明。

Patrick: It’s Danger. It’s a subsidiary of Microsoft and Danger has been releasing statements, T-Mobile has been releasing statements. There is statements coming out. It’s a trifecta of three companies that are essentially involved in this, whether or not they like, Danger, Microsoft, and Mobile. Danger and Microsoft, obviously the same company but, you know, I think the reason we bring this discussion up – obviously, we’re not a cell phone podcast, it’s more to do with the reliability of the cloud because there’s more chatter around this story than just the story, basically calling into question the reliability of cloud-based services offered by different companies, not just Microsoft but Google, Amazon and so on. There have been blips with the cloud-hosted services and very visible occurrences of these problems cause people – and business customers are what people are concerned about – to question the viability of these cloud-based services.

帕特里克:很危险。 它是Microsoft的子公司,Danger已发布声明,T-Mobile已发布声明。 有陈述出来。 这是三个公司的三部曲,这些公司本质上都参与其中,无论他们是否喜欢Danger,Microsoft和Mobile。 Danger和Microsoft,显然是同一家公司,但是,我认为我们提起讨论的原因–显然,我们不是手机播客,这更多地与云的可靠性有关,因为围绕此问题的讨论更多故事,而不只是故事,基本上使人质疑不同公司提供的基于云的服务的可靠性,这些公司不仅包括微软,还包括谷歌,亚马逊等。 云托管的服务令人耳目一新,这些问题的明显出现使人们(人们所关注的是企业客户)质疑这些基于云的服务的可行性。

Kevin: Yeah, absolutely. I suppose it’s in the name though, you know. I would think twice about trusting my data to a company named Danger.

凯文:是的,绝对。 我想这是名义上的,你知道的。 对于将我的数据信任给一家名为Danger的公司,我会三思而后行。

Patrick: Call it Smoke hosting … Wispy Smoke hosting. I mean, I think people need to be educated about what this stuff is and the cloud hosting. I mean, we all have to have to do our due diligence about just what checks are in place and I think that’s going to come with education over time and maybe some people are going to have to lose some data the same way we learned to back up our computers, a lot of us. You know that first time our hard drive crashed; obviously it was a bad feeling but then we figured out okay, well we need to back up this stuff ourself. And I think you can’t trust a cloud-hosted service, just like you can’t trust any hosted service. I mean there’s always got to be a data backup that’s separate, so I think people are going to have to come to that realization with cloud hosting and then everyone will better off; that clouding hosting isn’t the holy grail, so to speak.

帕特里克(Patrick):将其称为烟雾托管…小束烟雾托管。 我的意思是,我认为需要教育人们有关这些内容和云托管的知识。 我的意思是,我们每个人都必须对所进行的检查进行尽职调查,我认为随着时间的流逝,这将伴随着教育的进行,也许有些人将不得不像我们学会备份一样丢失一些数据我们很多人 您知道我们的硬盘第一次崩溃。 显然,这是一种不好的感觉,但后来我们发现可以了,那么我们需要自己备份这些东西。 而且我认为您不能信任云托管服务,就像您不能信任任何托管服务一样。 我的意思是总要有一个单独的数据备份,所以我认为人们将不得不借助云托管来实现这一目标,然后每个人都会变得更好。 可以这么说,云托管不是圣杯。

Kevin: Yeah, that is an interesting point though that users need to be aware of the choices they’re making. It’s almost like a food additive, you know. If your phone hosts its data in the cloud, maybe there’s a regulation that should exist that says that needs to be on a label on the phone, just like food has to have ‘contains aspartame,’ so you can make an informed decision about your sweetener choices; the phone needs to have a ‘contains cloud hosting’ sticker on it.

凯文:是的,这很有趣,尽管用户需要意识到他们所做的选择。 您知道,它几乎像食品添加剂。 如果您的手机将其数据托管在云中,那么也许应该存在一条法规,规定需要在手机的标签上贴上标签,就像食物中必须含有“阿斯巴甜”一样,这样您才能做出明智的决定甜味剂选择; 手机上必须贴有“包含云托管”标签。

Patrick: I don’t know if you’ve seen the commercials from IBM that explain cloud hosting; I know they’re running over here in the US, I don’t know if they’re running internationally or not but…

帕特里克(Patrick):我不知道您是否看过IBM的广告来解释云托管。 我知道他们正在美国这里跑,我不知道他们是否正在国际上跑,但是…

Kevin: No.


Patrick: So they have this IBM’ers or whatever, they’re talking about cloud hosing and first, they start with a technical description like “It’s an integrated network of systems…” blah blah blah blah blah, you know… whatever. And it’s for the effect of saying it’s technical. And then they get all these people, they’re saying like, I don’t know, fluffy words is what I would say but you know – basically saying “my data is in the cloud and I can get it wherever I am” and so on and so forth. But it doesn’t really speak to what it actually is and obviously, it’s marketing.

