
tech2024-01-10  99


The future of entertainment on the Web still boils down to dollars and cents, as the Screen Actors Guild and Hollywood studios try to hammer out an agreement. On Tuesday, talks resumed after an eight month long impasse over artist’s share of Web revenues. The core issue is that the SAG is demanding the same money for Web distribution as that of TV and movies. Studios argue, Web revenues will not support the same model. Meanwhile, what we see on the Web, and at what price, remain central issues.

随着影视演员协会和好莱坞制片厂试图达成一项协议,网络娱乐的未来仍然可以归结为美元和美分。 周二 ,关于艺术家的网络收入份额陷入僵局长达八个月的僵局之后,恢复了谈判。 核心问题是SAG要求与电视和电影一样的Web发行资金。 制片厂认为,网络收入将无法支持相同的模型。 同时,我们在网络上看到的东西以及价格如何仍然是中心问题。

The SAG’s base rate of $759 per day, for every actor, in every production distributed via online video, runs contrary to the way Web consumers think in the first place. Free, is the online dogma for everything from music to software, and shifting this philosophy has proven futile in most regards. Web entertainment, as far as professionally produced content, remains an amateur’s market according to experts. So, where does this leave us with regard to our viewing pleasure? In this case, and perhaps for the first time, the Hollywood studios are right.

SAG每天每位演员在通过在线视频分发的每部作品中的基本费率为759美元,这与网络消费者的初衷相反。 从音乐到软件,免费是在线教条,在许多方面,转变这种哲学已被证明是徒劳的。 专家认为,就专业制作的内容而言,网络娱乐仍然是业余市场。 那么,就我们的观看乐趣而言,这在哪里呢? 在这种情况下,也许是第一次,好莱坞制片厂是对的。

在线电视的黑白 (The Black and White of Online TV)

YouTube garners about 40 percent of the online video market, while its competitors slice the “viewing pie” a dozen or more ways. YouTube claims hundreds of amateur video posters make thousands in ad revenue, but even billions of views cannot pay what SAG suggests. Even Hulu’s rerun distribution of TV shows only represents about 1.7 percent of the total Web viewing audience, so if YouTube is not financially viable – then how can Hulu be?

YouTube赢得了大约40%的在线视频市场,而竞争对手则以十几种或更多方式削减了“观看派”。 YouTube声称成百上千的业余视频海报可带来数千美元的广告收入,但即使数十亿的观看次数也无法支付SAG的建议。 甚至Hulu重新播放的电视节目也仅占Web浏览观众总数的1.7%,因此,如果YouTube在财务上不可行-那么Hulu会如何?

Video and online TV were great calling cards for Web 2.0 and the Internet as an entertainment platform. Joost, Veoh TV, and a vast array of “possibles” have yet to “show the money”, at least in the wheelbarrow full proportions the SAG is demanding.

视频和在线电视是Web 2.0和作为娱乐平台的Internet的绝佳名片。 Joost , Veoh TV和各种各样的“可能”还没有“展示金钱”,至少在独轮车要求的全部比例的独轮车中。

光明的未来–不是现在 (Bright Future – Not Now)

According to UCLA professor, film expert and author Howard Huber, “So far, nobody has the imagination to figure out what new thing you can provide on the Internet that you can’t get in any other medium. “ My thinking on this is, if Hollywood cannot figure out how to do it, it may not get done.

加州大学洛杉矶分校教授,电影专家和作家霍华德·胡伯(Howard Huber)表示:“到目前为止,没有人能想象出您可以在互联网上提供哪些其他任何媒体都无法提供的新事物。 “我的想法是,如果好莱坞无法弄清楚该怎么做,那就可能无法完成。

One bright idea in the form subscription based model (Epix) from Studio 3 Networks, may be a partial solution. The bottom line appears evident, sooner or later Web users will have to pay. The problem for Web producers will be in competing with TV as always, and there is no current advantage for Web video, other than convenience and price.

Studio 3 Networks的基于表单订阅的模型(Epix)中的一个好主意可能是部分解决方案。 底线显而易见,Web用户迟早需要付费。 Web制片人面临的问题将是与往常一样与电视竞争,而Web视频目前没有优势,除了便利性和价格之外。

结论 (Conclusion)

The Web as a medium for distribution and monetization is still in its infancy. Hollywood studios, and nearly every other business entity still seem baffled as to how to best utilize its revenue potential. This latest news about SAG’s demands reflects a much wider dilemma, but show business for Web consumers may consist of the same old reruns of copyright battles versus YouTube goofy videos, for the foreseeable future.

Web作为分发和货币化的媒介仍处于起步阶段。 好莱坞电影制片厂以及几乎所有其他业务实体似乎仍然对如何最好地利用其创收潜力感到困惑。 有关SAG需求的最新消息反映出更为广泛的两难境地,但在可预见的将来,面向网络消费者的演艺业务可能包含相同的版权争夺战与YouTube高飞的视频。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/pay-hollywood/

