
tech2024-01-11  106


In what is clearly a sign of the changing media landscape, Nielsen — the company that measures television audience numbers — has released their first ever public web TV ratings. ABC television programs dominates the rankings with 7 out of the top 10 shows, including the number one television program online, Lost. The list, which covers the month of December 2008, has Lost raking in 1.4 million unique viewers on ABC.com.

衡量电视收视率的公司尼尔森(Nielsen)已发布了他们的第一个公共网络电视收视率,这显然是媒体格局变化的迹象。 ABC电视节目在前10 名节目中排名第 7,包括在线排名第一的电视节目Lost 。 这份名单涵盖2008年12月,已经失去了扒出140万个观众独特的ABC.com。

Unfortunately, Nielsen’s list only includes the networks’ official sites, and not third-party sites like NBC and Fox’s Hulu.com, or CBS-owned TV.com. The rankings also only include the major networks, meaning cable TV programs such as Comedy Central’s The Daily Show or Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim programs, which are popular online, have not been counted.

不幸的是,尼尔森的名单仅包括该网络的官方站点,而不包括NBC和Fox的Hulu.com或CBS拥有的TV.com之类的第三方站点。 排名还仅包括主要网络,这意味着有线电视节目(例如,喜剧中心的每日节目或卡通网络的成人游泳节目)在网上不受欢迎。

In December, Hulu had 216 million video streams, according to Nielsen (240 million according to comScore) — and NBC has actually begun to promote Hulu rather than NBC.com on their network in primetime, which means it is the destination it would apparently rather have viewers consume its web content. Hulu was not included, according to Nielsen, because it doesn’t currently report views at the program level. Not including third party sites means that Nielsen’s rankings paint a very incomplete picture of the online television landscape. But that Nielsen now feels the need to publish them at all is a sign of the times.

根据尼尔森(Nielsen)的数据,12月,Hulu有2.16亿个视频流( comScore则为2.4亿 )-NBC实际上已经开始在黄金时段在其网络上宣传Hulu,而不是NBC.com,这意味着它显然是目的地让观众使用其Web内容。 根据尼尔森(Nielsen)的说法,不包括Hulu,因为它目前尚未报告程序级别的观看次数。 不包括第三方网站,意味着尼尔森(Nielsen)的排名无法完全反映出在线电视的情况。 但是尼尔森现在觉得完全需要发布它们是时代的标志。

NewTeeVee notes that web TV still has a long way to go to catch up to traditional broadcasts. For example, Grey’s Anatomy had 879,000 viewers on ABC.com for the entire month of December, while one episode of that show on December 11 attracted more than 6 million television viewers. Still, a new study from Knowledge Networks out today finds that 1 in 5 web users between the ages of 13 and 54 are now streaming entire television programs online — that’s up from 1 in 10 in 2006.

NewTeeVee指出,网络电视要赶上传统广播还有很长的路要走。 例如,《 Grey's Anatomy》在12月的整个月内在ABC.com上有879,000名观众,而12月11日该节目的一集吸引了超过600万电视观众。 尽管如此,今天, 来自Knowledge Networks的一项新研究发现,年龄在13至54岁之间的网络用户中,有五分之一的人正在在线流式传输整个电视节目,而2006年这一比例是十分之一。

Knowledge Networks found that usage of third party sites like Hulu among those who stream video online doubled since last year. According to the study, the main reason people are viewing full-length TV content online is to catch up on missed episodes of shows they are already fans of, though 18% of web TV watchers apparently view television programs online because they are “trying out a new program.”

知识网络发现,自去年以来,在线视频流中的第三方网站如Hulu的使用量增加了一倍。 这项研究表明,人们在线观看完整电视内容的主要原因是想赶上他们本已迷的电视节目,尽管18%的网络电视观看者显然是在线观看电视节目,因为他们“正在尝试一个新程序。”

TV on the web is clearly still a long way from replacing TV on the TV, and Knowledge Networks’ findings that most people are using TV on the web as a catch up service actually jives with what we already know about how people interact with television. We reported in August that television executives who deal with web streaming content have noticed that most people generally watch programming on the largest screen available. Or in other words, very few people will watch a program on their laptop when it is available on their television and hardly anyone watches TV solely online.

显然,网络电视距离取代电视电视还有很长的路要走,知识网络的发现表明,大多数人都将网络电视作为一种追赶服务,这实际上使我们对人们与电视互动的了解更加生动。 我们在八月报道说,处理网络流内容的电视高管已经注意到,大多数人通常在可用的最大屏幕上观看节目。 换句话说,很少有人会在笔记本电脑上观看电视节目,而几乎没有人会完全在线观看电视。

“The Internet hardly cannibalizes; it actually fuels interest,” NBC’s President of Research Alan Wurtzel said in August. And that’s what Knowledge Networks found as well. According to their study, 86% of streamers described themselves as “more engaged” with programming that was available online as well as on television.

“互联网几乎无法蚕食; NBC研究主席Alan Wurtzel在八月表示。 这也是知识网络发现的。 根据他们的研究,有86%的主持人称自己对在线和电视上的节目“更加参与”。

“Among streamers, there is no shortage of demand for TV network content, and online availability of full episodes increases their appetite for both online and traditional viewing of programs,” said David Tice, Vice President of Client Service at Knowledge Networks. “This kind of access and control has become something streamers demand, and networks and sponsors both reap benefits from the added engagement that full-program streaming creates.”

知识网络客户服务副总裁戴维·泰斯(David Tice)表示:“在彩带中,对电视网络内容的需求不缺乏,在线观看完整剧集增加了他们对在线和传统收看节目的兴趣。 “这种访问和控制已成为流媒体要求的东西,网络和赞助商都将从全程序流媒体创建的额外参与中受益。”

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/sign-of-the-times-tv-now-has-web-ratings/

