
tech2024-01-11  107


There are a number of posts out there with collections of really cool and unique business card designs. Some of my favorites are CreativeBits, CrazyLeaf Design Blog, and Daily Poetics. While these cards are definitely unique and fun to look at, many of them are not realistic for use as everyday cards in terms of production costs. Not to mention some of them would be very difficult to carry around in your pocket or wallet.

有很多帖子,其中包含非常酷和独特的名片设计集合。 我最喜欢的是CreativeBits , CrazyLeaf设计博客和Daily Poetics 。 尽管这些卡绝对是独特的并且看起来很有趣,但就生产成本而言,它们中的许多都不适合用作日常卡。 更不用说其中的一些将很难放在口袋或钱包中携带。

There are other more affordable ways to make your business card pop. One of the easiest ways is by creating a well-designed memorable card with clear content. Here are some examples of colorful business cards and others with simple but effective designs (and some business card design tips, too!).

还有其他更实惠的方法可以使您的名片流行。 最简单的方法之一是创建一个设计精美,内容清晰的记忆卡。 这是彩色名片的一些示例,还有一些具有简单但有效设计的示例(以及一些名片设计技巧!)。

Do you want a business card that has a little more zing but is cost effective at the same time? Here are some other elements you can incorporate into your business cards to make them even more unique and impressive…and make sure they get a second look after they’ve made it to the recipient’s pocket.

您是否需要名片,但同时又具有成本效益? 您还可以在名片中加入以下其他元素,以使其更加独特和令人印象深刻……并确保将其放入收件人的口袋后再进行外观处理。

1. Rounded Corners


Having all or some of the corners on your business card rounded can make a huge difference in the overall look and feel of your cards.


Where to Get Them: Overnight Prints, around $45 USD for 500 cards

从何处获得: 隔夜打印 ,每张500张卡片约45美元

2. Magnets


It’s not a new idea, but making magnets out of your business cards is a way to create a useful product with your contact information. And they are more likely to be stuck on the fridge and less likely to be tossed in the trash.

这不是一个新主意,但是用名片制作磁铁是一种使用您的联系信息创建有用的产品的方法。 而且它们更有可能被卡在冰箱上,而被扔到垃圾箱中的可能性也较小。

Where to Get Them: Printing for Less, around $100 USD for 500 cards

从何处获得: 打印更少 ,500张卡大约100美元

3. Folded


Folded cards let you stand them up like a table tent on an exhibit or display, and you can make them mini brochures with additional information about your company or services.


Where to Get Them: 48HourPrint (folded with offset), around $70 for 500 cards

在哪里获得它们: 48小时打印 (带胶版折叠),每500张卡片约70美元

4. Mini Cards


Mini cards are business cards that are smaller than the standard size. This can make the cards stand out, yet those receiving them can still stick them in their pocket or stack them with other business cards.

迷你卡是小于标准尺寸的名片。 这样可以使名片脱颖而出,但是接收名片的人仍可以将其粘贴在口袋中或与其他名片堆叠在一起。

Where to Get Them: Moo, around $20 USD for 100 cards

哪里可以找到他们: Moo ,每张100张卡片约20美元

5. Die Cut


Just like mini cards, business cards in a different shape can be especially memorable. You can try something as simple as a circular card or create a custom shape.

就像迷你卡一样,形状不同的名片也特别令人难忘。 您可以尝试像圆形卡片一样简单的事情,也可以创建自定义形状。

Where to Get Them: PsPrint, around $90 USD for 500 cards

哪里可以 买到 它们: PsPrint ,500张卡大约90美元

6. Rip Cards


Rip cards are traditionally used as door hangers or rack cards with a tear-off piece at the bottom that can be a coupon or business card. But you can create your own rip cards in business card size. Use it for a tear-off basic HTML cheat sheet, a hex code color table, or even a list of resource sites for your clients. You can do this by using the back of your cards, too.

传统上,翻录卡被用作门衣架或机架卡,其底部有可撕下的撕裂片,可以是优惠券或名片。 但是您可以按名片大小创建自己的翻录卡。 用它来制作基本HTML备忘单,十六进制代码颜色表,甚至是客户的资源站点列表。 您也可以使用卡片背面来完成此操作。

Where to Get Them: Jakprints, $20 USD additional per 1,000 cards

从哪里获得: Jakprints ,每1,000张卡额外收取20美元

7. Plastic


For a stand-out card, try a clear plastic design. Not only are they creative and different than most other cards, but they are extremely durable.

对于出色的卡片,请尝试使用透明的塑料设计。 它们不仅具有创意,并且与大多数其他卡片不同,而且非常耐用。

Where to Get Them: AllTimePRINT, around $280 USD for 500 cards

从哪里获得: AllTimePRINT ,500张卡约280美元

8. Recycled


Recycled cards are a great way to lessen your carbon footprint while creating a unique image for your business. There are a lot of options out there from recycled paper, to soy-based ink, to reused paper and materials.

回收卡是减少碳足迹并为企业创建独特形象的好方法。 从再生纸,大豆油墨到再利用纸和材料,有很多选择。

Where to Get Them: Sustainable Group (paper from 100% recycled fibers), around $115 USD for 500 cardsEn Masse Media (100% post consumer recycled paper), around $150 USD for 1,000 cardsUnited States Business Card Company (paper is from breakfast cereal boxes), around $235 USD for 500 cards

在何处获得它们: 可持续发展集团 (使用100%再生纤维制成的纸),每500张卡片约115美元, En Masse Media (消费后回收的100%再生纸),每1000张卡片约150美元, 美国商务卡公司 (早餐中的纸谷物盒),约合235美元(500张卡)

How do you make your business cards stand out? What have you found to be the most effective format?

您如何使自己的名片脱颖而出? 您发现什么是最有效的格式?

Image credit: Brian Lary

图片来源: Brian Lary

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/unique-business-card-ideas/

