
tech2024-01-13  97

I’m not generally in the habit of republishing unconfirmed rumors, but I read a couple recently about the possibility of Apple releasing cloud-based, software as a service (SaaS) versions of iWork and iMovie this week that got me thinking about SaaS. Perhaps this is an obvious point, but it only just really became clear to me, so I thought I’d share: SaaS resets the playing field.

我一般不习惯于散布未经证实的谣言,但最近我读了几篇关于苹果公司本周发布基于云的软件即服务(SaaS)版本的iWork和iMovie的可能性,这使我想到了SaaS。 也许这很明显,但是对我而言这只是很清楚,所以我想分享一下:SaaS重新设置了竞争环境。

As software applications move to the cloud, once dominant leaders will be challenged by new upstarts. Microsoft Word will face a real challenge from the likes of Google Docs and Zoho Writer. Quicken and Money may be challenged by the likes of Mint or Cake Financial. Photoshop will face competition from online apps like Aviary, Pixlr, Splashup, and Sumo Paint. iMovie may find itself playing catch up to web-based applications like JayCut. PowerPoint will get a run for its money from SlideRocket and 280 Slides.

随着软件应用程序迁移到云中,一旦主导者将面临新的暴发户的挑战。 Microsoft Word将面临来自Google Docs和Zoho Writer之类的真正挑战。 Mint或Cake Financial等公司可能会挑战Quicken和Money。 Photoshop将面临来自Aviary,Pixlr,Splashup和Sumo Paint等在线应用程序的竞争。 iMovie可能会发现自己正在赶上JayCut等基于Web的应用程序。 PowerPoint将从SlideRocket和280 Slides获得收益。

Whether or not Apple really does push iWork or iMovie into the cloud this week at MacWorld doesn’t really matter (though it would be cool if they do), the point is that Apple and other companies have an amazing chance, due to the growing popularity of software as a service, to compete in areas they were never before competitive.


Currently, iWork is a non-competitive desktop office apps suite, for example. Even though it stacks up to Microsoft Office on features in some cases, iWork remains only a niche Mac product because so many people already rely on Office that compatibility issues generally force people to shell out for it. But an online, cloud-based, cross-platform version of iWork would be different. There are no established leading web applications for word processing, spreadsheets, or presentations, so any app developer has a shot to compete with the current heavyweights of the desktop world.

当前,例如,iWork是一个非竞争性桌面办公应用程序套件。 即使在某些情况下它可以与Microsoft Office集成在一起,iWork仍然只是一个小众的Mac产品,因为已经有很多人依赖Office,因此兼容性问题通常迫使人们为此买单。 但是,基于云的在线,跨平台版本的iWork会有所不同。 没有用于字处理,电子表格或演示文稿的成熟的领先Web应用程序,因此任何应用程序开发人员都可以与当前桌面世界的重量级人物竞争。

SaaS resets the playing field and erases established leaders from the discussion — the desktop versions so entrenched in our lives no longer matter once software completely moves to the cloud — if it does, so the door is wide open for new competitors. That’s why SlideRocket, a web-based application initially developed by one person, may end up taking down PowerPoint. That’s why 37signals, a bootstrapped company with just a handful of employees, can take on Microsoft Project with Basecamp, and why Salesforce.com has been able to take on SAP and Oracle.

SaaS重设了竞争环境,并从讨论中删除了建立的领导者-根深蒂固的桌面版本不再重要,一旦软件完全迁移到云中就可以了-如果这样做的话,那么新竞争者就大开了大门。 这就是为什么SlideRocket(最初由一个人开发的基于Web的应用程序)最终可能会删除PowerPoint的原因。 这就是为什么37signals(一家只有少数员工的自举公司)可以与Basecamp一起承接Microsoft Project的原因,以及为什么Salesforce.com能够承接SAP和Oracle。

The web apps mentioned in this post generally don’t compete with their desktop counterparts feature-for-feature. If they were desktop apps, they probably wouldn’t have a chance to compete because people would dismiss them for not stacking up feature-wise, or for having compatibility issues. But web apps gets some leeway. People don’t expect them to be as feature rich yet, and convenience and accessibility make up for lack of features. Further, compatibility issues matter less with web apps because you can usually just share work directly via the app with a collaborator.

这篇文章中提到的Web应用程序通常不会与台式机功能逐一竞争。 如果它们是台式机应用程序,则它们可能将没有机会竞争,因为人们会因为不按功能堆叠或存在兼容性问题而将其驳回。 但是网络应用程序有一些余地。 人们不希望它们具有如此丰富的功能,而便利性和可访问性弥补了缺少功能的不足。 此外,兼容性问题与Web应用程序无关紧要,因为您通常可以直接通过该应用程序与协作者共享工作。

And because the software as a service model makes it easier to push out updates to all customers at once, SaaS apps have so far generally been more agile and able to iterate and improve a lot faster than their desktop counterparts. SaaS wins when it comes to convenience, accessibility, collaboration, and agility — so they get a pass on features for now.

而且由于软件即服务模型使一次向所有客户推送更新更加容易,因此,到目前为止,SaaS应用程序通常比台式机更敏捷,并且能够迭代和改进很多。 在方便性,可访问性,协作性和敏捷性方面,SaaS赢得了胜利-因此,它们现在可以通过功能。

As I said, these might be obvious points, but they only became clear in my mind recently, so I thought I’d share. If you agree, disagree, or have something to add, please respond in the comments below.

正如我所说的,这些观点可能很明显,但是直到最近我才意识到它们,所以我认为我会分享。 如果您同意,不同意或需要补充,请在下面的评论中回复。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/web-applications-reset-the-playing-field/