帕特里克(Patrick):所以他们有这个IBM员工,或者说他们在谈论云托管,首先,他们从技术描述开始,例如“这是一个系统的集成网络……”等等等等。 这是为了说这是技术性的。 然后他们得到了所有这些人,他们说的是,我不知道,但我想说的是蓬松的话,但您知道–基本上是说“我的数据在云端,无论我在哪里,我都能得到它”等等等等。 但是它并没有真正说明其实际含义,显然是营销。

But it’s tough. I don’t know if it’s on the services to inform or on the customers to do their own due diligence; I think we as people have to be responsible for ourselves.

但这很难。 我不知道是在通知服务还是在客户进行自己的尽职调查。 我认为我们作为人们必须对自己负责。

Kevin: Well from one mobile phone story to another, Peter Paul Koch who’s widely known as PPK has been doing some really intensive testing of the mobile phone browsers out there that are based on the WebKit platform. WebKit, of course, is the rendering engine at the heart of the Safari browser as well as several others, Google Chrome among others, but it’s also catching on in a big way on mobile devices. Mobile Safari on the iPhone, of course, is powered by WebKit but a lot of other phones from the major manufacturers are now adopting WebKit as their rendering engine.

凯文(Kevin):从一个手机故事到另一个手机故事,被广泛称为PPK的彼得·保罗·科赫(Peter Paul Koch)一直在对基于WebKit平台的手机浏览器进行一些非常深入的测试 。 当然,WebKit是Safari浏览器以及其他一些浏览器(包括Google Chrome浏览器)的核心渲染引擎,但它在移动设备上也大受欢迎。 iPhone上的移动Safari当然是由WebKit提供支持的,但是来自主要制造商的许多其他电话现在都在采用WebKit作为其渲染引擎。

The problem is, according to Peter Paul Koch, that these implementations vary widely in their support, especially of newer standards. His testing, which among other things tests the scores of these different phones on the Acid 3 test, has revealed that on these phones, all of which are WebKit-based, they achieve scores everywhere from 0 to near 100% and it varies all the way along the spectrum.

根据彼得·保罗·科赫(Peter Paul Koch)的观点,问题在于这些实现在支持方面有很大不同,尤其是对较新的标准。 他的测试(其中包括测试Acid 3测试中这些不同手机的分数)显示,在所有这些手机都是基于WebKit的手机上,它们的得分在0到100%之间不等,而且频谱。

And so he’s saying on the surface it may look like we’re achieving greater consistency but in fact, WebKit is not WebKit and you can’t say I’m going to write a site that works in WebKit mobile because WebKit mobile is not a single browser; it’s a whole spectrum, a whole world of browsers, and that this is just going to cost a lot of headaches for designers.

因此,他说的表面上看起来我们正在达到更大的一致性,但实际上,WebKit不是WebKit,并且您不能说我要编写一个可在WebKit mobile中使用的网站,因为WebKit mobile不是单一浏览器; 它是一个整体,一个浏览器世界,这只会使设计师感到头疼。

Guys, what phones do you have? How do you browse the Web on the go?

伙计们,您有什么手机? 您如何在旅途中浏览网络?

Brad: I’m on an iPhone.


Patrick: [laughter] I’m on a prepaid pay-as-you-go phone. If you ever go to a conference with me then you’ll see, I’ll whip it out. I don’t browse the Web on it.

帕特里克: [笑声]我正在使用预付费的即付即用电话。 如果您曾经和我一起参加会议,那么您会看到的,我会立即解决。 我不浏览网页。

Kevin: Oh right, okay. So you’re on an iPhone, Brad, I’m on an iPhone as well. So we’re pretty much consistent but have you seen some of these other phones that are using WebKit?

凯文:哦,好吧。 所以您在iPhone上,Brad,我也在iPhone上。 所以我们几乎是一致的,但是您是否看到过其他一些使用WebKit的电话?

Brad: I haven’t exactly used them personally but I’ve seen based on these charts and how well they perform, it’s almost overwhelming looking at this from a developer’s standpoint and how we’re supposed to actually program something to standards or something of how we know it will function. How are we supposed to actually trust our code, that’s it’s going to look right when there’s so many different… like you said, so many different WebKits that we have to program for and think about.

