
tech2024-01-12  94


Although it may have a negative connotation, upselling is not a dirty word. An upsell is simply the process of selling add-on services to your clients. And when you focus on upselling the services your clients really need, you can offer them a tremendous amount of value by using this technique.

尽管可能有负面含义,但加售并不是一个肮脏的词。 加售只是向客户销售附加服务的过程。 而且,当您专注于销售客户真正需要的服务时,可以使用此技术为他们提供巨大的价值。

In order to upsell, you do not need to adopt an over-the-top sales approach. Upselling just becomes another part of providing great service to your clients when it’s done appropriately and genuinely. Here are some ways to work upselling into your business. Package It/Upgrade

为了进行加价销售,您无需采用顶置销售方法。 适当地,真诚地进行销售,向上销售就成为为客户提供优质服务的另一部分。 您可以通过以下几种方式来提升您的业务。 打包/升级

Packaging services is a great way to create an upsell. For example, the client is interested in logo design, but from talking with the client you know he will also need a website designed, too. Consider bundling logo and web design services into one package to make it more easily digestible for the client. This makes one transaction out of two of their major needs, which may appeal to them.

包装服务是进行加价销售的好方法。 例如,客户对徽标设计感兴趣,但是通过与客户交谈,您知道他也将需要设计一个网站。 考虑将徽标和网页设计服务捆绑到一个软件包中,以使客户端更易于消化。 这使他们的两个主要需求中的一项成为可能,从而吸引了他们。

You can also create upgrades that accomplish the same thing. If a client hires you to design their site, but mentioned she also plans to do a series of HTML e-mail marketing messages and create custom business cards for her employees, you can create an upgrade package that includes these add-ons for one price.

您也可以创建完成相同任务的升级。 如果客户雇用您来设计他们的网站,但提到她还计划执行一系列HTML电子邮件营销消息并为其员工创建自定义名片,则可以创建一个升级包,其中包括这些附加组件的价格。

Offer a Limited-Time Discount


When a client contracts with you for a specific service, you can upsell by offering them additional services at an additional rate. Unlike the package option, which simply combines multiple services, you can offer a discount off the add-ons for a limited time. This is also effective in enticing clients to act quickly.

当客户与您签订一项特定服务的合同时,您可以通过向他们提供额外费用的附加服务来加价销售。 与仅将多个服务组合在一起的包选项不同,您可以在有限的时间内为附加组件提供折扣。 这也可以有效地诱使客户Swift采取行动。

Do a Free Analysis


Once you have established a relationship with the client, one way to identify new opportunities is by figuring out their most pressing problems. You can provide the client with a free analysis for an improvement they really need and then explain how you can make it better. For example, analyze the past three months of their Analytics account and create a report outlining areas of their site that aren’t getting much traffic, have a high exit rate, etc. Create a proposal based on this information to work on correcting the problems.

与客户建立关系后,识别新机会的一种方法是找出最紧迫的问题。 您可以为客户提供免费的分析,以了解他们真正需要的改进,然后说明如何使其变得更好。 例如,分析其Analytics(分析)帐户的过去三个月,并创建一份报告,概述其网站的访问量不高,退出率较高的区域,等等。基于此信息创建提案以解决问题。

Provide an Ongoing Service


One of the best ways to upsell is by offering clients a regular ongoing service. If you create their site, propose an annual maintenance contract, ongoing monthly link checking, SEO monitoring, etc. There are a lot of possibilities for offering ongoing support, especially with web design clients.

追加销售的最好方法之一是为客户提供定期的持续服务。 如果创建他们的站点,则建议年度维护合同,进行每月的日常链接检查,SEO监视等。提供持续支持的可能性很多,尤其是对于Web设计客户。

Tell Them What You Can Do


Clients don’t always know the depth of your skill and experience because they zero in on the specific support they need at a given time. And once you are hired, how often do your clients visit your website? Not very often in most cases, so they don’t have much of an opportunity to see new services you may be offering. Check in with past clients periodically to let them know what you’ve added to your service spectrum, and give them a chance to consider one of your new offerings.

客户并不总是知道您的技能和经验的深度,因为他们会在给定的时间专注于他们需要的特定支持。 一旦被录用,您的客户多久访问一次您的网站? 在大多数情况下,这种情况并不常见,因此他们没有太多机会看到您可能提供的新服务。 定期与过去的客户联系,以使他们知道您已添加到服务范围中的内容,并让他们有机会考虑其中的一项新产品。

The most important part of upselling is creating a relationship of trust with your clients and then only offering add-ons when it’s reasonable. The relationship has to come first. This assures your clients that you’re not trying to sell them things they don’t need and they may be more likely to consider the additional services.

推销最重要的部分是与客户建立信任关系,然后仅在合理的情况下提供附加组件。 这种关系必须首先。 这可以确保您的客户不会将他们不需要的东西卖给他们,他们可能会考虑其他服务。

What are your thoughts on upselling? Do you do it in your business?

您对追加销售有何看法? 您在您的企业中这样做吗?

Image credit: Darren Hester

图片来源: Darren Hester

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/how-to-upsell-additional-services-to-clients/

