
tech2024-01-09  92


We’ve all been stuck. Whether it’s when trying to come up with a new design, feeling stagnant with our businesses, or just being completely overwhelmed with everything on our plates. Mind maps can be an effective way to bust through these challenges because they inspire creativity, generate new ideas, help to solve problems, and clear your head.

我们都被困住了。 无论是尝试提出新设计,对我们的业务停滞不前,还是完全不知所措。 思维导图可能是克服这些挑战的有效方法,因为它们可以激发创造力,产生新想法,帮助解决问题并清醒头脑。

What is a mind map?


Psychology author, Tony Buzan, is credited with inventing the process of mind mapping. A mind map is basically a visual version of brainstorming. Instead of making a list of potential solutions for the current issue on your mind, mind maps remove linear restrictions that may prevent you from connecting several ideas to create a better solution. They can be graphical, iconic, keyword-driven or colorful information trees. Here are some examples:

心理学作家托尼·布赞 ( Tony Buzan)发明了思维导图的过程 。 思维导图基本上是集思广益的视觉版本。 心智图并没有列出您脑海中当前问题的潜在解决方案,而是消除了线性限制,这些线性限制可能会阻止您联系多个想法以创建更好的解决方案。 它们可以是图形,图标,关键字驱动或彩色信息树。 这里有些例子:

How do you create a mind map?


While mind maps can be drawn by hand with just a blank sheet of paper and a pencil, you can also use mind map software to create one (see below for some tools). However you create your mind map, here are some of the basics:

虽然可以仅用一张空白的纸和一支铅笔手工绘制思维导图,但是您也可以使用思维导图软件来创建思维导图(有关某些工具,请参见下文)。 无论您如何创建思维导图,这里都有一些基础知识:

Make the center of the page your primary idea of the entire mind map

将页面中心作为整个思维导图的主要思想 Use keywords, images and colors

使用关键字,图片和颜色 Use lines and arrows to create branches and connect one idea to another

使用线条和箭头创建分支并将一个构想与另一个构想联系起来 Avoid thinking too much about it, just put the ideas down as you think of them

避免考虑太多,只是在考虑它们时放下想法 Be creative and make your own rules


What tools can you use?


If you want to try using mind map software to help you create your own, here are some options worth exploring. But don’t forget you just need a piece of paper and a pencil to get started!

如果您想尝试使用思维导图软件来帮助您创建自己的思维导图,那么这里有一些值得探索的选择。 但是不要忘记,您只需要一张纸和一支铅笔就可以开始!

Free Mind This is a Java-based tool that provides drag and drop options, exporting to HTML and one-click navigation. Cost: Free

Free Mind这是一个基于Java的工具,提供拖放选项,导出为HTML和一键式导航。 费用:免费

iMindMap It includes a sketching tool, templates and various export options. Cost: Three versions available, starting at $99 USD

iMindMap它包括草绘工具,模板和各种导出选项。 费用:提供三种版本,起价为$ 99美元

mind42 This tool is a browser-based online tool that provides collaboration, keyboard shortcuts, drag and drop and zooming. Cost: Free

mind42此工具是基于浏览器的在线工具,可提供协作,键盘快捷键,拖放和缩放。 费用:免费

MindMeister Notable features of this web-based tool include exporting options, collaboration ability and offline access. Cost: Free to $6 USD per month

MindMeister这个基于Web的工具的显着功能包括导出选项,协作能力和脱机访问。 费用:每月免费至$ 6 USD

Mindomo This is a web-based tool that provides numerous export options, custom styles, text notes and sharing ability. Cost: Free to $6 USD per month

Mindomo这是一个基于Web的工具,提供许多导出选项,自定义样式,文本注释和共享功能。 费用:每月免费至$ 6 USD

PersonalBrain This tool is available for Windows, Mac and Linux and includes a built-in HTML editor, search functionality and backup options. Cost: Free to $249.95

PersonalBrain该工具可用于Windows,Mac和Linux,并包括内置HTML编辑器,搜索功能和备份选项。 费用:免费至249.95美元

Have you used mind mapping? Did you find it useful? What types of situations do you use it for?

您是否使用过思维导图? 您觉得有用吗? 您将其用于什么类型的情况?

Map #1 credit: Philippe Boukobza Map #2 credit: Tim Regan Map #3 credit: Jonny Goldstein

地图1信用: Philippe Boukobza地图2信用: Tim Regan地图3信用: 乔尼·戈德斯坦

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/mind-maps-for-business/