布拉德:我还没有真正使用过它们,但是我已经根据这些图表以及它们的表现来进行了观察,从开发人员的角度以及我们应该如何按照标准或类似的方式进行编程的角度来看,这几乎是压倒性的我们怎么知道它将起作用。 我们应该如何真正信任我们的代码,那就是当有这么多不同的代码时,它看起来就正确了……就像您说的那样,我们必须进行编程和思考的这么多不同的WebKit。

Kevin: Yeah. The situation isn’t entirely different on the desktop. We’ve got Safari, we’ve got Chrome, we’ve got Konqueror; those are the three major browsers on the desktop that rely on the WebKit platform and they all achieve pretty different results as well. Safari 4 is 204 out of 216, Chrome 3 is 192 out of 216, and Konqueror 357 is the latest one I can see a score for, only achieves 103 out of 216 but I think there are newer releases of that.

凯文:是的。 在台式机上情况并没有完全不同。 我们有Safari,Chrome,Konqueror; 它们是桌面上依赖WebKit平台的三种主要浏览器,它们也都获得了截然不同的结果。 Safari 4在216分中占204位,Chrome 3在216分中占192位,而Konqueror 357是我能看到的最新得分,仅在216分中达到103分,但我认为它的更新版本。

So WebKit isn’t WebKit on the desktop as well but we’re not used to thinking of it that way. We think of it as Safari, Chrome, Konqueror. We test those things separately. On the mobile, of course, there’s the iPhone but there’s browsers called Ozone, Iris, Bolt, the Android G2 browser, the Palm Pre browser, and the Series 60 over several versions. There’s Version 3 and Version 5 at least that are tested in PPK’s grid here. And so, like, Series 60 Version 3 scores 45, whereas the Ozone browser scores 185.

因此,WebKit也不是台式机上的WebKit,但我们并不习惯这种方式。 我们将其视为Safari,Chrome,Konqueror。 我们分别测试这些东西。 当然,在移动设备上有iPhone,但有多个版本的浏览器分别称为Ozone,Iris,Bolt,Android G2浏览器,Palm Pre浏览器和Series 60。 这里至少有版本3和版本5在PPK的网格中进行了测试。 因此,例如60系列第3版的得分为45,而臭氧浏览器的得分为185。

Alex Russell, who is best known for his work on the Dojo Toolkit, has broken down these results in a different order. He’s saying that what PPK misses here is that the mobile marketplace turns over so much more quickly than the desktop browser marketplace. On the mobile side, you can almost assume that a user is going to be getting a new phone every two years unless maybe you’re Patrick O’Keefe.

亚历克斯·拉塞尔(Alex Russell)以其在Dojo Toolkit上的工作而闻名,他以不同的顺序分解了这些结果 。 他是说PPK在这里错过的是移动市场比台式机浏览器市场转换得快得多。 在移动端,您几乎可以假设用户将每两年获得一部新手机,除非您可能是Patrick O'Keefe。

Patrick, how old is your phone?


Patrick: My phone’s actually about probably a year or so old. It’s not that old, but it is cheap.

帕特里克:我的手机实际上大约已经使用了一年左右。 它没有那么老,但是很便宜。

Kevin: Okay. So it’s not fancy but it’s not old.

凯文:好的。 因此,它不花哨,但不老。

Patrick: But it is cheap.


Kevin: So you follow that pattern too though that pretty much everyone replaces their phone every couple of years and as a result, if you look at this grid of results and sort them by what’s released most recently, the results don’t actually look that bad. The only two browsers in his list that are clearly released in 2009 are Ozone and iPhone 3.1, and they’re both over 172 out of 216 which is right up there with the best that we have on the desktop. Safari 4 and Chrome 3 and Chrome 2 are the only browsers on the desktop that do better than that.

凯文:所以你也遵循这种模式,尽管几乎每个人每两年都会更换一次手机,结果,如果看一下结果列表并按照最新发布的内容对它们进行排序,结果实际上并不会坏。 在他的名单中,仅有的两个浏览器在2009年明确发布,分别是Ozone和iPhone 3.1,在216种浏览器中,它们都超过172种,这是我们桌面上最好的。 Safari 4和Chrome 3和Chrome 2是台式机上唯一比这更好的浏览器。

Alex Russell’s point here is that what we’ve got, although we do have this range of many different browser platforms, that’s a symptom of the rapid progress that’s being made on the mobile phone browser. And that if we hang on tight, you know, there are a lot of things to test against but the baseline is moving a lot more quickly than we have seen in the past on the desktop.

Alex Russell的观点是,尽管我们拥有众多不同的浏览器平台,但我们所拥有的却是手机浏览器正在Swift发展的征兆。 而且,如果我们坚持不懈,您会发现有很多需要测试的东西,但是基线的移动速度比过去在台式机上看到的要快得多。

Do you guys agree with that assessment?


Brad: Yeah. I think Alex’s point is spot on; most people are going to get a new phone every two years and these are normal users, not necessarily developers or designers but these are just your normal cell phone users, internet users. They’re going to get a new phone when they get a new plan most likely. And you’re right, when they do, it will have the most recent browser, whatever that may be. So they’re more likely to do than they are probably to upgrade from IE 6 or IE 7.

