
tech2024-01-08  109

Anti-virus software is a necessity for all Windows users. If you believe the scary advertising campaigns, all sorts of nastiness will occur the second you switch on your PC. So why is most anti-virus software badly designed, bloated, overly-complex, and memory-hogging? Do the products make your PC so slow that viruses die of boredom before they can do any damage? The cynic in me thinks commercial operators probably stuff their software full of dross to justify the ludicrously expensive price tags. However, even many of the free products aren’t much better.

所有Windows用户都必须安装防病毒软件。 如果您相信恐怖的广告活动,则在打开PC的第二秒钟就会发生各种各样的麻烦事。 那么,为什么大多数防病毒软件设计不良、,肿,过于复杂且占用大量内存? 这些产品是否会使您的PC变得如此缓慢,以至于病毒在造成任何损害之前会无聊地死亡? 我心中的愤世嫉俗者认为,商业运营商可能会将他们的软件塞满杂物,以证明价格可笑的昂贵。 但是,即使许多免费产品也不是更好。

I’ll stop ranting now and get to the point. Microsoft have finally released their own security package named Security Essentials. It offers protection against viruses, malware, trojans, rootkits, and other malicious software.

我现在不再抱怨,直截了当。 Microsoft终于发布了自己的名为Security Essentials的安全软件包。 它提供了针对病毒,恶意软件,木马,rootkit和其他恶意软件的保护。

The product is free and can be downloaded by anyone using a genuine copy of Windows from the Security Essentials website. Versions are available for Windows XP, Vista, and 7. No registration is required and the software can be installed on any number of PCs without restrictions.

该产品是免费的,任何人都可以从Security Essentials网站上使用Windows的正版副本进行下载。 这些版本可用于Windows XP,Vista和7。无需注册,该软件可以不受限制地安装在任意数量的PC上。

Security Essentials takes over from Windows Live OneCare, a commercial offering that was phased out in June. Although Security Essentials is free, it will not be installed with Windows or provided as an automatic update. That’s probably a wise move: automatic installations could clash with existing anti-virus software. It would also attract unwanted attention form anti-trust regulators, especially in the EU.

Security Essentials接管了Windows Live OneCare,后者是六月份逐步淘汰的商业产品。 尽管Security Essentials是免费的,但不会随Windows一起安装或作为自动更新提供。 这可能是一个明智之举:自动安装可能会与现有的防病毒软件发生冲突。 它还将引起反托拉斯监管机构的不必要关注,尤其是在欧盟。

The big question: is it any good? My full review is now available — see Microsoft Security Essentials: a Review

最大的问题:这有好处吗? 我的完整评论现已发布-请参阅Microsoft Security Essentials:评论

Link: Microsoft Security Essentials website

链接: Microsoft Security Essentials网站

Have you tried Security Essentials? What did you think? What’s the best anti-virus software you’ve found? Or are they all awful?!

您是否尝试过Security Essentials? 你觉得呢? 您找到的最好的防病毒软件是什么? 还是所有人都可怕?

