
tech2024-01-12  101


I had a lot of fun last year spending my Friday afternoons watching live graphic design battles unfold during Coudal Partners inaugural season of Layer Tennis — their name for the classic graphic designer web sport more popularly known as Photoshop tennis.

去年我度过星期五的星期五下午,观看了Coudal Partners就职Layer Tennis开幕赛季期间进行的现场图形设计竞赛,这是他们的经典图形设计师网络运动的名称,俗称Photoshop网球。

The way it works is simple: two talented graphic designers pass a graphic file back and forth over the course of ten “volleys” (rounds), each modifying or adding to the graphic at each pass, generally using Adobe Creative Suite 4 (Adobe is sponsoring the upcoming season). Designers have 15 minutes to complete their modifications during each volley, and then must pass the graphic file back to the other competitor and upload it to the web for spectators to view. A third designer provides live commentary on the match, and at the conclusion, viewers debate the merits of each designer’s respective volleys and vote on the winner.

它的工作方式很简单:两位才华横溢的图形设计师在十个“齐射”(回合)的过程中来回传递图形文件,每一次都在每次传递时修改或添加图形,通常使用Adobe Creative Suite 4(Adobe赞助即将到来的赛季)。 设计师在每次凌空比赛期间有15分钟的时间来完成修改,然后必须将图形文件传给其他竞争对手,然后将其上传到网络上供观众观看。 第三位设计师对比赛进行现场解说,最后,观众辩论每位设计师各自齐射的优劣,并对获胜者进行投票。

Traditionally, participants are limited to using Photoshop or some other single, agreed upon graphic design software package, but Coudal’s version of the game allows designers to use pretty much whatever software they want. That means that very often what starts off as a static image evolves to include things like Flash animations after a few volleys.

传统上,参与者仅限于使用Photoshop或其他商定的图形设计软件包,但是Coudal的游戏版本允许设计师使用他们想要的几乎任何软件。 这意味着,随着静态图像的发展,经过几次凌空抽射之后,通常会包括Flash动画在内。

Last year’s season featured some of the web’s top designers, including Shaun Inman, Veerle Pieters, and Jason Santa Maria, with commentary by people like John Gruber and Jason Kottke. Season two will begin on Friday the 13th of February (ominous, no?) and last for 12 weeks. In addition to the featured match each week, additional live qualifying matches will be held among “amateur” designers hoping to secure a spot in the season ending, single elimination championship tournament. Prior to the season, the official Layer Tennis site is promising “something special” on Friday, February 6th.

去年的这个季节吸引了一些网络顶级设计师,包括Shaun Inman,Veerle Pieters和Jason Santa Maria,以及John Gruber和Jason Kottke等人的评论。 第二季将从2月13日(星期五)开始(不祥,不是吗?),持续12周。 除了每周进行的特色比赛外,还将在“业余”设计师中举行其他现场预选赛,以期在赛季结束前获得单打淘汰赛冠军。 在赛季开始之前,Layer Tennis官方网站承诺在2月6日(星期五)推出“特别优惠”。

Only those spectators who register for free “season tickets” will be allowed to participate in the voting process. Coudal is also currently accepting nominations and applications for designers seeking to take part in the qualifying matches. They suggest playing a practice layer tennis match with a friend and sending them copies of the resulting volleys.

只有那些注册了免费“ 季票 ”的观众才可以参加投票过程。 Coudal目前也正在为希望参加排位赛的设计师接受提名和申请。 他们建议与朋友一起参加练习网球比赛,并向他们发送由此产生的凌空的副本。

A great place to hold those practice matches would be SitePoint’s Graphic Wars forum, which has been home to Photoshop tennis matches since 2001. The number of matches has definitely fallen off in recent months, and now would be a great time to revive the classic SitePoint Graphic Wars tradition.

举办这些练习赛的好地方是SitePoint的Graphic Wars论坛 ,该论坛自2001年以来一直是Photoshop网球比赛的举办地。最近几个月,比赛的次数肯定减少了,现在是复兴经典SitePoint的好时机图形大战的传统。

You can check out the archives of season one at the Layer Tennis site.

您可以在Layer Tennis网站上查看第一季的档案。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/layer-tennis-returns-for-second-season/

