
tech2024-01-11  82

Cambridge, Massachusetts-based social app developers Viximo today released a platform for the iPhone that allows developers to create native iPhone applications without touching any Objective C. Called VixML, the platform allows developers to create iPhone applications with access to the phone’s multitouch functions and other input methods (i.e., speech), accelerometer, and animations via a single XML file and some animated sprites.

总部位于马萨诸塞州剑桥的社交应用程序开发人员Viximo今天发布了一种iPhone平台,该平台允许开发人员无需触摸任何Objective C即可创建本机iPhone应用程序。称为VixML ,该平台使开发人员可以通过访问手机的多点触控功能和其他功能来创建iPhone应用程序。输入方法(即语音),加速度计和动画通过一个XML文件和一些动画精灵来实现。

TechCrunch, which covered the VixML launch and calls it “revolutionary,” says that for now applications created using the platform can only be published to Viximo’s upcoming TrueFlirt app, which lets users create (using VixML), send to friends, and view “flirtatious” animations and mini-apps for the iPhone.

TechCrunch 涵盖了VixML的发布并称其为“革命性的”,他说,目前使用该平台创建的应用程序只能发布到Viximo即将推出的TrueFlirt应用程序中,该应用程序允许用户创建(使用VixML),发送给朋友并查看“轻浮” ”动画和适用于iPhone的微型应用。

Developers can use VixML to create apps that are then published for use with TrueFlirt, either within the app itself or as part of standalone add-on bundles for the TrueFlirt app that are sold via the App Store. Viximo reportedly plans to share revenue with the developers of VixML apps, who TechCrunch points out face a double approval process — they need apps to be approved both by Viximo and by Apple.

开发人员可以使用VixML创建应用程序,然后发布这些应用程序以与TrueFlirt一起使用,既可以在应用程序内部使用,也可以作为通过App Store出售的TrueFlirt应用程序的独立附加组件的一部分。 据报道,Viximo计划与VixML应用程序的开发者分享收益,TechCrunch指出,他们面临双重审批程序-他们需要应用程序同时由Viximo和Apple批准。

The platform within a platform approach is interesting because it lowers the barrier of entry for development for the iPhone by making it easier for web developers to create native apps — they can skip learning Objective C by using something like VixML. And though VixML is unique in its approach, it isn’t really what we’d call revolutionary. We reported in September on two other iPhone development platforms that greatly lower the barrier to entry for developers and do so in what we think are more clever ways.

平台方法中的平台很有趣,因为它通过使Web开发人员更容易创建本机应用程序而降低了iPhone开发的入门门槛–他们可以通过使用VixML之类的东西来跳过学习ObjectiveC。 尽管VixML在方法上是独一无二的,但它并不是真正的革命性产品。 我们在9月份报道了另外两个iPhone开发平台,这些平台大大降低了开发人员的进入门槛,并且以我们认为更聪明的方式进行了开发。

Big Five (iTunes) is a web application gateway for the iPhone and iPod Touch that offers an API allowing developers to access native iPhone functions such as the accelerometer, GPS, and camera via JavaScript. Apps are published to the web and accessed via the Big Five browser, which the user purchases from the App Store. When we wrote about them in September, Big Five had been rejected from the App Store, however it has since been approved and is for sale for $14.95.

Big Five ( iTunes )是iPhone和iPod Touch的Web应用程序网关,它提供了API,允许开发人员通过JavaScript访问iPhone的本机功能,例如加速度计,GPS和照相机。 应用程序发布到Web上,并可以通过用户从App Store购买的五大浏览器进行访问。 当我们在9月份撰写有关它们的文章时,五巨头已被App Store拒绝,但此后已获批准,其售价为14.95美元。

The other iPhone development platform we mentioned a few months ago is PhoneGap, which is something like Adobe AIR for the iPhone. PhoneGap allows web application developers to compile their web apps as native iPhone apps and then submit them to the App Store for inclusion. The platform is essentially a container for web applications running on the iPhone that allows them to access the accelerometer, GPS, sqLite, camera, and vibration controls. PhoneGap also uses a JavaScript API for accessing native iPhone features, and then creates a location bar free web browser that points to a specific web application URL, which can be wrapped up as a standalone application and submitted to Apple. Some iPhone apps already in the App Store are using PhoneGap, such as the free “Binary Clock” app (iTunes).

我们几个月前提到的另一个iPhone开发平台是PhoneGap ,它类似于iPhone的Adobe AIR。 PhoneGap允许Web应用程序开发人员将其Web应用程序编译为本地iPhone应用程序,然后将其提交到App Store进行收录。 该平台本质上是运行在iPhone上的Web应用程序的容器,使它们可以访问加速度计,GPS,sqLite,相机和振动控件。 PhoneGap还使用JavaScript API来访问本机iPhone功能,然后创建一个无位置栏的Web浏览器,该浏览器指向特定的Web应用程序URL,可以将其包装为独立的应用程序并提交给Apple。 App Store中已有一些iPhone应用程序正在使用PhoneGap,例如免费的“ Binary Clock”应用程序( iTunes )。

All three of these options drastically reduce the barrier to entry for creating iPhone apps by allowing web developers to create apps that access native features by using technologies they already know, such as XML and JavaScript. We’re big fans of the PhoneGap approach, since it is the only one of the three that allows developers to create applications that can be served directly to users via the App Store without having to go through an intermediary app (i.e., TrueFlirt for VixML, and the Big Five browser for Big Five). All of these platforms, however, make iPhone development easier, which is a good thing for developers.

所有这三个选项都允许Web开发人员创建使用自己已知的技术(例如XML和JavaScript)访问本机功能的应用程序,从而极大地降低了创建iPhone应用程序的门槛。 我们是PhoneGap方法的忠实拥护者,因为它是允许开发人员创建可以通过App Store直接提供给用户的应用程序的三种方法中的唯一一种,而无需通过中介应用程序(即TrueFlirt for VixML) ,以及“大五号”的“大五号”浏览器)。 但是,所有这些平台都使iPhone开发更加容易,这对开发人员来说是一件好事。

