
tech2024-01-11  107


Pasadena, California-based SaaS collaboration and project management suite provider Central Desktop (previous coverage) is today announcing the release of their new enterprise version. The three year old company, which announced a $7 million funding round last March, provides collaboration software to 200,000 users, most notably to the presidential campaign of US president-elect Barack Obama.

总部位于加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳的SaaS协作和项目管理套件提供商Central Desktop ( 先前涵盖 )今天宣布发布其新企业版。 这家成立三年的公司于去年3月宣布获得700万美元的融资,该公司向20万用户提供了协作软件,其中最引人注目的是美国当选总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的总统竞选活动。

CEO Isaac Garcia told me that although Central Desktop has always targeted small-to-medium sized businesses, they have already been serving a number of enterprise customers. The new enterprise solution is designed to meet the demands of those customers.

首席执行官Isaac Garcia告诉我,尽管Central Desktop一直以中小型企业为目标,但它们已经为许多企业客户提供服务。 新的企业解决方案旨在满足这些客户的需求。

According to Garcia, SaaS apps are a great alternative for SMBs looking to save money during the current economic downturn.


“Our enterprise customers demand deep functionality and a high-level of security and reliability along with integration into existing systems and applications, but companies today don’t want to pay for or maintain expensive hardware or software — everyone is looking for ways to reduce waste,” he said in a press release. “Our sole focus is to bring business users the best technology available on the market with the least amount of resistance — SaaS is great for the bottom-line of a growing company as well as for a larger company that’s searching for cost-saving solutions.”

“我们的企业客户需要强大的功能,高水平的安全性和可靠性以及与现有系统和应用程序的集成,但是当今的公司不想支付或维护昂贵的硬件或软件,每个人都在寻找减少浪费的方法”,他在新闻稿中说。 “我们的唯一重点是为企业用户提供市场上现有的最佳技术,而阻力却最小。SaaS对于成长中的公司以及寻求节省成本的解决方案的大型公司来说都是一个很好的选择。 ”

Central Desktop’s enterprise package comes with improved security, integration, unlimited API access, and an SLA that guarantees 99.8% uptime. But the centerpiece of the new package is the Workflow manager. The Workflow function allows customers to create automated email notifications and tasks based on events at the file and database level in Central Desktop.

Central Desktop的企业软件包具有增强的安全性,Salesforce.com集成,无限制的API访问以及可确保正常运行时间达到99.8%的SLA。 但是,新软件包的核心是工作流程管理器。 工作流功能使客户可以基于中央桌面中文件和数据库级别的事件创建自动的电子邮件通知和任务。

For example, one could set up the software to automatically notify a specific employee or department when a task is completed, create a new task based on the outcome. So a project manager could set up Central Desktop to automatically create a task for the IT guys to push live changes on the web site once approval has been by the editorial department.

例如,可以将软件设置为在任务完成时自动通知特定员工或部门,并根据结果创建新任务。 因此,项目经理可以将Central Desktop设置为自动创建一项任务,以便IT人员在编辑部批准后将实时更改推送到网站上。

The Workflow manager permeates the entire suite of tools and can be based at the database of file level.


The new enterprise version of the software starts at $499/month.




相关资源:Oracle Database 11g数据库管理艺术--详细书签版