布拉德:是的 我认为亚历克斯的观点很明确。 大多数人将每两年获得一部新手机,这些是普通用户,不一定是开发人员或设计师,而是您的普通手机用户,互联网用户。 他们最有可能制定新计划时会得到一部新手机。 没错,当他们这样做时,它将具有最新的浏览器,无论使用哪种浏览器。 因此,与从IE 6或IE 7升级相比,他们更有可能这样做。

Kevin: Well, yeah. And that’s a great reminder, IE 6. When it took such dominance in the marketplace on the desktop, what we had not as we’re seeing on the mobile, a great period of innovation and advancement, we had stagnation on the desktop. It’s really interesting how that one factor that people are nearly forced to upgrade their phone every two years is preserving that advancement, that continual improvement in the browser platform even though we’re seeing a single player, WebKit, really taking hold as a monopoly position in the browser rendering space.

凯文:恩,是的。 这是对IE 6的一个很好的提醒。当它在台式机市场上占据主导地位时,我们在移动设备上所没有的东西,一段很大的创新和进步时期,使我们停滞在台式机上。 有趣的是,人们几乎每两年被迫升级手机的一个因素是保持这种进步,浏览器平台的持续改进,即使我们看到单个播放器WebKit确实占据了垄断地位。在浏览器渲染空间中。

Brad: Now if we can just force users to upgrade their desktops every two years, then we’ll be great. ?Kevin: There you go. Well, that’s not a terrible idea, especially as these cloud services become more and more popular, I would not be surprised.

布拉德:现在,如果我们可以强迫用户每两年升级一次台式机,那么我们会很棒。 ? 凯文:你去。 好吧,这不是一个糟糕的主意,尤其是随着这些云服务变得越来越流行,我不会感到惊讶。

You know the Google Chrome OS that has been promised sometime in the next year, I wouldn’t be surprised if the computers running Chrome OS were sold on a contract, on a two year contract. Wouldn’t that be interesting?

您知道明年会承诺使用Google Chrome操作系统,如果运行Chrome操作系统的计算机是按两年合同的合同出售的,我不会感到惊讶。 那不是很有趣吗?

Brad: It would be.


Patrick: And we just finished talking about how great the cloud computing was, just a minute ago.


Brad: And now we’ve sold everybody on it again.


Patrick: Let’s segue. We want everything to be in the cloud, our operating system, our documents, our email, everything should be in the cloud and nothing should be …

帕特里克:让我们继续。 我们希望一切都在云中,我们的操作系统,我们的文档,我们的电子邮件,一切都应该在云中,而什么都不应在……

Kevin: Everything in the cloud. Well we definitely found the theme for our episode.

凯文:一切都在云端。 好吧,我们绝对找到了本集的主题。

And continuing on that, this Google Chrome cloudy atmosphere we’ve got going here, we return to something that you guys talked about in our last episode, the Chrome Frame Plug-in for earlier versions of Internet Explorer, and I think you guys all pretty much agreed that it was – with some reservations, a good thing, last episode. But there’s been some debate since then. Microsoft predictably came out and said that “This isn’t something we wouldn’t recommend because” – and I’m paraphrasing here – but they said “it doubled the space for security attacks on the browser because it basically created a browser within the browser and so it was twice as potentially vulnerable as a browser by itself.” But in the past week, the big surprise is that Mozilla is coming on the same side as Microsoft here. Mozilla is saying that Chrome Frame is a bad idea.

接下来,我们要在Google Chrome的阴暗气氛中继续前进,我们回到上一集中讨论的内容,即用于Internet Explorer早期版本的Chrome Frame插件,我想大家几乎所有人都同意,最后一集有些保留,这是一件好事。 但是从那以后一直有争论。 微软出人意料地出来,并表示“这不是我们不建议这样做的原因,” –我在这里释义-但他们表示“它使浏览器受到安全攻击的空间增加了一倍,因为它基本上是在浏览器内部创建了一个浏览器。浏览器,因此它本身的潜在威胁是浏览器的两倍。” 但是在过去一周中,最大的惊喜是Mozilla与Microsoft在同一方面。 Mozilla说Chrome Frame是个坏主意。

Patrick: Mozilla would rather everybody just switch off Internet Explorer.

帕特里克: Mozilla希望每个人都关闭Internet Explorer。

Brad: Yeah, this was kind of surprising when I first read about it. I mean, I definitely didn’t think Mozilla would be taking IE’s side but apparently they are. I don’t really know if there’s some kind of meaning behind it. If maybe they’re hoping people rather than install Chrome Frame would actually upgrade to something like FireFox or if they’re just generally against it. I just have a hard time understanding that argument.

