DevHub的$ 20,000会员优惠

tech2024-01-13  107

As we reported last week, DevHub is a new web publishing system that makes it easy for aspiring non-technical developers to build and monetize a site.

正如我们上周报道的那样 ,DevHub是一个新的Web发布系统,它使有抱负的非技术开发人员可以轻松构建网站并从中获利。

Over 100,000 websites were created within the first month of launch. To attract new sign-ups, DevHub also pays affiliates 10% of whatever a referred user earns. To become an affiliate, you need to register, click “My Referrals”, and use the links or banners provided.

在发布的第一个月内,创建了超过100,000个网站。 为了吸引新的注册用户,DevHub还向会员支付10%的推荐用户收入。 要成为会员,您需要注册,单击“我的推荐人”,然后使用提供的链接或横幅。

However, the company has just announced a headline-making promise to pay their top affiliates US$20,000. To qualify for the bonus payment, you must generate $5,000 of referral revenue by 31 December 2009. As soon as that occurs, DevHub will credit your account with an additional $20,000.

但是,该公司刚刚宣布了一项头条新闻,承诺向其主要分支机构支付20,000美元。 要获得奖金的资格,您必须在2009年12月31日之前获得5,000美元的推荐收入。一旦发生这种情况,DevHub就会向您的帐户中再贷出20,000美元。

But what are the catches?


Be under no illusion: you will need to work hard to get the referrals.

不抱任何幻想:您将需要努力获得推荐。 Your referred clients must build successful sites that generate at least $50,000 of advertising income (after DevHub has taken their share).

您推荐的客户必须建立成功的网站,这些网站至少可以产生50,000美元的广告收入(在DevHub占有份额之后)。 It will become increasingly difficult to attract new sign-ups as the user base grows. Remember that your referred clients may start referring others to DevHub using their own affiliate codes.

随着用户群的增长,吸引新签约将变得越来越困难。 请记住,您推荐的客户可能会开始使用他们自己的会员代码将其他人推荐给DevHub。

DevHub has only been operating a few weeks and there is little information about potential earnings at this stage. My example Formula 1 site raised a total affiliate revenue of $0.05 in 4 days. Your sites will need to work better than my paltry effort!

DevHub仅运营了几个星期,在此阶段,有关潜在收益的信息很少。 我的示例一级方程式网站在4天内提高了联盟会员的总收入$ 0.05。 您的网站将需要比我微不足道的工作更好!

The long-term future of DevHub looks good, but it can not be guaranteed.


$20,000 is certainly an attractive deal and it is likely to lead to an explosion in new registrations. However, I suspect the only successful affiliates will be those who sign-up early and push the service before it becomes a mainstream success.

20,000美元无疑是一个有吸引力的交易,并且很可能会导致新注册数量激增。 但是,我怀疑唯一成功的会员将是那些尽早注册并推动该服务成为主流的人。

Want to try? Sign up at DevHub (affiliate link – all proceeds donated to charity)

要尝试吗? 在DevHub上注册 (会员链接-所有收益捐赠给慈善机构)

Are you tempted by DevHub’s offer? Is $5,000 revenue in 9 months achievable and realistic? Do you think it will raise DevHub’s profile above competing site builders? Is this the start of similar affiliate deals?

您被DevHub的报价吸引了吗? 在9个月内达到5,000美元的收入是现实的吗? 您是否认为它将使DevHub的知名度高于竞争网站建设者? 这是类似会员交易的开始吗?

