音乐行业的未来:Soulja Boy?

tech2024-01-09  85

Really?! That guy? It might be easy to dismiss Soulja Boy Tell ‘Em (DeAndre Ramone Way), the 18-year-old American rapper who has enjoyed a meteoric rise to fame over the past couple of years as a fad, or a flavor of the week, but that would be a mistake. Soulja Boy has actually laid down a pretty impressive blueprint for success in the ailing music industry by demonstrating a superior knowledge of how social media works and how to market to the web generation.

真?! 那个家伙? 可能很容易就不考虑Soulja Boy Tell'Em(DeAndre Ramone Way),他是18岁的美国说唱歌手,在过去的几年中以一种时尚或一周的风格而声名rise起,但这是一个错误。 实际上,Soulja Boy通过展示对社交媒体如何工作以及如何向网络一代进行营销的丰富知识,实际上已经为处于困境的音乐行业奠定了令人印象深刻的成功蓝图。

Today, at Billboard’s Digital Media Live event at the CES conference, Soulja Boy told a room full of music executives just how he orchestrated his rise to fame and how he plans to stay on top.

今天,在CES会议上Billboard的Digital Media Live活动中,Soulja Boy告诉一个充满音乐高管的会议室,讲述了他如何策划自己的成名以及如何计划保持领先。

Starting in 2004 2005, when he was just 16 15 years old, Soulja Boy started uploading his music to Soundclick.com. The keys to his success, he told music execs, were the social media features of the site that allowed fans to tag his songs as favorites and spread them virally to other users, and then actively track the popularity of those songs. That made users feel invested in his success, and feel personally connected to his music.

从2004年 2005年开始,那时他才16岁15岁,Soulja Boy开始将他的音乐上传到Soundclick.com 。 他告诉音乐高管 ,成功的关键是该网站的社交媒体功能,使粉丝可以将他的歌曲标记为收藏,然后将其病毒传播给其他用户,然后积极跟踪这些歌曲的受欢迎程度。 这使用户感到对他的成功有所投入,并感到自己与他的音乐有联系。

Within a year, Soulja Boy launched a MySpace presence with the help of his cousin, just as the site was hitting its stride in 2005 and becoming the web’s main destination for music. Since, Soulja Boy’s MySpace page has amassed over 59 million views.

在不到一年的时间里,Soulja Boy在他的表弟的帮助下启动了MySpace的业务 ,正当该网站在2005年大步迈进并成为网络音乐的主要目的地时。 自此以来,Soulja Boy的MySpace页面已累积超过5900万的观看次数。

His real success came when he uploaded a music video to YouTube for his single “Crank That,” the polished version of which is one of the most popular ever on the site, as is a follow-on instructional video that teaches viewers the dance featured in the video. The young hip-hop impresario parlayed his massive Internet following into a deal with Interscope Records, and has since been nominated for a Grammy.

他真正的成功来自于他将音乐视频上传到YouTube上的单曲“ Crank That”,其精制版本是该网站上最受欢迎的视频之一,还有一个后续教学视频,该视频向观众介绍了舞蹈的特色。在视频中。 这位年轻的嘻哈舞表演经纪人与Interscope Records达成交易后,他的庞大互联网业务就此兴起,并因此获得了格莱美奖提名。

What makes Soulja Boy special, though, is that he knows how to connect with his fans. While most of the music industry has been focused on keeping fans from playing music where, how, and when they want to, Soulja Boy has done the opposite — he’s reached out to his fans in the very places they live online.

不过,让Soulja Boy如此与众不同的是,他知道如何与歌迷建立联系。 尽管大多数音乐行业一直专注于阻止歌迷在何处,如何以及何时播放音乐,但Soulja Boy却采取了相反的做法–他在网上生活的地方与歌迷接触。

Likely because he’s a teenager himself, Soulja Boy realized early on that music is being played, traded, and discussed on social networks and via mobile phones. So that’s where he focused his plan of attack — YouTube, MySpace, Bebo, etc.

Soulja Boy可能是因为他本人还是个少年,所以很早就意识到在社交网络和通过手机播放,交易和讨论音乐。 因此,他将重点放在了自己的攻击计划上-YouTube,MySpace,Bebo等。

At CES today, mobile and music executives proclaimed that the only new money available for the music industry is in mobile, so guess where Soulja Boy is planning to actively promote himself next? That’s right, mobile, where he’s already building another network of fans.

在今天的CES上,移动和音乐管理人员宣称,音乐行业唯一可用的新资金是移动设备 ,因此,请猜一想Soulja Boy下一步计划如何积极提升自己? 是的,移动的,他已经在那里建立了另一个粉丝网络。

His MySpace page prominently lists his new SayNow phone number, where Soulja Boy has amassed yet another huge fan base (he’s the site’s second most popular client right now). The phone number allows the budding music mogul to connect with fans via mobile phones (where Soulja Boy is actually already active, having sold over 5 million ringtones), and market directly to them with promotions and special advertising messages.

他的MySpace页面上醒目地列出了他的新SayNow电话号码,Soulja Boy在这里积累了又一个巨大的粉丝群(他是该网站目前第二受欢迎的客户)。 该电话号码允许萌芽的音乐大亨通过手机与粉丝建立联系(Soulja Boy实际上已经活跃了,已经售出了500万首铃声),并通过促销和特殊广告信息直接向他们推销。

“I have 1 million subscribers right now, and I have had over 30 million calls from around the world,” said Soulja Boy today of his mobile strategy. “It’s in China, Italy — it’s all over the world… What that does is we have a way to capitalize revenue on that.”

Soulja Boy今天谈到他的移动策略时说: “我现在有100万用户,来自世界各地的电话超过3000万。” “它在中国,意大利-在世界各地……这是我们有办法从中获利。”

Soulja Boy also recently launched a shoe line, a cartoon, and has a video game in the works. “Album sales are on the decline right now,” he said today. Soulja Boy understands that the economics of the Internet are pushing the price of recorded music toward free, but that there is still plenty of money to be made by establishing a base of “true fans” that will eat up other marketing message based around an artist’s personal brand. The rest of the music industry should pay attention: Soulja Boy’s method is the future.

Soulja Boy最近还推出了卡通鞋系列,并正在制作视频游戏。 他说:“目前专辑销量正在下​​降。” Soulja Boy知道互联网的经济正在将唱片音乐的价格推向免费 ,但是通过建立“真正的粉丝”基础仍然可以赚很多钱,这些粉丝将吞噬基于艺术家的音乐的其他营销信息。个人品牌。 音乐界其他人士应注意:Soulja Boy的方法是未来。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/the-future-of-the-music-business-soulja-boy/
