
tech2024-01-10  95


The problem with web applications is that they’re underpowered. They have access to only a tiny bit of the computational power afforded by modern computers. Google announced the released this week of a new open source research project called Native Client that aims to change that. Native Client is a set of technologies that will let developers create web applications that can run native x86 code in the browser.

Web应用程序的问题在于它们的功能不足。 他们只能使用现代计算机提供的一小部分计算能力。 谷歌本周宣布了一个名为Native Client的新开源研究项目,旨在改变这一现状。 本机客户端是一组技术,使开发人员可以创建可在浏览器中运行本机x86代码的Web应用程序。

Native Client consists of a runtime, a browser plugin, and a set of GNU Compiler Collection-based compilation tools that allow the creation web applications that have access to native code modules. Google is aiming to create a technology that can boost the power of web applications while maintaining the “browser neutrality, OS portability and safety that people expect from web applications.”

Native Client由运行时,浏览器插件和一组基于GNU Compiler Collection的编译工具组成,这些工具允许创建可访问本机代码模块的Web应用程序。 Google的目标是创造一种技术,以增强Web应用程序的功能,同时保持“人们期望Web应用程序提供的浏览器中立性,操作系统可移植性和安全性”。

Above: screenshots of demo applications running in browser on Native Client.

上图:在Native Client上的浏览器中运行的演示应用程序的屏幕截图。

For now, Native Client will run in Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Google Chrome on any modern Windows, Mac, or Linux system that has an x86 processor. It’s also definitely a developer aimed demo at the moment. Native Client’s runtime clocks it at about 88MB and requires Python to install — so, not for the faint of heart.

目前,Native Client将在具有x86处理器的任何现代Windows,Mac或Linux系统上的Firefox,Safari,Opera和Google Chrome中运行。 目前,它绝对也是针对开发人员的演示。 Native Client的运行时大约需要88MB的时钟,并且需要安装Python —因此,这并不是出于胆小。

Eventually, though, Native Client could evolve into Google’s answer to Flash, Silverlight, and Java. This is definitely a piece of their Web OS strategy, which also includes Chrome (our coverage) and Gears (our coverage). Used together, the three form an impressive foundation for Google’s stake in the Web OS race.

不过,最终,Native Client可能演变为Google对Flash,Silverlight和Java的回答。 这绝对是他们的Web操作系统策略的一部分,其中还包括Chrome( 我们的覆盖范围 )和Gears( 我们的覆盖范围 )。 两者一起使用,构成了Google在Web OS竞赛中的股份的令人印象深刻的基础。

Chrome allows web applications to be launched in a separate window using their own, independent process; Gears gives those applications access to local data store; and Native Client allows them to tap into the power of the CPU for things like improved image processing.

Chrome允许使用自己的独立过程在单独的窗口中启动Web应用程序; Gears使那些应用程序可以访问本地数据存储; 并且Native Client允许他们利用CPU的功能来改善诸如图像处理之类的功能。

The biggest hurdle for Google, other than driving adoption of yet another runtime+plugin, will be keeping Native Client secure. Everyone remembers the nightmare that was/is ActiveX. Google says that one of the reasons they’re open sourcing Native Client is so that the research and security communities can help make it more stable and secure.

对于Google来说,除了推动采用另一个运行时+插件外,最大的障碍是确保Native Client的安全。 每个人都记得曾经是ActiveX的噩梦。 Google表示,他们开放Native Client采购的原因之一是,研究和安全社区可以帮助使其更加稳定和安全。


