iphone 回滚操作系统

tech2024-01-11  77

iphone 回滚操作系统

What is your position on testing your sites for mobile devices?


Plenty of us don’t, and there has never been a lack of good excuses not to:


“My content just isn’t mobile-appropriate“

“我的内容不适合移动设备 ”

“Honestly, who beside supergeeks, would want to look at the web via their phone?”

“老实说,除了超级极客以外,谁想通过手机来浏览网页?” “Mobile browsers are rubbish so people expect everything to look trashy”

“移动浏览器很垃圾,所以人们希望所有东西看起来都很垃圾” “There are too many devices out there – how could you possibly choose which devices to test for?”


Yes, screens were tiny, hardware controls maddening and browsers simplistic and clunky. Why waste your time trying to build for that??

是的,屏幕很小,硬件控件令人发疯,浏览器简单又笨拙。 为什么要浪费时间尝试为此建造?

Well, perhaps April 23rd, 2009 could be considered the day those old excuses officially bite the dirt. Admob, an ‘Ad mob’ that specialize in the mobile space, have just published a report stating that iPhone OS had now officially overtaken Symbian as their most commonly detected mobile OS. iPhone OS now presents worldwide on 38% of the devices they serve to, with Symbian OS easing to 36%.

好吧,也许2009年4月23日可以被认为是那些旧借口正式咬土的日子。 专攻移动领域的“广告暴民” Admob刚刚发布了一份报告,指出iPhone操作系统现已正式取代Symbian,成为他们最常被发现的移动操作系统 。 目前,iPhone OS在全球38%的设备上都可以使用,而Symbian OS可以降低到36%。

Of course, this doesn’t mean there are more phones using iPhone OS than Symbian — because there aren’t. Symbian has been around for more than 10 years and is present on literally tens of millions of phones out there. But it does give you a good snapshot of who’s using the mobile web. Just because a user CAN access the web via their handset, doesn’t mean they do.

当然,这并不意味着使用iPhone OS的手机要比Symbian多-因为没有。 Symbian已经存在了10多年,并且已经出现在数以千万计的手机中。 但这确实为您提供了谁在使用移动网络的良好快照。 仅仅因为一个用户可以通过他们的手机访问网站,并不意味着他们做的。

This shouldn’t come as a surprise. It was only in January that Google told us that their iPhone traffic was challenging their Symbian numbers despite the Apple device only representing 2% of the smartphone market. Symbian accounted for 63% at that time.

这不足为奇。 直到1月,谷歌才告诉我们,尽管苹果设备仅占智能手机市场的2%,但他们的iPhone流量正在挑战其Symbian数量 。 当时,Symbian占63%。

It also seems to tell us that mobile web usage is tied to the software experience, not the hardware. There is no shortage of beautiful, web-enabled, big screened handsets out there. Apple’s key differentiator is the software experience – an idea that Nokia, Motorola and Sony Ericcson seem to have been slow to understand.

这似乎也告诉我们,移动网络的使用与软件体验有关,与硬件无关。 那里不乏漂亮的,具有网络功能的大屏幕手机。 苹果公司的主要与众不同之处在于软件体验–诺基亚,摩托罗拉和索尼爱立信的想法似乎很难理解。

True, there are a few caveats. The world phone market IS very geographically segmented. While the US and UK markets have quickly become very iPhone-centric (50% of mobile web requests), large parts of Asia and Europe still love their Nokias while South Africa seems to have a strange love affair with Samsung.

确实,有一些警告。 世界电话市场在地理位置上非常细分。 尽管美国和英国市场已经Swift以iPhone为中心(占移动网络请求的50%),但亚洲和欧洲的大部分地区仍然喜欢诺基亚,而南非似乎与三星有着奇特的恋情。

Nevertherless, if the US is an important market for you and/or your clients, the mobile future is now. Arguably, with the Palm Pre and a next gen iPhone rumored for release in the coming months, the importance of mobile traffic is only likely to increase.

但是,如果美国是您和/或客户的重要市场,那么移动的未来就是现在。 可以说,随着有传言称Palm Pre和下一代iPhone将在未来几个月内发布,移动流量的重要性可能只会增加。

Other notable figure:


The iPod Touch accounts for approximately 2/5th of iPhone OS traffic. Incredible considering it has no phone capabilities (wifi only).

iPod Touch约占iPhone OS流量的2/5。 考虑到它没有电话功能(仅WiFi),令人难以置信。 Applications are becoming a hugely important growth area for developers in a tough economy. In March more than half of AdMob’s ads were served to applications (i.e. iPhone, Android, Blackberry, etc) as opposed to than the web. Follow the money if you can.

在经济不景气的情况下,应用程序已成为开发人员极为重要的增长领域。 3月份,AdMob的广告中有超过一半投放到了应用程序(例如iPhone,Android,Blackberry等)上,而不是投放到网络上。 如果可以的话,跟着钱走。 Indonesia (where the Nokia N70 is the handset of choice) represents Admob’s second biggest mobile market (9.2%)


Interesting times.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/iphone-os-overtakes-symbian-os/

iphone 回滚操作系统