布拉德:是的,当我第一次读到它时,这真是令人惊讶。 我的意思是,我绝对不认为Mozilla会支持IE,但显然是的。 我真的不知道它背后是否有某种意义。 如果他们希望人们而不是安装Chrome Frame会真正升级到FireFox之类的东西,或者他们只是普遍反对这样做。 我很难理解该论点。

Patrick: Well I think that it may not be them going on IE’s side as much as it’s them saying, “You know what, we don’t want people using IE, we want their market share to drop,” because if you read this quote, basically they want people to move away from IE, not stay in IE and use Chrome. So they’d rather have people move to Chrome than stay in IE. And you know, I guess, they talk about the reasons here but, you know, I don’t know if I put them as saying the same thing as IE exactly; I think and every one has their perspective and what will be beneficial to them.

帕特里克(Patrick):好吧,我认为可能不是他们站在IE的一边,而是他们在说:“您知道吗,我们不希望人们使用IE,我们希望他们的市场份额下降,”因为如果您读过这篇文章,引用,基本上,他们希望人们远离IE,而不是留在IE中并使用Chrome。 因此,他们宁愿让人们迁移到Chrome,也不愿留在IE中。 您知道,我想,他们在这里谈论原因,但是,您知道,我不知道我是否把它们说成与IE完全相同。 我认为,每个人都有自己的看法,什么对他们有好处。

Kevin: Yeah, I agree, they definitely seem to have their own reasons for condemning Chrome Frame but it’s difficult to read through the PR speak here and figure what their real reason is. They’ve got two quotes – one from Mitchell Baker, chairman of Mozilla Foundation, and former Mozilla CEO, and the other for Mike Shaver, Mozilla’s vice president of engineering, and they seem to be giving a bunch of reasons and some of them seem to be a bit FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt). They seem to be saying that if we embrace Chrome Frame we are taking the first step down a slippery slope which would see different sites creating their own site-specific plug ins and running their sites entirely within those plug-ins. So they’re talking about sites like Facebook or sites based on the Facebook Connect platform running within a Facebook browser plug-in inside every browser and saying that yeah, if we embrace this sort of thing, pretty soon there is going to be no web platform. Everyone is just going to build their own browser plug in to run their sites.

凯文:是的,我同意,他们肯定有自己的理由谴责Chrome浏览器内嵌框架,但很难在这里读到PR讲话并弄清其真正原因是什么。 他们有两句话:一个来自Mozilla基金会主席Mitchell Baker以及前Mozilla首席执行官,另一个来自Mozilla工程部副总裁Mike Shaver,他们似乎给出了很多原因,其中一些似乎有点FUD(恐惧,不确定性,疑问)。 他们似乎在说,如果我们采用Chrome浏览器内嵌框架,则我们将迈出第一步,这将使不同的站点创建自己的站点特定插件,并在这些插件中完全运行它们的站点。 因此,他们谈论的是诸如Facebook之类的网站或基于在每个浏览器内的Facebook浏览器插件中运行的基于Facebook Connect平台的网站,并说是的,如果我们接受这种事情,很快就会没有网络了。平台。 每个人都将构建自己的浏览器插件以运行其网站。

I’m not sure I buy that. It’s much easier to develop a site than it is to develop a browser plug-in, let alone when it will work across al browsers and subvert the browser marketplace. I really don’t buy that one at all. It’s clear that Chrome Frame is an answer to a very specific problem which is legacy versions of Internet Explorer. I doubt even Google would suggest running Chrome Frame in the latest version of Internet Explorer.

我不确定我买那个。 开发网站比开发浏览器插件要容易得多,更不用说它可在所有浏览器上使用并颠覆浏览器市场的时候了。 我真的根本不买那个。 很明显,Chrome Frame是一个非常具体的问题的答案,这是Internet Explorer的旧版本。 我甚至怀疑Google是否建议在最新版本的Internet Explorer中运行Chrome Frame。

Patrick: Though they offer it.


Kevin: They do offer it. Yeah, absolutely. But Microsoft sure seemed to be doing a lot better with their browser development these days. I would be very surprised if they cannot keep up with the requirements of Google’s HTML5 applications within Internet Explorer.

凯文:他们提供了。 是的,绝对。 但是,如今,微软肯定在浏览器开发方面做得更好。 如果他们不能跟上Internet Explorer对Google HTML5应用程序的要求,我将感到非常惊讶。

And the Mozilla spokespeople go on to compare Chrome Frame to things like Silverlight, Flash and Java. It’s clear they’re making their pitch for their open web platform. You don’t need plug-ins, yadda, yadda, yadda. So this is where their stories definitely diverge from Microsoft because, you’re not going to hear Microsoft telling you not to install Silverlight, which is what I found most funny about Microsoft’s point saying that it increased your security risk by installing it. Well so does installing Silverlight.

