
tech2024-01-10  99


Firefox will reportedly drop Google search as the default search engine in favor of Russian-based Yandex in official Russian builds of version 3.1. According to Mozilla General Counsel Harvey Anderson, the reason behind the change was a study of Russian user behavior conducted by Mozilla that concluded that Russian users wanted direct access to Yandex more than they did Google.

据报道,Firefox将在默认的俄语版本3.1中将Google搜索作为默认搜索引擎,而转而使用基于俄语的Yandex 。 根据Mozilla总法律顾问Harvey Anderson的说法,此更改背后的原因是Mozilla对俄罗斯用户行为进行的研究得出的结论是,俄罗斯用户比Google更加希望直接访问Yandex。

That’s not overly surprising, since in Russia Yandex controls the search market at about 43-45% of all searches. As we reported in September, there are just five countries globally that Google doesn’t currently dominate — Russia being one of them. Interestingly, though, among those five countries, Google is actually competing at the highest level in Russia, where they have about 35% of all searches and have actually grown their share of the market by about 6 points over the past year.

这并不出人意料,因为在俄罗斯, Yandex控制着搜索市场 ,大约占所有搜索的43-45%。 正如我们在9月份所报告的那样 ,全球只有五个国家/地区无法控制Google,而俄罗斯就是其中之一。 不过,有趣的是,在这五个国家中,谷歌实际上是俄罗斯竞争最激烈的国家,他们在所有搜索中所占的比重约为35%,并且在过去一年中实际上已将其市场份额提高了约6个百分点。

Losing default status on Firefox will be a pretty serious blow to Google in terms of competing in Russia. Just over 21% of Russian Internet users browse the web using Firefox, and about 17% using Firefox 3 — which means Firefox 3 has upped general Firefox usage in the country by about 5-6% since being introduced, according to statistics. Last April, just about 15% of the population used Firefox.

就在俄罗斯竞争而言,失去Firefox的默认状态将对Google造成严重打击。 根据LiveInternet.ru统计,仅超过21%的俄罗斯互联网用户使用Firefox浏览网络,约有17%的用户使用Firefox 3进行浏览-这意味着自引入以来,Firefox 3在该国的一般Firefox使用量增加了约5-6%。 。 去年四月,只有大约15%的人口使用Firefox。

We wrote last month that Mozilla’s relationship with Google has become increasingly complicated since Google released their Chrome web browser. It’s not clear what, if any, cash has changed hands by switching to Yandex as a default search engine, but because Google accounts for about 88% of Mozilla’s revenue (via a search advertising deal), it would make sense for Mozilla to start seeking alternative sources of revenue.

上个月,我们写道,自Google发布Chrome浏览器以来,Mozilla与Google的关系变得越来越复杂 。 目前尚不清楚通过转换为默认搜索引擎将Yandex转换成什么现金(如果有的话),但是由于Google占Mozilla收入的88%(通过搜索广告交易),因此Mozilla开始寻求是有意义的替代性收入来源。

We’ve predicted that Firefox might suffer once Chrome matures, so seeking new revenue streams is a good idea for Mozilla. If Google can’t be relied upon as much for support, Mozilla will need to start forging partnerships elsewhere.

我们已经预测,一旦Chrome成熟, Firefox可能会遭受损失 ,因此寻求新的收入来源对于Mozilla是个好主意。 如果不能充分依赖Google的支持,Mozilla将需要开始在其他地方建立合作伙伴关系。

Though Anderson said the reason for the change was a user study, we suspect that at least part of the motivation for the switch to Yandex was a tit-for-tat reaction from Mozilla to Chrome. There is no real indication of that, however, so it’s a hunch on our part. Russia is a good place for Mozilla to start seeking alternative revenue partners given that Firefox both is popular and Google is not the dominant search engine — that’s not a common dual occurrence.

尽管安德森(Anderson)表示,进行此更改的原因是用户研究,但我们怀疑,转向使用Yandex的动机至少有一部分是从Mozilla到Chrome的针锋相对的React。 但是,这没有真正的迹象,因此这是我们的预感。 鉴于Firefox 和 Firefox都不受欢迎,俄罗斯是Mozilla开始寻找替代收入合作伙伴的好地方, 而 Google并不是主要的搜索引擎-这不是常见的双重情况。


