
tech2024-01-13  118


Yesterday, CNET dug up a document from Google that outlines where the company plans to go in terms of extensions for their Chrome web browser. Though the document doesn’t offer any specific time line regarding when extensions are coming, it does outline a number of use cases and specific extensions that Google would like to support.

昨天, CNET从Google 挖出了一份文档,概述了该公司计划在其Chrome Web浏览器扩展方面的应用。 尽管该文档没有提供有关扩展程序何时发布的任何具体时间表,但确实列出了Google希望支持的一些用例和特定扩展程序。

Bookmarking/navigation tools: Delicious Toolbar, Stumbleupon, web-based history, new tab page clipboard accelerators

书签/导航工具:Delicious工具栏,Stumbleupon,基于网络的历史记录,新的标签页剪贴板加速器 Content enhancements: Skype extension (clickable phone numbers), RealPlayer extension (save video), Autolink (generic microformat data – addresses, phone numbers, etc.)

内容增强:Skype扩展名(可单击的电话号码),RealPlayer扩展名(保存视频),自动链接(通用微格式数据–地址,电话号码等) Content filtering: Adblock, Flashblock, Privacy control, Parental control

内容过滤:Adblock,Flashblock,隐私控制,家长控制 Download helpers: video helpers, download accelerators, DownThemAll, FlashGot

下载助手:视频助手,下载加速器,DownThemAll,FlashGot Features: ForecastFox, FoxyTunes, Web Of Trust, GooglePreview, BugMeNot


Google says that it realizes that Chromium, the open source project that backs Chrome, “can’t be everything to all people,” which is why extensions will be important. Google aims with Chrome to have an extension system that rivals the one implemented by Mozilla with Firefox. “We should start by building the infrastructure for an extension system that can support different types of extensibility,” says the document. “The system should be able to support an open-ended list of APIs over time, such as toolbars, sidebars, content scripts (for Greasemonkey-like functionality), and content filtering (for parental filters, malware filters, or adblock-like functionality).”

谷歌表示,它意识到支持Chrome的开源项目Chromium“不能满足所有人的所有需求”,这就是扩展很重要的原因。 Google希望通过Chrome拥有一种扩展系统,该系统可以与Mozilla用Firefox实现的系统相媲美。 该文件说:“我们应该从为扩展系统构建基础架构开始,以支持不同类型的可扩展性。” “随着时间的流逝,系统应该能够支持API的开放式列表,例如工具栏,侧边栏,内容脚本(用于类似Greasemonkey的功能)和内容过滤(用于父母过滤器,恶意软件过滤器或类似adblock的功能) )。”

Though Chrome has seen an uptick to about 1% browser market share over the past month due to an occasional homepage link on, according to Net Applications, many early adopters remain hesitant to switch from Firefox. The reason we hear most often is indeed that Chrome lacks extensions, and as CNET points out an extensions system is the top requested feature by far on the Chromium project’s issue tracker.

据Net Applications称 ,尽管由于Google.com上偶尔有主页链接,Chrome在过去一个月中的浏览器市场份额上升了约1%,但许多早期采用者仍然不愿从Firefox切换到。 我们最常听到的原因确实是Chrome缺少扩展,并且正如CNET指出的那样,扩展系统是Chromium项目的问题跟踪器上迄今为止最需要的功能。

Just take a look at some sample comments from our previous Chrome coverage on SitePoint:


“I like Chrome … it’s fast and opens fast too. However … I post this comment in Firefox. For me it’s simple … no Foxmarks, web dev toolbar and several other add-ons.” — Greg

“我喜欢Chrome…它的速度很快,而且打开速度也很快。 但是…我在Firefox中发布了此评论。 对我来说,这很简单……没有Foxmarks,Web开发工具栏和其他几个附加组件。” — 格雷格

“I spent a bit of today in Chrome and it is pretty nice. Very quick and super clean UI. It shows how slow some sites really are. I agree […] about the web dev toolbar. I use that and Firebug every time I fire up the browser.” — awasson

“我今天花了一些时间在Chrome上,这真是太好了。 非常快速和超级干净的用户界面。 它显示了某些网站的运行速度。 我同意[...]关于Web开发工具栏。 每次启动浏览器时,我都会使用它和Firebug。” — 唤醒

“I still am not going to convert due to the lack of support for add-ons – which I use every day. I mean, I opened up chrome this morning, to send a screenshot to someone, and where was my screen-grab….oh thats right this is Chrome :-(. If they managed to support the FF add-ons in Chrome, then yes, they could well get rid of FF, and then start converting the IE users.” — the moose

“由于缺乏对插件的支持,我仍然不愿意转换。我每天都会使用它。 我的意思是,今天早上我打开了chrome浏览器,将截图发送给某人,我的屏幕抓取点在哪里....哦,那是Chrome :-(.。如果他们设法在Chrome中支持FF插件,那么是的,他们很可能会摆脱FF,然后开始转换IE用户。” — 驼鹿

Pulling mainstream users away from Internet Explorer will be as difficult and slow a process for Google as it has been for Mozilla. The best users to target at the outset are the early adopters — or in this case, people already using alternative browsers like Firefox and Opera. These people generally rely on browser extensions (such as Firebug and AdBlock), which Chrome will need to compete.

与Mozilla一样,要让主流用户摆脱Internet Explorer的难度和速度,对Google来说都是一样的。 一开始就定位的最佳用户是早期采用者,或者在这种情况下,人们已经在使用替代浏览器,例如Firefox和Opera。 这些人通常依赖于浏览器扩展程序(例如Firebug和AdBlock),Chrome需要与之竞争。

Once Google adds the planned extension framework to the Chromium project, I think we can expect to see its market share jump considerably. It won’t overtake Firefox overnight, but it will become a fairly major minor player — by which I mean: watch out Firefox, Opera, and Safari.

Google将计划的扩展框架添加到Chromium项目后,我认为我们可以期望看到其市场份额大幅增长。 它不会在一夜之间超过Firefox,但它将成为相当主要的次要角色-我的意思是:当心Firefox,Opera和Safari。