Mozilla的发言人继续将Chrome Frame与Silverlight,Flash和Java之类的东西进行比较。 显然,他们正在为其开放式Web平台进行宣传。 您不需要插件,yadda,yadda,yadda。 因此,这绝对是他们的故事与Microsoft截然不同的地方,因为您不会听到Microsoft告诉您不要安装Silverlight,这是我对Microsoft所说的最有趣的说法,即Silverlight通过安装会增加您的安全风险。 好吧,安装Silverlight也是如此。

Silverlight is just as much as browser within a browser as Google Chrome is. It renders HTML, it’s got it’s whole own set of rendering technologies with their own risks associated with them. So, I’m not sure I buy anyone’s story are here. I still think Chrome Frame is a good idea.

Silverlight在浏览器中的浏览器与Google Chrome一样。 它可以渲染HTML,它具有整套渲染技术以及与之相关的风险。 因此,我不确定我是否在这里购买任何人的故事。 我仍然认为Chrome Frame是个好主意。

What do you guys think?


Brad: I love it. I think I said that five times on the last podcast. I think it’s awesome.

布拉德:我喜欢。 我想我在最后一个播客上说了五遍。 我觉得很棒。

Patrick: You’re a developer, of course you would. (No, just kidding.) I think it’s a fine thing. I mean it makes sense, I think. If people want to install it, if it enhances IE 6, then I think it’s an interesting – it creates a new layer of responsibility for Google, though, because if some thing should go wrong with Chrome Frame, then everyone’s comments will be justified and they’ll be catching flack for it.

帕特里克:当然,您是一名开发人员。 (不,只是在开玩笑。)我认为这是一件好事。 我认为这是有道理的。 如果人们想要安装它,并且它增强了IE 6,那么我认为这很有趣–它为Google建立了新的责任层,因为如果Chrome Frame出现问题,那么每个人的评论都是合理的,他们会为此而抓狂。

Obviously with any browser, if you look at it like a browser inside a browser, it’s another layer of responsibility for them. So I think if they take that seriously, then it will work out well.

显然,对于任何浏览器,如果将其视为浏览器中的浏览器,则这是它们的另一层责任。 因此,我认为如果他们认真对待这一点,那么效果会很好。

Kevin: Yeah. One of the points that the Mozilla people make is that the Chrome Frame plug-in takes away some of the control from the user. It becomes the developer’s choice which browser engine is used to display a page, not the users’ choice although it’s still the user’s choice to install the plug-in to give that control to the developer. It then becomes the developer’s choice what pages render in IE and what pages render in Chrome Frame.

凯文:是的。 Mozilla员工提出的观点之一是Chrome Frame插件剥夺了用户的某些控制权。 使用哪种浏览器引擎来显示页面将成为开发人员的选择,而不是用户的选择,尽管安装插件以将控件提供给开发人员仍然是用户的选择。 然后,开发人员可以选择在IE中呈现哪些页面以及在Chrome Frame中呈现哪些页面。

And they’re saying that really is a step backwards. We really need to preserve that user choice and that maybe even if you use something like Chrome Frame, it should be behind a button that says this page will render a lot better in Google Chrome, either download Google Chrome or click here to install Chrome Frame if you can’t download another browser.

他们说这确实是倒退。 我们确实需要保留用户的选择,并且即使您使用的是Chrome Frame之类的东西,它也应该位于按钮后面,提示该页面将在Google Chrome中呈现更好的效果,您可以下载Google Chrome或单击此处安装Chrome Frame如果您无法下载其他浏览器。

Do you think that’s right? Do you think that we should still give users the choice of running in the old IE 6 engine if that’s what they want to do?

你认为对吗? 您是否认为如果这样做,我们仍然应该让用户选择在旧的IE 6引擎中运行?

Brad: I think if you’re still running IE 6 that you forfeited your choice at this point.

布拉德:我想如果您仍在运行IE 6,那么您现在就放弃了选择。

Kevin: [laughter]

凯文: [笑声]

Brad: If nothing else, for functionality because there’s a lot of stuff that’s coming out, especially in HTML5 that is never going to work in IE 6. So they’re going to start losing a good, sizable chunk of the internet as HTML5 becomes more popular over the coming years.

布拉德:如果没有其他的话,那么就功能而言,因为有很多东西问世了,尤其是在HTML5中,这些东西在IE 6中永远无法使用。因此,随着HTML5的到来,它们将开始失去大量的互联网资源。在接下来的几年中越来越受欢迎。

Patrick: Who knows how fast that will be, but I think that, it’s easy to set. It’s an easy setting in the Google Chrome Frame. You have the little thing that pops up, do you want to apply for this site? Apply for all sites? Check here. Boom. You know, it’s done. I’m sure they can build that in without much hassle.

