java change

tech2024-01-12  101

java change

A couple of days ago blogger Michael VanDeMar wrote that Google appeared to be testing AJAX search in the US. VanDeMar noticed that URL of his Google queries switched from the familiar “/search?=” to “/search?#=” The # is a visual cue of a “page change” for the user, and allows the browser’s back and forward buttons to make AJAX calls.

几天前,博客作者Michael VanDeMar写道,Google似乎正在美国测试AJAX搜索 。 VanDeMar注意到他的Google查询的URL从熟悉的“ / search?=”切换为“ / search?#=”。#是用户“页面更改”的视觉提示,并允许浏览器的后退和前进按钮进行AJAX调用。

After VanDeMar’s post a lot of people speculated what the ramifications of Google AJAX search might be. From breaking Firefox plugins, to causing search rank checkers to need rewriting, to at least temporarily stopping automated SERP scrapers. But those all pale in comparison to the broader implication that VanDeMar discovered this week. Google going AJAX means that any external analytics package will be unable to read the search queries used by visitors to get to your site (at least from Google — which, of course, is where most search traffic comes from).

VanDeMar发表文章后,许多人猜测Google AJAX搜索的后果可能是什么。 从破坏Firefox插件到导致需要重写搜索排名检查程序,至少到暂时停止自动SERP抓取工具。 但是与VanDeMar本周发现的广泛含义相比,这些都显得苍白无力 。 谷歌使用AJAX意味着任何外部分析程序包都将无法读取访问者用来访问您网站的搜索查询(至少从Google那里可以,这当然是大多数搜索流量的来源)。

Analytics packages get search query information by reading the text of the referral URL that browsers send to servers to tell them how you arrived on that page. The reason Google’s AJAX search breaks this is that browsers don’t send any information after the # hash mark. This isn’t something that analytics packages can create a workaround for — the only way to change it would be to rewrite at the browser level — and it affects log based analytics software the same as it does JavaScript based.

Analytics程序包通过阅读浏览器发送到服务器的引荐URL的文本来获取搜索查询信息,以告诉他们您如何到达该页面。 Google的AJAX搜索中断了此原因的原因是,浏览器在#井号之后不发送任何信息。 分析软件包不能为此创建解决方法-更改它的唯一方法是在浏览器级别进行重写-并且它会影响基于日志的分析软件,与基于JavaScript的影响相同。

For now, it even affects Google’s own Analytics package, which is showing referrals from Google AJAX searches as coming from But makers of analytics software are understandably worried. “If this update goes live for everyone, it effectively means that 2/3 of all searches leading to the average web site will be a complete mystery. This is huge,” writes third-party analytics provider Clicky on their blog.

目前,它甚至会影响Google自己的Analytics(分析)软件包,该软件包显示来自Google AJAX搜索的引荐来自。 但是可以理解的是,分析软件的制造商对此感到担忧。 “如果此更新对所有人都有效,那么这实际上意味着通往普通网站的所有搜索中的2/3将是一个完全的谜。 这是巨大的。”第三方分析提供商Clicky在其博客中写道。

Why would Google make such a change? Well, one possibility is that the test is just a test and won’t go live to everyone. The reason you test before a system wide change is to understand the consequences of the change. Another reason, however, as Clicky suggests, could be more “evil.” Google Analytics is broken just like any other analytics package right now, but maybe not forever.

Google为什么要做出这样的改变? 好吧,一种可能性是测试只是一种测试,不会对每个人都有效。 在系统范围内进行更改之前进行测试的原因是为了了解更改的后果。 但是,正如Clicky所建议的,另一个原因可能更“邪恶”。 Google Analytics(分析)与现在的任何其他Analytics(分析)软件包一样都已损坏,但可能不会永远存在。

“Of course, I’d be willing to bet that somehow, Google Analytics will still be able to get the search terms,” writes Clicky. “I can see it now: ‘Oh, sorry, we broke Clicky? No worries guys! Come use Google Analytics, and everything will be fine! Oh, we completely destroyed all our competitors in the process? Whoops!'”

Clicky写道:“当然,我愿意打赌,Google Analytics(分析)仍将能够获得搜索词。” “我现在可以看到它:'哦,对不起,我们打破了Clicky? 伙计们,不用担心! 快来使用Google Analytics(分析),一切都会好起来! 哦,我们在此过程中彻底摧毁了所有竞争对手? 哎呀!'”

Search blogger Peter Da Vanzo has hit upon a similar line of thinking. He suggests that Google might be gearing up to lock web site owners into Google Analytics if they want complete search referral information. He reminds us that Google has done something similar once before.

搜索博主彼得·达·范佐(Peter Da Vanzo)也提出了类似的思路 。 他建议,如果Google网站所有者想要完整的搜索推荐信息,则可能会加紧准备将网站所有者锁定在Google Analytics(分析)中。 他提醒我们,Google曾经做过类似的事情。

“Remember the changes to Adsense? Google introduced a new form of tracking code that can’t be tracked by third party tools. However, that data is available within Google Analytics,” he writes in a blog post on SEOBook.

“还记得Adsense的更改吗? Google引入了一种新形式的跟踪代码,第三方工具无法跟踪。 但是,这些数据可以在Google Analytics(分析)中使用。”他在SEOBook上的博客文章中写道。

A Google spokesperson said today that the experiment was just an experiment and only visible for some users. The goal, says Google, is to make search faster for users and that breaking referrer tracking was not their intention. “It is not our intention to disrupt referrer tracking, and we are continuing to iterate on this project,” said the spokesperson.

谷歌发言人今天说,该实验只是一个实验,仅对某些用户可见。 谷歌表示,其目标是使用户搜索更快,并且中断引荐来源跟踪不是他们的意图。 发言人说:“我们的目的不是破坏引荐来源跟踪,我们正在继续对该项目进行迭代。”

We shall see.


What are you thoughts? Google being evil or tempest in a teapot? Let us know in the comments.

你有什么想法 Google在茶壶里是邪恶还是暴风雨? 让我们在评论中知道。


java change
