
tech2024-01-09  101

One of my predictions for last year was that privacy would be a growing concern among mainstream users. I didn’t repeat that prediction this year, but perhaps I should have. The reason? Apparently, younger web users seem to care more about privacy controls. Or at least, they use them more.

我对去年的预测之一是,隐私将成为主流用户日益关注的问题。 我今年没有重复这个预测,但也许我应该重复。 原因? 显然,年轻的网络用户似乎更关心隐私控制。 或者至少,他们更多地使用它们。

According to Facebook chief privacy officer Chris Kelly, more teenagers than adults use privacy controls on the social network, at a rate of 60% to about 25-30%. That’s surprising given the conventional wisdom that younger Internet users tend not to care about the privacy of their data.

根据Facebook首席隐私官克里斯·凯利(Chris Kelly)的说法,使用社交网络上的隐私控制的青少年比成年人多 ,其比例为60%到25%至30%。 鉴于传统的看法,即年轻的互联网用户往往不在乎其数据的隐私性,这令人惊讶。

A recent study from Computer Associates confirms that many teens are at least somewhat concerned with online privacy. That study showed that 79% of teens aged 13-17 who are members of a social networking site like MySpace or Facebook protect their profiles from the general Internet in some way (i.e., only allow friends or friends of friends to view their information).

Computer Associates 最近的一项研究证实,许多青少年至少在某种程度上关注在线隐私。 该研究表明,属于MySpace或Facebook这样的社交网站成员的13-17岁青少年中,有79%通过某种方式(例如,仅允许朋友或朋友的朋友查看其信息)保护其个人资料不受一般Internet的影响。

Profiles on Facebook, of course, are automatically protected from viewing by the Internet at large, but protecting them from the rest of your network requires additional steps. That teens are more likely to utilize Facebook’s granular privacy controls points to one of two things that lead to the same conclusion:

当然,Facebook上的个人资料会自动受到保护,以防止整个Internet进行查看,但是要保护它们不受网络其余部分的影响,则需要采取其他措施。 青少年更有可能利用Facebook的细化隐私控制功能,这是得出相同结论的两件事之一:

Teens care more about online privacy than adults, or,

青少年比成年人更关心在线隐私, 或者

Teens are simply more aware of social networking privacy controls than adults.


If I had to put money on one potential reason for why younger Facebook users are more apt to utilize privacy controls than older users, I’d guess the latter is more likely. Facebook’s privacy controls are not very well publicized and hidden inside multiple menus. Younger users, who might tend to be more web savvy, could just be finding it easier to locate privacy controls. The previously mentioned Computer Associates survey also found that young people are very likely to post pictures of themselves online, which could be another reason why they are more likely to seek out and use granular privacy controls — they have more to keep hidden.

如果我不得不花钱解释为什么年轻的Facebook用户比年长的用户更容易使用隐私控制的原因,我想后者的可能性更大。 Facebook的隐私控制没有得到很好的宣传,并隐藏在多个菜单中。 年轻的用户可能会更精通网络,他们可能会发现更容易找到隐私控制。 先前提到的Computer Associates调查还发现,年轻人很可能会在网上发布自己的照片,这可能是他们更可能寻找并使用精细的隐私控制的另一个原因-他们需要隐藏很多东西。

The conclusion that can be drawn from this, regardless of the reasons, is that privacy and privacy controls will be a growing issue in the future. Younger web users will begin to expect that web sites include increasingly more powerful privacy controls that allow them to more completely regulate how the information they post online is shared with the rest of the world.

无论出于何种原因,由此得出的结论是,隐私和隐私控制将在未来成为一个日益严重的问题。 年轻的网络用户将开始期望网站包含越来越强大的隐私控制,使他们能够更完全地规范他们在网上发布的信息如何与世界其他地方共享。

Specifically for Facebook, that statistic might also be encouraging for any plans to make a run at the business networking crowd. Because Facebook is used by teenagers and young adults to share messages and pictures with friends — i.e., often times things you’d not want shared with your professional network — the site would need rock solid, easy to implement, and very granular privacy controls before it could be used in earnest for any type of business networking. That so many younger users (future members of the working class) are already using such controls is good news for Facebook.

专门针对Facebook,该统计数据可能还会鼓励任何计划在企业网络人群中脱颖而出。 因为青少年和年轻人都使用Facebook与朋友共享消息和图片(即经常与您的专业网络共享您不想共享的内容),所以该站点在使用之前需要扎实,易于实施和非常精细的隐私控制它可以认真地用于任何类型的业务网络。 如此众多的年轻用户(工人阶级的未来成员) 已经在使用此类控件,这对Facebook来说是个好消息。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/surprisingly-younger-users-care-more-about-privacy/
