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I tested a private beta today called thisMoment, and it was fascinating.
The service is focused on the idea of “You over Time,” with both personal and collective aspects that allow users to create a digital reflection of their lives. Through photos, video, blogging, other media and social elements, thisMoment effectively creates a user experience unlike any I know of (the closest that comes to mind is Jeremy Keith’s Adactio Elsewhere).
该服务的重点是“随着时间的流逝而来的您”的概念,其中包括个人和集体方面的内容,使用户可以创建自己生活的数字化反映。 通过照片,视频,博客,其他媒体和社交元素,thisMoment有效地创造了一种用户体验,这与我所知道的不同(我想到的最接近的是Jeremy Keith的Adactio Elsewhere )。
Imagine Twitter, FriendFeed, Flickr, Delicious, Facebook, MySpace and more, all packed inside a beautiful and functional box. This is a very well put together development — but given who is behind it, this is not a huge surprise.
想象一下Twitter,FriendFeed,Flickr,Delicious,Facebook,MySpace等,它们都装在一个美观实用的盒子中。 这是一个很好的组合开发,但是考虑到背后的支持者,这并不是一个很大的惊喜。
Read on: the first 20 SitePoint readers to follow the link at the end of the post will receive an exclusive invite to try thisMoment.
Everything at thisMoment revolves around three basic actions:
creating moments in time, 创造时间 sharing these moments, 分享这些时刻, and viewing moments of your own, family members, friends or communities. 以及查看您自己,家人,朋友或社区的时刻。Though it doesn’t feel cluttered, the thisMoment interface effectively takes up the whole screen, so bear with me while I describe some of the elements individually.
A profile page of thisMoment -- note the timeline
As I said, thisMoment is about a user’s (or group of users’) life moments. Imagine a rich graphical and interactive timeline of media that anyone can share or view -– a footprint if you will, on the sandy digital beach. The interface is an elegant step-by-step process with seemingly limitless input and output options. Creating a life moment and sharing it can be either fast and simple or inclusive of multiple elements for a more deep presentation. Users can:
如我所说,thisMoment与用户(或一组用户)的生活时刻有关。 想象一下一个丰富的图形化和交互式媒体时间表,任何人都可以共享或观看,如果您愿意的话,这是在沙滩数字海滩上的足迹。 该界面是一个优雅的逐步过程,具有看似无限制的输入和输出选项。 创建生活瞬间并与之分享可以是快速而简单的,也可以包括多个元素以进行更深入的介绍。 用户可以:
name and describe — clicking on the “create a moment” tab launches the “moment maker” menu. The user inputs title and description, decides on single or group event and indicating (via the cute little mascot you will notice) how this moment made the user feel.
命名和描述 -单击“创建时刻”选项卡将启动“时刻制作者”菜单。 用户输入标题和描述,确定单个事件或组事件,并(通过您将注意到的可爱小吉祥物)指示这一刻如何使用户感到。
add friends — people can be added to moments by clicking on their names or via a search field. If they are not within the thisMoment community, the service allows users to search their address books. Failing that, a user might simply create and account for a family member or friend with that person’s email address. (not sure I like this). Adding children and pets, obviously without email, is simply done via these account types.
添加朋友 -通过单击其姓名或通过搜索字段,可以将人们添加到时刻。 如果他们不在thisMoment社区内,则该服务允许用户搜索其地址簿。 如果失败,则用户可能只是使用该人的电子邮件地址创建一个家庭成员或朋友并对其进行帐户说明。 (不确定我喜欢这个)。 添加儿童和宠物(显然无需电子邮件),只需通过这些帐户类型即可完成。
specify when and where — This can be very specific, or not, as it suits you. These details set the life moment on the user’s timeline.
指定何时何地 -这可能非常具体,也可能不适合您。 这些细节在用户的时间轴上设置了生命时刻。
capture video, images, links and more — Each moment on the timeline is viewable via the “moment theater”, and can include any or all selected media. Users can either search from within the moment maker interface between a shared community index or via their various online services.
捕获视频,图像,链接等 —时间轴上的每个时刻都可以通过“时刻剧院”查看,并且可以包括任何或所有选定的媒体。 用户可以在共享社区索引之间的时刻创建者界面中进行搜索,也可以通过其各种在线服务进行搜索。
Moment creation interface 1
Note search for Bond and YouTube result
I had to crunch all of this, but note the mosaic and timeline above
Once one or more of these moments are created, a user can easily share a lifestream that includes rich media and text — footprints of their past, present and even future. The result, is a sort of “Twitter ala Steven Spielberg” if you will.
一旦创建了这些时刻中的一个或多个,用户就可以轻松共享包括富媒体和文本(包括他们过去,现在甚至未来的足迹)在内的生命周期。 结果是,如果您愿意的话,便是一种“ Twitter ala Steven Spielberg”。
Sharing moments or one’s entire time/life line is simple. When the user exits the moment maker interface, several settings allow for progressively larger groups of people to share moments. They range from personal, where only the user can see the moment, to public, where everyone including those on Facebook, Twitter and the like can view. Obviously, mailing moments, sharing via other services (via linked notification) and via subscribed friends are the default methods.
分享时刻或一个人的整个时间/生活很简单。 当用户退出时刻记录程序界面时,一些设置可允许越来越多的人共享时刻。 它们的范围从个人(只有用户可以看到该时刻)到公开(包括Facebook,Twitter等)的所有人都可以查看。 显然,默认的方法是发送邮件,通过其他服务(通过链接的通知)和通过订阅的朋友共享。
The Moment Theater is where users can view a brief description of the moment, and any photos or videos that define each moment. The users simply hit play to view moments, or alternatively, they control the playback using the next or previous arrows. By clicking on any name or image throughout the platform, users are taken to this Movie Theater. Through the different modes; different takes, seize the moment, people of the moment, and on to links and stats, viewing is designed to allow for maximum flexibility and perspective.
