
tech2024-01-10  100


Author and investor Guy Kawasaki posted a poll today asking, “How much would you pay to use Twitter?” Surprisingly, about 50% said they would pay some amount, the majority thinking the service worth $5 per month. That idea seems so reprehensible to blogger Mike Arrington (probably one of the service’s heaviest users with over 30,000 followers), that he a quickly urged his thousands of blog readers to vote for the $0 option. (Which is why that 50% figure is rapidly declining.)

作者兼投资人盖伊·川崎(Guy Kawasaki) 今天发表了一项民意调查,问:“使用Twitter,您要付多少钱?” 令人惊讶的是,大约50%的人表示愿意支付一定的费用,大多数人认为该服务每月价值5美元。 这个想法对于博客作者Mike Arrington(可能是该服务中最重的用户之一,拥有30,000多个追随者)似乎是应有的谴责,以至于他Swift敦促成千上万的博客读者投票赞成$ 0选项。 (这就是为什么50%的数字Swift下降的原因。)

The results aren’t particularly surprising, though. Arrington himself famously wrote last April, “I now need Twitter more than Twitter needs me.” Many people have come to rely on the service and the networks they have built for themselves through it. So it follows that a number of Twitter users would be willing to pay for the service.

不过,结果并不特别令人惊讶。 阿灵顿本人在去年四月著名地写道:“我现在比Twitter需要我更多地需要Twitter。” 许多人开始依靠他们通过服务为自己建立的服务和网络。 因此,许多Twitter用户愿意为该服务付费。

In fact, in an April poll on TechCrunch, about 25% of respondents said they would pay to have ads removed on Twitter if they service started putting ads in the feed (and 50% supported the idea of ads — which might be a better way to generate revenue than to charge end users directly).

实际上,在4月份TechCrunch的一项民意测验中 ,约有25%的受访者表示,如果他们开始将广告放入Feed中,他们将为在Twitter上删除广告付费(而50%的受访者支持广告的想法-这可能是一种更好的方法产生收入,而不是直接向最终用户收费)。

That said, a July interview with Twitter founder Evan Williams, also on TechCrunch, indicates that charging casual users is not something Twitter is planning on doing any time soon. So Arrington, who seems to have a short memory, need not worry. What they might be looking at, according to Williams in the interview, is charging corporate users.

话虽如此,7月份还在TechCrunch上对Twitter创始人Evan Williams的采访表明,向休闲用户收费并不是Twitter计划在不久的将来进行的事情。 因此,似乎记忆力不足的阿灵顿不必担心。 威廉姆斯在接受采访时说,他们可能在看的是向企业用户收费。

Given the results of that April poll, it might be wise for Twitter to instead think about charging for ad-free accounts. Following the Get Satisfaction model, Twitter could likely do very well charging corporate users to remove third party advertising from their accounts.

鉴于四月份的民意测验结果,Twitter最好考虑对无广告账户收费。 遵循“ 获得满意度”模型 ,Twitter可以很好地向公司用户收取从其帐户中删除第三方广告的费用。

Would you pay for Twitter? Let us know in the comments.

您会为Twitter付费吗? 让我们在评论中知道。

Another option: transactions. A new startup that launched today Twitpay, allows users to send and receive money via Twitter. The service handles transactions form $0.01 to $50. It takes a 5 cent fee on any transactions over 99 cents, and allows users to promise money to other Twitter users and have the transaction completed automatically once their accounted is funded to above the promised amount.

另一种选择:交易。 今天启动的Twitpay一家新的创业公司,允许用户通过Twitter收发资金。 该服务处理$ 0.01到$ 50的交易形式。 任何超过99美分的交易都将收取5美分的费用,并且允许用户向其他Twitter用户承诺资金,并且一旦其帐户的资金超过承诺金额,交易将自动完成。

Speaking of Twitter, remember that you can get a free copy of SitePoint’s The Art & Science of CSS book just by following @sitepointdotcom on Twitter! Visit our Twitaway page for more details. You can also follow me @catone, though I can’t give you any free stuff.

说到Twitter,请记住,只需在Twitter上关注@sitepointdotcom ,即可免费获得SitePoint的《 CSS的艺术与科学》一书! 请访问我们的Twitaway页面以获取更多详细信息。 您也可以关注我@catone ,尽管我不能给您任何免费的东西。