帕特里克:谁知道那将有多快,但是我认为这很容易设定。 这是Google Chrome浏览器内嵌框架中的一项简单设置。 您弹出的小东西,您想申请这个网站吗? 申请所有网站? 在这里检查。 繁荣。 你知道的,它已经完成了。 我相信他们可以轻松解决这个问题。

Kevin: So that probably is the right thing to do. I’ll make than one concession to Mozilla’s PR people. But yeah, I think what they’d really like you to do is upgrade to Firefox.

凯文:所以这可能是正确的事情。 我将为Mozilla的PR人员做出一个让步。 但是,是的,我认为他们真正希望您做的是升级到Firefox。

So that’s our new stories for this week, guys. Let’s take a look at some of our host spotlights.

伙计们,这就是我们本周的新故事。 让我们看一下我们的一些主机聚焦。

Brad, what’s your spotlight for this week?


Brad: My spotlight this week is Woopra, the beta analytics package, live tracking analytics has removed their beta tag and they are now open to the public. Essentially Woopra is like I said, live tracking and analytics service and they’re big push is you can literally people as they are kind of traveling through your site. You can watch it in real time. There is no delay. They’ve been in beta for, I believe, over a year. And they finally removed the tag which means, if you create a paid account today, you can join right away. If you want to use a free account, which they do allow, unfortunately, you still have to have an invite but if you are going for a paid account, it’s available today. That’s

布拉德:本周我的关注焦点是Beta版分析工具包Woopra,实时跟踪分析已删除了他们的beta标签,并且现已向公众开放。 从本质上讲,Woopra就像我说的那样,是实时跟踪和分析服务,它们的推动力很大,因为从字面上看,人们可以像他们在您的站点中一样旅行。 您可以实时观看。 没有延迟。 我相信他们已经测试了一年多。 他们最终删除了标签,这意味着,如果您今天创建一个付费帐户,则可以立即加入。 不幸的是,如果您想使用他们允许的免费帐户,则仍然需要邀请,但是如果您要使用付费帐户,则今天可以使用。 那是 。

Kevin: Do you sacrifice any… Their focus on the real-time viewing of users: does that mean that you sacrifice any of the tools for viewing the accumulated statistics over time or would you say it’s just as good as something like Google Analytics?

凯文:您是否牺牲了……他们专注于实时查看用户:这是否意味着您就牺牲了用于随时间查看累积统计信息的任何工具,还是说它与Google Analytics(分析)一样好?

Brad: Well, it doesn’t go as far back as analytics. And I’m trying to remember exactly how far back it goes. I want to say it’s either two months or six months. So, no, it’s definitely not something that would replace like your long term analytics, Google Analytics, or whatever it may be but it’s something you kind of lay on top of it and you kind of see real-time stats of exactly what’s going on through your sites. So maybe you launch a new feature, a new section, you want to see exactly how popular it is at the moment, you can fire up Woopra and watch it. But, yeah, over time it’s not something that you would want to actually replace with your normal analytics package.

布拉德:嗯,它可以追溯到分析之前。 而且我想确切地记得它走了多远。 我想说是两个月或六个月。 So, no, it's definitely not something that would replace like your long term analytics, Google Analytics, or whatever it may be but it's something you kind of lay on top of it and you kind of see real-time stats of exactly what's going on through your sites. So maybe you launch a new feature, a new section, you want to see exactly how popular it is at the moment, you can fire up Woopra and watch it. But, yeah, over time it's not something that you would want to actually replace with your normal analytics package.

Kevin: All right. I dig that. It’s a complimentary service.

凯文:好的。 I dig that. It's a complimentary service.

Patrick: Right. Kind of like crazy egg.

帕特里克:对。 Kind of like crazy egg.

Kevin: Crazy egg.

Kevin: Crazy egg.

Patrick: Not the same but complimentary. Anyway, my host spotlight is a video blog by Jason Keath ( and it’s Social Media, the Bad and the Ugly. It’s actually responding to the panel that I’ll be doing at Blog World Expo, the day after… actually the day this podcast comes out.

Patrick: Not the same but complimentary. Anyway, my host spotlight is a video blog by Jason Keath ( and it's Social Media, the Bad and the Ugly. It's actually responding to the panel that I'll be doing at Blog World Expo, the day after… actually the day this podcast comes out.

He talks about the knee-jerk responses within social media, knee-jerk attack responses to people that are new to the space and how it’s damaging to the space as a whole, and I thought it was a really good piece and a really good video. So I would say to check it out if you’re interested in social media at all and we’ll have a link in the show notes, of course.

He talks about the knee-jerk responses within social media, knee-jerk attack responses to people that are new to the space and how it's damaging to the space as a whole, and I thought it was a really good piece and a really good video. So I would say to check it out if you're interested in social media at all and we'll have a link in the show notes, of course.

