
tech2024-01-10  102

Actually, I have been working toward going green and being more earth-friendly with my business for a while. And since April is Earth Month, I thought I’d share some of the ways I’m trying to make my business more environmentally conscious. Maybe you can implement a few of these in your own day-to-day activities this month and going forward.

实际上,一段时间以来,我一直在努力实现绿色环保并更加环保。 而且由于四月是地球月,所以我想我会分享一些我的方法,以使我的企业更加环保。 也许您可以在本月及以后的日常活动中实现其中一些功能。

Working from home, I have complete control over my work environment. Among the benefits of working from home, there are a lot of things I can do to make my home and work environment more earth-friendly. One of the easiest ways is simply turning off the lights and shutting down your equipment (and the surge protector) when you’re not working. This is an easy habit to adopt and then carry throughout all rooms in your home.

在家里工作,我可以完全控制自己的工作环境。 在在家工作的好处中,我可以做很多事情来使我的家庭和工作环境对地球更友好。 最简单的方法之一就是在不工作时关掉灯并关闭设备(和电涌保护器)。 这是一个容易养成的习惯,然后随身携带到您家中的所有房间。

In terms of marketing activities, I don’t do any physical mailings anymore. Aside from never being very successful for me, mailings use a heck of a lot of resources for a comparatively low response rate. E-mail marketing is less expensive, quicker and less wasteful than direct mail. Sure, you can make the argument that e-mail blasts may waste the time of the recipient, but that’s another issue.

在营销活动方面,我不再做任何实际邮件。 除了对我而言从来没有取得过成功之外,邮件还使用了大量的资源来降低响应速度。 与直接邮件相比,电子邮件营销更便宜,更快捷,更浪费。 当然,您可以说电子邮件爆炸可能会浪费收件人的时间,但这是另一个问题。

What about online purchases? Do you print all of your receipts from items purchased online? I make close to 100% of my business purchases online, but instead of printing hard copies of receipts, I make them PDFs and file them on my computer. I separate them by month, then at month’s end, I zip up the files and send them to my bookkeeper. I also keep the zipped file archived on my system and as part of my back-up files should I ever need it.

网上购物如何? 您是否从网上购买的商品打印所有收据? 我几乎有100%的业务是在线购买的,但是我没有打印收据的硬拷贝,而是制作了PDF并将其归档到计算机上。 我按月分开,然后在月底将文件压缩并发送给我的簿记员。 我还将压缩文件存档在我的系统上,并且在需要时作为备份文件的一部分。

Here are some other green activities I’ve been incorporating in my business to increase my environmental consciousness:


Using compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs

使用紧凑型荧光灯(CFL)灯泡 Avoiding printing whenever necessary and printing double-sided when I do have to print


Using an energy-saving power strip that autoswitches to conserve electricity


Billing my clients electronically


Using a reusable water bottle during the day


Recycling paper, ink cartridges, cans, bottles, etc.


Using chlorine-free post-consumer recycled paper


Decorating with live plants to improve the air quality

用活植物装饰以改善空气质量 Going paperless with all of my financial statements

我的所有财务报表无纸化 Using energy settings on laptops and monitors

在笔记本电脑和显示器上使用能源设置 Shredding paper to use in our worm composter (I admit, this one is managed by my husband!)


Opting out of catalog mailings


Creating electronic marketing materials

制作电子营销材料 Paying bills online


I still have a long list of other things I’d like to do to become even more earth-friendly with my business, including using soy-based ink, going completely paperless, and using green office supplies. I think the most important thing is that we all do something, even if it seems insignificant. The process of thinking in terms of reducing your carbon footprint will eventually become habit if you do it enough, and collectively, our efforts really do matter.

为了使自己的业务对地球更加友好,我还有很多其他事情要做,包括使用大豆墨水,完全无纸化和使用绿色办公用品。 我认为最重要的是,即使看起来微不足道,我们每个人都会做某事。 如果您做了足够的努力,那么减少碳足迹的思考过程最终将成为习惯,而总的来说,我们的努力确实很重要。

What do you do to make your business greener? Will you give any of these things a try? Image credit: resignent

您如何做才能使您的业务更环保? 您会尝试这些东西吗? 图片来源: 可贵

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/my-business-is-going-green-for-earth-month/
