
tech2024-01-10  111


The European Commission has started legal action against the UK Government following its failure to protect the privacy of British internet users. The case was instigated following trials of Phorm; a system that analyses an individuals internet traffic and content for the purposes of targeted advertising. UK telecoms giant, British Telecom, has admitted to secretly testing Phorm without user’s consent during 2006 and 2007.

由于未能保护英国互联网用户的隐私,欧盟委员会已开始对英国政府采取法律行动。 该案是在Phorm案审判后提起的; 一种系统,可针对个人广告目的分析个人的互联网流量和内容。 英国电信巨头英国电信已承认在2006年至2007年间未经用户同意秘密测试了Phorm。

As we reported in March, Sir Tim Berners-Lee addressed members of the UK Government about his fears for internet privacy following the introduction of Phorm and other deep packet inspection systems. Viviane Reding, the European Union Commissioner for Information Society and Media, announced the first stage of the action:

正如我们在三月份报道的那样 ,蒂姆·伯纳斯·李爵士(Tim Berners-Lee)向英国政府成员致辞,介绍了在引入Phorm和其他深层数据包检测系统后,他担心互联网隐私。 欧盟信息社会与媒体专员Viviane Reding宣布了行动的第一阶段:

Technologies such as internet behavioural advertising can be useful for businesses and consumers but they must be used in a way that complies with EU rules.


A person’s information can only be used with their prior consent. We cannot give up this basic principle, and have all our exchanges monitored, surveyed and stored, in exchange for a promise of “more relevant” advertisements. I will not shy away from taking action where an EU country falls short of this duty.

一个人的信息只能在他们事先同意的情况下使用。 我们不能放弃这一基本原则,而要监视,调查和存储我们所有的交流,以换取“更相关”广告的承诺。 我不会回避在欧盟国家未能履行职责的情况下采取行动。

The European Commission has received hundreds of complaints from UK internet users regarding the Phorm trials. Following discussions with the UK Government, the Commission is concerned that personal data is not being adequately protected. Furthermore, there are problems with the way the UK has implemented EU rules regarding the confidentiality of electronic communications:

欧盟委员会收到了来自英国互联网用户的数百起有关Phorm试用的投诉。 经过与英国政府的讨论,委员会对个人数据没有得到充分保护感到关注。 此外,英国实施有关电子通信机密性的欧盟规则的方式也存在问题:

Although UK law makes it an offence to unlawfully intercept communications, the scope of this offence is limited to “intentional” interception only.

尽管英国法律将非法拦截通信定为犯罪,但该犯罪的范围仅限于“故意”拦截。 According to the same law, interception is considered to be lawful when the interceptor has “reasonable grounds for believing” that consent to interception has been given.


The Commission has given the UK Government two months to respond to their infringement proceeding. Ultimately, the case could be referred to the European Court of Justice for an alleged breach of EU directives.

委员会已给英国政府两个月的时间来回应其侵权诉讼。 最终,该案可能因涉嫌违反欧盟指令而移交给欧洲法院。

In addition, both Amazon and Wikipedia have recently announced they are opting out of Phorm’s controversial targeted advertising technology.


Is this the end for deep packet inspection systems? Will it be necessary for more high-profile websites to opt-out? Or is it too late to stop internet traffic snooping?

深度包检查系统到此结束了吗? 退出更多知名网站是否有必要? 还是停止监听互联网流量为时已晚?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/big-brother-britain/