Kevin: My spotlight is actually revisiting Brad’s spotlight from last episode. Brad talked about the iPhone client for Dropbox and recommended that.

Kevin: My spotlight is actually revisiting Brad's spotlight from last episode. Brad talked about the iPhone client for Dropbox and recommended that.

I’ve actually been a long time Dropbox user and one of the things that I’ve really been looking forward to is the new version of their desktop client that would sync over the LAN. We used Dropbox a lot for sharing files between the SitePoint online publishing team. The problem we find is that whenever someone within the team drops a sizable file into the shared folder, everyone’s computers in the office immediately start working on downloading that file from the Dropbox servers.

I've actually been a long time Dropbox user and one of the things that I've really been looking forward to is the new version of their desktop client that would sync over the LAN. We used Dropbox a lot for sharing files between the SitePoint online publishing team. The problem we find is that whenever someone within the team drops a sizable file into the shared folder, everyone's computers in the office immediately start working on downloading that file from the Dropbox servers.

Not only does it drain our bandwidth but it’s actually a pretty significant load on the office network when you’ve got, you know, a dozen people sharing the same large file on Dropbox.

Not only does it drain our bandwidth but it's actually a pretty significant load on the office network when you've got, you know, a dozen people sharing the same large file on Dropbox.

Dropbox have long promised a new version that would intelligently detect when people sharing a file were on the same network and transfer that data locally. And although the latest released version of Dropbox still doesn’t do that yet, if you go to the Dropbox forums at, right there at the top of the latest discussions, you’ll see a thread called Latest Forum Build, and it’s version 0.7.32 as we record this, and that’s the version with the LAN syncing in it.

Dropbox have long promised a new version that would intelligently detect when people sharing a file were on the same network and transfer that data locally. And although the latest released version of Dropbox still doesn't do that yet, if you go to the Dropbox forums at, right there at the top of the latest discussions, you'll see a thread called Latest Forum Build , and it's version 0.7.32 as we record this, and that's the version with the LAN syncing in it.

In the past week, I finally got up the courage to install it. Dropbox is a pretty vital piece of our workflow at SitePoint and using a beta version was a little scary so I made sure I had a proper backup strategy in place for those folders before I did this. But having tested it, it works great. Once a new file goes into Dropbox, just as before, the source computer where that file was created still uploads it to the Dropbox servers before the other computers see it but as soon as it’s uploaded to the Dropbox service, the other computers get notified of that new file and then immediately start transferring it over the LAN, over the local network. It’s much faster and much easier on our bandwidth bill.

In the past week, I finally got up the courage to install it. Dropbox is a pretty vital piece of our workflow at SitePoint and using a beta version was a little scary so I made sure I had a proper backup strategy in place for those folders before I did this. But having tested it, it works great. Once a new file goes into Dropbox, just as before, the source computer where that file was created still uploads it to the Dropbox servers before the other computers see it but as soon as it's uploaded to the Dropbox service, the other computers get notified of that new file and then immediately start transferring it over the LAN, over the local network. It's much faster and much easier on our bandwidth bill.

So if you’re a new Dropbox user, an old Dropbox user, and especially if you’re sharing files between multiple computers on the same network, I recommend the latest beta version, it’s working great for me.

So if you're a new Dropbox user, an old Dropbox user, and especially if you're sharing files between multiple computers on the same network, I recommend the latest beta version, it's working great for me.

And that brings us to the end of our show. Let’s go around the table, guys.

And that brings us to the end of our show. Let's go around the table, guys.

Brad: I’m Brad Williams from and you can find me on Twitter @williamsba.

Brad: I'm Brad Williams from and you can find me on Twitter @williamsba .

Patrick: I am Patrick O’Keefe f the IFroggy Network, You can find me on Twitter @ifroggy.

Patrick: I am Patrick O'Keefe f the IFroggy Network, . You can find me on Twitter @ifroggy .

Kevin: And you can follow me on Twitter @sentience, and you can follow SitePoint @sitepointdotcom.

Kevin: And you can follow me on Twitter @sentience , and you can follow SitePoint @sitepointdotcom .

Visit us at to leave comments on the show and to subscribe to receive every show automatically. You can email us at with your questions and comments; we’d love to read them out on the show and give you our advice.

Visit us at to leave comments on the show and to subscribe to receive every show automatically. You can email us at with your questions and comments; 我们很乐意在节目中朗读它们,并为您提供建议。

This episode of the SitePoint Podcast was produced by Karn Broad and I’m Kevin Yank. Bye for now!

这集SitePoint播客是由Karn Broad制作的,我叫Kevin Yank。 暂时再见!

Theme music by Mike Mella.

Mike Mella的主题音乐。

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