
tech2024-01-11  99


These are actually a couple of years old, so avid users of Flickr may have already seen them. I just came across them for the first time last night, however, via a link on Hacker News and found them very amusing, so I thought I’d share. They make a nice, light Friday post.

这些实际上已经存在了几年,因此Flickr的狂热用户可能已经看到它们了。 昨晚,我只是第一次遇到它们,但是通过Hacker News上的链接发现它们非常有趣,所以我想分享一下。 他们发布了一个轻松愉快的星期五帖子。

The following are illustrations from cartoonist Adam Koford (who seems to spend most of his time now writing a comic strip about a pair of hobo LOLcats). They’re rather ingenious illustrations of HTTP errors. I’ve included a few of most clever below, but there are more at the original Flickr set (16 to be precise).

以下是漫画家亚当·科福德 ( Adam Koford)的插图 (他现在大部分时间似乎都在写关于一对流浪汉LOLcats的漫画)。 它们是HTTP错误的巧妙说明。 我在下面列出了一些最聪明的方法,但最初的Flickr设置还有更多(精确到16个)。

Which are your favorites? I rather like “400 Bad Request” (pictured at right) and “405 Method Not Allowed” (not pictured). Adam, if you’re reading: please make these available as a set of prints or postcards!

您最喜欢哪个? 我更喜欢“ 400 Bad Request”(如右图)和“ 405 Method Not Allowed”(未示出)。 亚当,如果您正在阅读:请以印刷品或明信片的形式提供这些!

408 Request Timeout


413 Requested Entity Too Large


415 Unsupported Media Type


Remember to see all 16 illustrations at the original Flickr set. Then come back here to let us know which are your favorites.

记住要在原始Flickr装置上看到所有16个插图。 然后回到这里,让我们知道您最喜欢的是哪个。


