SitePoint Podcast#6:Internet Explorer 6的处理方法

tech2024-01-14  94

Episode 6 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week your hosts are Brad Williams, Patrick O’Keefe, Stephan Segraves, and Kevin Yank.

SitePoint Podcast的 第6集现已发布! 本周的主持人是布拉德·威廉姆斯,帕特里克·奥基夫,斯蒂芬·塞格雷夫斯和凯文·扬克。

下载此剧集 (Download this Episode)

You can also download this episode as a standalone MP3 file. Here’s the link:

您也可以将本集下载为独立的MP3文件。 这是链接:

SitePoint Podcast #6: What to do about Internet Explorer 6 (MP3, 28.4MB)

SitePoint Podcast#6:Internet Explorer 6的处理方法 (MP3,28.4MB)

剧集摘要 (Episode Summary)

Here are the topics covered in this episode:


Blogging Community JournalSpace Wiped Out


Hard Lessons in the Importance of Backups: JournalSpace Wiped Out (LifeHacker)

关于备份重要性的艰难经验教训:JournalSpace被淘汰 (LifeHacker)

JournalSpace Drama: All Data Lost Without Backup, Company Deadpooled (TechCrunch)

JournalSpace剧集:所有数据丢失而没有备份,公司处于死循环状态 (TechCrunch)

Journalspace is no more (Journalspace)

Journalspace不再 (Journalspace)

AOL Hometown, Other Free Services Going Dark


Eviction, or the Coming Datapocalypse (Jason Scott)

驱逐,或即将来临的数据启示录 (Jason Scott)

Posts by Kelly Wilson at People Connection Blog (AOL Community Network)

Kelly Wilson在People Connection Blog (AOL社区网络)上的帖子

Twitter Under Attack


Gone Phishing (Twitter)

网上诱骗 (Twitter)

Monday Morning Madness (Twitter)

星期一早上疯狂 (Twitter)

Celebrity Twitter Accounts Hacked (Bill O’Reilly, Britney Spears, Obama, More) (TechCrunch)

名人Twitter帐户被黑客入侵(比尔·奥莱利,布兰妮·斯皮尔斯,奥巴马等) (TechCrunch)

Kevin Rose Disappointed by User Complaints

Kevin Rose对用户投诉感到失望

Kevin Rose comment on “Digg is Rigged – Video Proof” (Digg)

凯文·罗斯(Kevin Rose)评论“ Digg索具–视频证明” (Digg)

Main Show Topic: Internet Explorer 6

主要展示主题: Internet Explorer 6

The IE6 Equation (24 ways)

IE6公式 (24种方式)

IE6 Market Share is 20% (Market Share)

IE6市场份额为20% (市场份额)

Google tells users to drop IE6 (TG Daily)

Google告诉用户放弃IE6 (TG日报)

IE 6 Back from the Grave (Bruce Lawson)

IE 6从坟墓回来 (Bruce Lawson)

IE 6 Mobile Standards Compliance Tests (Bruce Lawson)

IE 6移动标准符合性测试 (Bruce Lawson)

“I won’t support IE 6 in 2009” (Ajaxian)

“ 2009年我将不支持IE 6” (阿贾克斯)

IE Death March


When Can We Stop Pandering to IE6? (atomised)

我们什么时候可以停止顺应IE6? (雾化)

IE6: Javascript won’t save us after all (falling leaves)

IE6:Javascript毕竟无法拯救我们 (落叶)

Thanks for listening! Feel free to let us know how we’re doing, or to continue the discussion, using the comments field below.

谢谢收听! 欢迎使用下面的评论字段让我们知道我们的状况,或者继续讨论。

