
tech2024-01-14  83

Looking for a new way to find freelancing work, network, and help out your fellow freelancer? If you’re a Twitter user, Blellow may be right up your alley. Blellow is a social networking community for freelancers and creative professionals who answer the question “What are you working on?”

寻找一种寻找自由职业,建立网络并帮助您的自由职业者的新方法吗? 如果您是Twitter用户,那么Blellow可能就在您的小巷附近。 Blellow是一个面向自由职业者和创意专业人士的社交网络社区,他们回答“您在做什么?”这个问题。

It works much like Twitter. You follow and are followed by other Blellow users, and you enter status updates (in 300 characters or less). The fundamental difference is that it’s work-based: you describe what you’re working on, a problem you are having, or help you need on a particular project or problem. Then, other Blellow members will reply to your thread with suggestions, solutions, or comments.

它的工作原理类似于Twitter 。 您跟随并跟随其他Blellow用户,然后输入状态更新(不超过300个字符)。 根本的区别在于它是基于工作的:描述您正在处理的内容,遇到的问题,或帮助您解决特定项目或问题。 然后,其他Blellow成员将用建议,解决方案或评论回复您的主题。

Here is more about how Blellow works.




Blellow has a driving purpose of sharing knowledge and collaborating with others. Users who regularly help others solve problems and find solutions can receive “kudos” from the original poster of an issue or problem. You can give out as many kudos as you like for each thread. The idea is to reward the person who helped you the most.

Blellow的驱动目的是分享知识并与他人合作。 定期帮助他人解决问题并找到解决方案的用户可以从问题或问题的原始发布者那里获得“荣誉”。 您可以根据需要为每个线程发出尽可能多的荣誉。 这个想法是为了奖励对您帮助最大的人。



Groups allow topics to be organized and sorted, i.e. Photoshop, Web Designers, Entrepreneurs, etc. By joining a group you can immediately interact with other members without having to follow anyone.

群组允许对主题进行组织和排序,例如Photoshop,Web Designer,企业家等。通过加入群组,您可以立即与其他成员互动,而无需关注任何人。



Projects allow you to post a request for assistance on one project. Projects can be paid or pro bono. Pro bono projects are unpaid projects meant to add to your portfolio, but may lead to further paid work depending on the project and popularity.

项目使您可以在一个项目上发布帮助请求。 项目可以付费或免费。 无偿项目是无偿的项目,旨在增加您的投资组合,但根据项目和受欢迎程度的不同,可能会导致进一步的有偿工作。



The Jobs section is a job board that allows businesses and individuals to post jobs for full-time, part-time, and contract positions in the categories of design, development, writing and other.




Blellow provides an opportunity for live gatherings for networking, socializing, or just getting to know the people you interact with on Blellow.


Overall, it’s an interesting new service that can be a potential powerhouse for freelancers once it takes off, especially for those accustomed to Twitter. The goal of information sharing among colleagues is great on it’s own, but the added features of a job board and project help may also make Blellow a great new way to find freelance work.

总体而言,这是一项有趣的新服务,一旦成为自由职业者,就可以成为自由职业者的潜在动力,特别是对于那些习惯了Twitter的人。 同事之间共享信息的目标本身就是伟大的,但是工作委员会的附加功能和项目帮助也可能使Blellow成为寻找自由职业者的绝佳新方法。

Have you used Blellow? What do you think about it?

您使用过Blellow吗? 你怎么看待这件事?

