
tech2024-01-10  88


Making the move to working for yourself isn’t always easy, regardless of how prepared you are. And if you’ve become self-employed as a result of circumstances beyond your control, it can be even more difficult. Being successful at freelancing takes a combination of freelance-friendly personality characteristics and an ability to face and conquer challenges. Here’s a look at the benefits, challenges and some must-have characteristics and traits that make a freelancer successful.

无论您准备得如何,迈向自己工作的举动并不总是那么容易。 而且,如果您由于无法控制的情况而成为个体经营者,那就更加困难了。 成功实现自由职业需要兼顾自由职业者的个性特征和应对挑战的能力。 以下是使自由职业者成功的好处,挑战和一些必备特征。

The Benefits


Being self-employed comes with a great set of benefits. Not only can you get rid of a long and unproductive commute and wear whatever you want, but you are the boss. Now, that’s a benefit. Here are a few more:

个体经营有很多好处。 您不仅可以摆脱漫长而无用的通勤,并且可以穿任何衣服,而且您是老板。 现在,这是一个好处。 这里还有一些:

You set your own hours.

您可以设置自己的时间。 You choose the work you do.

您选择自己要做的工作。 You have unlimited earning potential.

您有无限的赚钱潜力。 You can work from anywhere.

您可以在任何地方工作。 You get to reap the rewards from your hard work.

您将从自己的辛勤工作中获得回报。 You can take time off without clearing it with anyone.

您可以休假而无需与任何人清除。 You can tend to family, house, and other non-work issues.


One of the biggest plusses I’ve found from being self-employed is that your career is what you make of it. You can get rid of all of the limitations and definitions — such as being a “Web Designer” or a “Programmer” — and create your own perfect career that’s a combination of everything you love without the things you don’t love. You have control of your future. It’s an exciting prospect.

我从个体经营中获得的最大好处之一就是您的职业就是您的职业。 您可以摆脱所有局限性和定义,例如成为“ Web Designer”或“ Programmer”,并创建自己的完美职业,将自己喜欢的一切结合在一起,没有自己不喜欢的事物。 您可以控制自己的未来。 这是一个令人兴奋的前景。

The Challenges


While they can be vastly different from your office-working counterparts, freelancing has it’s own set of challenges. One part of being a successful freelancer is being able to handle whatever comes your way. Things like:

尽管自由职业者可能与您的办公室工作者截然不同,但自由职业有其自身的挑战。 成为一名成功的自由职业者的一部分就是能够处理您遇到的任何问题。 像:

Not getting paid

没有得到报酬 Having difficulty finding work

找不到工作 Not having a marketing budget

没有营销预算 Being unable to get health insurance

无法获得健康保险 Having difficulty networking

联网困难 Feeling isolated

感到孤立 Dealing with difficult clients without any support


Facing burnout


Unfortunately, all of these things are common freelancer challenges. But the challenges themselves are not a reason to ditch your freelancing dreams. You just need to be prepared to deal with them if and when they happen. The Must-Have’s

不幸的是,所有这些都是自由职业者的共同挑战。 但是挑战本身并不是放弃自由职业梦想的理由。 您只需要准备好在它们发生时以及何时进行处理。 必须具备的

Most freelancers, business owners and others who are self-employed have similar personality traits, lifestyles and other characteristics that support their success. You will need at least some of the must-have items on this list in order to be successful at freelancing:

大多数自由职业者,企业主和其他个体经营者具有相似的性格特征,生活方式和支持其成功的其他特征。 为了成功实现自由职业,您将至少需要此列表上的一些必备物品:


驾驶 Passion for what you do

对你所做的事充满热情 Practicality

实用性 Networking ability

联网能力 Hard work

努力工作 Discipline

学科 Thirst for knowledge

渴求知识 Time management skills

时间管理技巧 Support from family and friends

家人和朋友的支持 Risk-taking mindset

冒险思维 Patience

忍耐 Thick skin

厚脸皮 Good communication skills


The most important traits you can have as a freelancer, I think, are drive and passion. Many of these other items can be learned and improved with time, but you are either driven to succeed or you’re not. And you need to love what you’re doing to sustain that kind of drive on a long-term basis. Those two traits are a powerful combo, and I don’t think I have ever met a successful freelancer who made it the distance without having both.

我认为,作为自由职业者可以拥有的最重要的特征是动力和激情。 随着时间的推移,可以学习和改进许多其他项目,但是您要么被驱动成功,要么就没有成功。 而且,您需要热爱自己为长期维持这种动力所做的工作。 这两个特征是一个强大的组合,而且我认为我从未遇到过一个成功的自由职业者,他在没有这两个特征的情况下保持距离。

What do you think makes a successful freelancer?


Image credit: layoff

图片来源: 裁员


