
tech2024-01-12  109


On Wikipedia’s 8th birthday, Yahoo! announced that it would be adding a Wikipedia SearchMonkey application to all search results for US users. SearchMonkey is Yahoo!’s search engine developer platform launched last May that allows web developers to enhance search results with custom applications.

在Wikipedia八岁生日时, Yahoo! 宣布将为美国用户的所有搜索结果添加一个Wikipedia SearchMonkey应用程序。 SearchMonkey是Yahoo!的搜索引擎开发人员平台,于去年5月启动,该平台使Web开发人员可以使用自定义应用程序增强搜索结果。

Yahoo! engineers built a new Wikipedia application for default deployment by drawing upon the best features from a number of user created applications. US searches that include a result from Wikipedia will now see the SearchMonkey enhanced entry. The app will cause Wikipedia results to include a thumbnail (if applicable), deep links to the first four sections of an article, and an excerpt from the article’s summary. Wikipedia joins Citysearch, LinkedIn, Yelp, Yahoo Local, and Zagat as the sixth SearchMonkey application turned on by default.

雅虎! 工程师通过利用许多用户创建的应用程序的最佳功能,为默认部署构建了新的Wikipedia应用程序。 现在,包含维基百科结果的美国搜索将看到SearchMonkey增强条目。 该应用程序将使Wikipedia结果包含缩略图(如果适用),指向文章前四个部分的深层链接以及文章摘要的摘录。 Wikipedia加入了Citysearch,LinkedIn,Yelp,Yahoo Local和Zagat,这是默认情况下打开的第六个SearchMonkey应用程序。

We wrote in October that one of the reasons Yahoo! trails Google is that their user experience is just not as good. Google results more often tend to give the searched for information directly in the SERP, without the need to click through to an outside page. Some argue giving users the answer to their search without prompting a click through is a missed monetization opportunity, but in reality, it’s just a better user experience.

我们在10月写道, Yahoo!的原因之一。 跟踪Google的是,他们的用户体验并不那么好。 Google搜索结果往往倾向于直接在SERP中提供搜索信息,而无需点击进入外部页面。 一些人认为,在不提示用户点击的情况下为用户提供搜索答案是错失了获利机会,但实际上,这只是一种更好的用户体验。

SearchMonkey applications definitely enhance the user experience for many searches — Yahoo!’s Wikipedia results clearly out do Google’s now, for example — but we wonder if it is enough. Very few SearchMoney apps are turned on by default, and it is doubtful that many mainstream searchers have installed applications on their own. Most non-tech people I know have never heard of SearchMonkey.

SearchMonkey应用程序无疑可以增强许多搜索的用户体验-例如,雅虎的Wikipedia结果明显优于Google,但我们不知道这是否足够。 默认情况下,很少有SearchMoney应用程序处于打开状态,并且有疑问,许多主流搜索者都自行安装了应用程序。 我认识的大多数非技术人员都从未听说过SearchMonkey。

Further, we would question the wisdom of creating applications that essentially put user created apps out of business. That isn’t the best way to nurture the growth of a developer ecosystem.

此外,我们会质疑创建应用程序的本质,该应用程序实际上会使用户创建的应用程序停业。 这不是培育开发者生态系统增长的最佳方法。

In any case, happy birthday to Wikipedia. We’ve talked in the past about just how influential Wikipedia is, and today, the rich certainly got richer. Be sure to check out our post 5 Ways to Keep Tabs on Wikipedia.

无论如何,生日快乐维基百科。 过去,我们谈论过维基百科的影响力如何 ,而如今,富人无疑变得更加富裕。 请务必查看我们的文章Wikipedia上保持标签的5种方法 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/yahoo-gives-wikipedia-an-8th-birthday-present/

