
tech2024-01-09  108


When you think stock photos, these days you likely think of crowd content web sites like iStockphoto or stock.xchng, rather than traditional, professionally sourced stock image companies like Getty Images (which actually owns iStockphoto) or Juperiterimages. Had things gone differently a year ago, however, the defining stock photo site might have been Flickr.

当您考虑库存照片时,这些天您可能会想到人群内容网站,例如iStockphoto或stock.xchng ,而不是像传统的,专业来源的库存图像公司(例如Getty Images(实际上拥有iStockphoto)或Juperiterimages)那样。 如果一年前情况有所不同,但是定义性的图片网站可能是Flickr。

Flickr is currently the banner site for photo sharing, but users of the site are required choose a license that at the very least demands attribution (and generally limits use in some way) and selling photos isn’t facilitated. About a year ago at the end of 2007, however, there apparently existed a plan that would have changed that.

Flickr当前是用于照片共享的标语网站,但是该网站的用户必须选择至少要注明出处(通常以某种方式限制使用)的许可证,并且不便于销售照片。 但是,大约在一年前的2007年底,显然存在一项计划将改变这一状况。

TechCrunch wrote today about a recent blog post by UX designer Sarah Cooper detailing her work on a cancelled 2007 project at Flickr called “Flickr Stock.” According to Cooper, “The concept of Flickr Stock was to create an online marketplace where existing Flickr users could offer photos for sale as well as purchase photos taken by others.”

TechCrunch今天写了一篇关于UX设计师Sarah Cooper最近发表的博客文章的内容,详细介绍了她在Flickr上一个被取消的2007年项目“ Flickr Stock”中的工作。 根据库珀的说法,“ Flickr Stock的概念是创建一个在线市场,现有的Flickr用户可以在其中出售要出售的照片,也可以购买他人拍摄的照片。”

The project was apparently abandoned, however, and in July of last year Flickr announced a partnership with Getty Images. Under the terms of that deal, Getty would identify talented Flickr members and approach them about selling their images via a Getty’s marketplace. The partnership is exclusive and invite-only — Getty’s editors control who gets to participate.

然而,该项目显然被放弃了,去年Flickr 宣布与Getty Images 建立合作伙伴关系 。 根据该交易的条款,盖蒂将确定有才华的Flickr成员,并与他们联系,以通过盖蒂的市场出售其图像。 该合作伙伴关系是排他性的且仅受邀请-Getty的编辑控制谁可以参加。

Supposedly, Flickr Stock would have been different and would have been open to all Flickr members. That sounds a lot better to us, and it likely would have been more profitable for Yahoo! — it certainly would have been more profitable for members. Though the financials of the arrangement between Flickr and Getty are unknown, there is a ton of money to be had in crowd produced amateur stock photography. iStock’s 2007 revenue was a healthy $71.9 million, of which $20.9 million was distributed to members in royalties.

假设Flickr股票将有所不同,并且将向所有Flickr成员开放。 对我们来说,这听起来好多了,对于Yahoo!来说,它本来可以赚钱得多。 -对于会员来说,肯定会更有利可图。 尽管Flickr和Getty之间的安排的财务状况未知,但在人群产生的业余股票摄影中还有很多钱。 iStock 2007年的收入为7190万美元 ,其中2090万美元分配给了成员版税。

iStockphoto has just 3.2 million photos for sale — Flickr has over 3 billion images in its galleries. Sure, a good portion of those are things that would never do for stock photos — vacation pictures, party snapshots, screenshots, etc. — but given that Flickr attracts more than its fair share of ultra-talented photographers, it’s a good bet that at least 0.001% of its photos are stock worthy. Likely, that number is a higher.

iStockphoto仅售出320万张照片— Flickr的画廊中有30 亿张图像 。 当然,其中很大一部分是股票照片永远都不会做的事情-度假照片,聚会快照,屏幕截图等。但是,鉴于Flickr吸引的人才远不止于超级摄影师,因此这是一个很好的选择至少有0.001%的照片值得库存。 这个数字可能更高。

If 3 million sale worthy photos means greater than $70 million in revenue each year, Flickr might have passed on a gold mine by canceling Flickr Stock. Further, it would allow the hardcore Flickr users who add so much value to Flickr — many of whom pay for that privilege by upgrading to Pro accounts — to make a little back, and back up a few Brinks trucks to Flickr in process. Flickr Stock would be win-win for everyone (except Getty). Let’s hope Flickr reconsiders.

如果300万张有价值的照片每年意味着超过7000万美元的收入,那么Flickr可能会通过取消Flickr股票来转移金矿。 此外,这将使向Flickr增添如此高价值的坚决Flickr用户(其中​​许多人通过升级到Pro帐户来为此特权付费)回馈,并在过程中将一些Brinks卡车备份到Flickr。 Flickr Stock将为所有人(盖蒂除外)双赢。 希望Flickr重新考虑。

Cooper has removed her blog post, but you can still catch it in the Google cache. Also, be sure to check out our list of 15 stock photo sites where you can sell your photos.

Cooper删除了她的博客文章,但是您仍然可以在Google缓存中捕获它。 另外,请务必查看我们的15个库存照片网站的列表,您可以在其中出售照片 。


