
tech2024-01-13  92


In August of last year, popular mixtape sharing site Muxtape shut down due to “a problem with the RIAA.” Translated, that means the site was having legal trouble because it allowed people to upload and share virtual mixtapes comprised of copyrighted music. Nearly 6 months later, the site’s founder Justin Ouellette has launched a preview of the new Muxtape.

去年8月,由于“ RIAA出现问题”,流行的混音带共享网站Muxtape关闭了。 经过翻译,这意味着该网站存在法律问题,因为它允许人们上载和共享包含受版权保护的音乐的虚拟混音带。 将近6个月后,该网站的创始人Justin Ouellette 启动了新Muxtape 的预览 。

The new site will still allow users to listen to streaming music, and create and share mixtapes, but only using tracks that bands have explicitly uploaded to the platform. Oullette is describing the new Muxtape as “a minimalist platform for bands to promote their music and listeners to create mixes.” The preview has a selection of tracks from 12 indie bands and plans to let other bands to sign up and upload tracks for free in the next few weeks.

新站点仍将允许用户收听流音乐,创建和共享混音带,但只能使用乐队已明确上传到平台的曲目。 Oullette将新的Muxtape描述为“乐队推广音乐和听众创建混音的极简平台”。 预览版提供了12个独立乐队的精选曲目,并计划在接下来的几周内让其他乐队免费注册和上传曲目。

According to a FAQ on the site, the original Muxtape folded due to an inability to secure proper licensing deals with the labels. So the new site will aim to bypass the need to deal directly with the labels and be an easy to use platform for the artists themselves to share their music with fans, and for fans to share it with one another. “Muxtape strives for simplicity and believes that music needs a clean, unobstrusive context,” says the site, and promises never to force artists to show ads on their pages.

根据该网站上的常见问题解答,原始Muxtape折叠了,因为无法确保正确的标签许可交易。 因此,新站点将旨在绕过直接处理标签的需求,并成为艺术家自己与粉丝分享音乐以及与粉丝分享音乐的一种易于使用的平台。 该网站说:“ Muxtape追求简单,并相信音乐需要干净,无干扰的环境。”并承诺绝不强迫艺术家在其网页上展示广告。

Muxtape will face an uphill battle against established music promotion sites like MySpace, Facebook, and YouTube, and may never be home to mainstream acts. It will likely be attractive to indie artists, though, who need a place to easily and cheaply promote and share their music while building a fan base.

Muxtape将面临与MySpace,Facebook和YouTube等知名音乐推广网站的艰苦斗争,并且可能永远不会成为主流行为的发源地。 不过,这对于独立艺术家来说可能很有吸引力,他们需要一个地方来轻松,廉价地宣传和分享他们的音乐,同时建立粉丝群。

To that end, Muxtape plans to expand its offerings to artists in the future, including ways for them to sell downloads, concert tickets, and create and sell merchandise. Muxtape also has plans for a developer API and an analytics package to allow musicians to track how their music is listened to and shared across the platform. It is in those expansion plans that Muxtape will likely find its business model.

为此,Muxtape计划在将来将其产品扩展到艺术家,包括他们出售下载,演唱会门票以及创建和销售商品的方式。 Muxtape还计划开发一个API和一个分析包,以使音乐家能够跟踪他们的音乐在平台上的聆听和共享方式。 正是在这些扩展计划中,Muxtape可能会找到其商业模式。

Be sure to check out our reviews of Muxtape alternatives Opentape and 8tracks. And big up to Muxtape to snagging Girl Talk as one of the initial 12 preview bands — we definitely appreciate the symbolism at play.

请务必查看我们对Muxtape替代品Opentape和8tracks的评论 。 作为Muxtape的一员,最初的12个预览乐队之一吸引了Girl Talk的到来-我们一定会欣赏其中的象征意义。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/muxtape-returns-with-indie-flair/