在Moment Theatre,用户可以在其中查看该时刻的简短说明以及定义该时刻的任何照片或视频。 用户只需点击播放即可查看时刻,或者,他们可以使用下一个或上一个箭头控制播放。 通过在整个平台上单击任何名称或图像,用户将被带到该电影院。 通过不同的模式; 不同的拍摄方式,抓住当下,当下的人物,以及链接和统计信息,查看旨在最大程度地提高灵活性和视角。
Half of the Moment Theater in mosaic mode
The timeline is the central component of the UI. It is also one of the most striking aesthetically and symbolically. It allows easy access to a user’s moments, as well as being customizable, with dynamic highlight thumbnails and other functions. The thin bars you see can be configured to represent anything from a family event to a business trip. The importance of timeline elements is designated by the height of vertical the bars, while color keying the bars allows for separating friend events from personal and etc.
时间轴是用户界面的中心组成部分。 它也是美学和象征意义上最引人注目的之一。 它具有动态突出显示的缩略图和其他功能,可轻松访问用户的时刻并进行自定义。 您可以看到的细条可以配置为代表从家庭活动到商务旅行的所有内容。 时间轴元素的重要性由竖线的高度指定,而竖线的颜色键可将朋友事件与个人事件等分开。
A segment of the timeline -- past to present and future.
Other elements of thisMoment mirror earlier developments in social networks in that all the functionality is there in the one place. However, thisMoment has made virtually all of the standard features we might come to expect more beautiful, useful and integrated. Though simple to use and navigate, every single component from “My Messages” to “My People” has many facets. thisMoment seems to have covered and added a twist to everything we’ve come to expect, and then “refreshed it all.”
thisMoment的其他元素反映了社交网络的早期发展,因为所有功能都在一个地方 。 但是,thisMoment几乎使我们期望所有的标准功能更加美观,有用和集成。 尽管易于使用和导航,但从“我的消息”到“我的人”的每个组件都有很多方面。 thisMoment似乎已经涵盖了我们期望的所有内容,并增加了一些内容,然后“刷新了所有内容”。
The platform is actually too deep and feature-rich to explain completely in a single blog post. While quite complex both in its design and in the nature of content that is displayed, I actually found thisMoment to be easier to work with than Facebook and many other related services. The integration efforts are extensive too — users can pull in content from Yahoo! Mail, GMail, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, Photobucket, Wikipedia, Google, Picasa and Amazon (with the last three being searchable and usable from within the moment creator interface).
该平台实际上太深且功能丰富,无法在单个博客文章中进行完整说明。 尽管它的设计和所显示内容的性质非常复杂,但实际上我发现thisMoment比Facebook和许多其他相关服务更易于使用。 集成工作也很广泛-用户可以从Yahoo!提取内容。 邮件,GMail,Facebook,YouTube,Flickr,Photobucket,Wikipedia,Google,Picasa和Amazon(在当前创建者界面中,最后三个可搜索和使用)。
thisMoment is being developed by a handful of ex-Yahoo! employees, including Vince Broady (former Head of Games and Youth) and Scott Bedard (former Head of Product Integration). Given the experience that the team has building high quality entertainment sites for Yahoo!, and platforms for CNET like and, it’s no surprise that thisMoment is so slick and polished — both from a technical and user experience point of view.
thisMoment由少数前Yahoo!开发。 员工,包括文斯·布罗迪(Vince Broady)(前游戏和青少年主管)和斯科特·贝达德(Scott Bedard)(前产品集成主管)。 考虑到该团队已经为Yahoo!建立了高质量的娱乐网站以及TV.com和MP3.com等CNET平台的经验,从技术和用户体验的角度来看,thisMoment如此精巧和精巧也就不足为奇了。 。
thisMoment uses jQuery on the front-end, a custom PHP framework as its back-end programming language, and MySQL for data storage, as well as memcached and memcachedb for caching. While currently in beta, the first 20 SitePoint readers to follow this link will be some of the first to enjoy thisMoment.
thisMoment在前端使用jQuery,将自定义PHP框架作为其后端编程语言,并使用MySQL进行数据存储,并使用memcached和memcachedb进行缓存。 目前处于测试阶段, 前20位SitePoint读者将访问此链接 , 这将是最早使用thisMoment的一些读者 。
This new service incorporates virtually every aspect of what the social Web has coveted. From beautiful aesthetics, to deep preference customization and very rich sharing innovations, thisMoment has emulated and largely bested developments from social aggregation, bookmarking and lifestreaming. There is no doubt in my mind that this will be one of the developments to watch this year. My recent discovery of who the developers are solidifies my belief in this development — Yahoo! has always been long on designers and developers and short on managing.
这项新服务几乎囊括了社交网络令人垂涎的各个方面。 从美丽的美学,到深层的喜好定制和非常丰富的共享创新,thisMoment模仿并在很大程度上超越了社交聚集,收藏夹和生活流媒体的发展。 我毫无疑问,这将是今年值得关注的事态发展之一。 我最近发现的开发人员是谁,巩固了我对这一开发的信念-Yahoo! 设计师和开发人员历来很长,管理却很短。
No wonder this little surprise looks so good — I just wonder who is running Yahoo! these days …
难怪这个小小的惊喜看起来好极了-我只是想知道谁在运行Yahoo! 这些日子 …
acm 巧妙借助二进制