
tech2024-01-14  96


If you’re feeling the pressure of a sinking economy, there are things you can do to bump up your income without dropping your rates or taking on non-ideal clients. Here are nine ideas that may make you more money during these tight financial times.

如果您感觉到经济不景气的压力,可以采取一些措施来增加收入,而又不降低利率或招募不理想的客户 。 这是九个想法,这些想法可能会在财务紧缩时期为您带来更多收益。

1. Offer Training


Have you ever been asked by a client if they can maintain the site you designed, but they don’t know how? Consider offering training services to teach them what they need to know to update their site themselves. Even if you have no desire to sit in a client’s office to train them, you can do it all remotely using services like WebEx, GoToMeeting and Yugma.

客户是否曾问过您是否可以维护您设计的网站,但他们不知道该怎么做? 考虑提供培训服务,以教会他们自己更新站点所需的知识。 即使您不想坐在客户办公室接受培训,也可以使用WebEx , GoToMeeting和Yugma之类的服务来远程完成所有操作。

2. Write


If you have an interest in writing, look for freelance writing gigs. Websites, blogs, magazines and freelance writing sites are all good places to look. Another option is adding content writing services to your offerings. It’s a huge benefit to a client to be able to hand off drafted content and have someone edit and beautify as they place it in the site. And if you’re really into writing, you can even write a book or e-book on your area of expertise, offering tips, how-to’s, and resources.

如果您对写作感兴趣,请寻找自由写作会。 网站,博客,杂志和自由撰稿网站都是不错的选择。 另一种选择是将内容编写服务添加到您的产品中。 对于客户来说,能够将草稿内容进行交接并让某人在将其放入网站时进行编辑和美化,这是一个巨大的好处。 而且,如果您真的很想写作,您甚至可以就您的专业领域写一本书或电子书,其中提供了技巧,方法和资源。

3. Design Beyond the Web


For some web designers, logo, ad design and general graphic design are peripheral services or something they don’t offer at all. If this is the case for you, give it a try. You could even think about offering print design services — postcards, brochures, business cards, etc. If you’re successful, you can develop complete branding packages for clients.

对于某些网页设计师来说,徽标,广告设计和常规图形设计是外围服务,或者根本不提供。 如果您是这种情况,请尝试一下。 您甚至可以考虑提供印刷设计服务-明信片,小册子,名片等。如果成功,则可以为客户开发完整的品牌包装。

4. Pitch Maintenance


It may be time to revisit clients’ websites to see if they’re in need of an update. Consider going through your list and approaching clients to refresh their sites. Perhaps the site has not been touched since the design two years ago, or the client has a new facet of their business to feature, or your design skills have improved since you initially designed the site and you have more to offer the client. Research, prepare and then pitch it.

现在可能是时候重新访问客户的网站,以查看他们是否需要更新。 考虑遍历您的列表并与客户联系以刷新其网站。 自两年前设计以来,该网站可能尚未受到任何影响,或者客户的业务面貌焕然一新,或者自您最初设计该网站以来,您的设计技能得到了提高,并且您可以为客户提供更多服务。 研究,准备,然后推销。

5. Hit Up Social Media


There is a market in the realm of social media of people who want to customize their profile pages on various social media sites. You can design custom backgrounds and landing pages for Twitter users, create custom MySpace themes, and even enhance SEO and graphics for Facebook fan pages. Blog customization is also in demand since many businesses want to create a unified look and feel across all of their online elements.

想要在各种社交媒体网站上自定义其个人资料页面的人们在社交媒体领域中有一个市场。 您可以为Twitter用户设计自定义背景和登录页面,创建自定义MySpace主题,甚至为Facebook粉丝页面增强SEO和图形。 由于许多企业希望在其所有在线元素上创建统一的外观,因此也需要博客自定义。

6. Become an Affiliate


This is probably not a hugely lucrative endeavor, but for some potential steady income, look into becoming an affiliate or reseller for services your clients need, like domain name registration, hosting and shopping cart functionality.


7. Monetize


Another option is monetizing your website and/or blog. Of course, this is not for everyone, but if you can make it work in a tasteful and strategic way, this could be a nice source of passive income. A great read is “10 Ways to Monetize a Design Blog” by Steven Snell on He covers things like selling custom themes and creating a membership blog, as well as the more traditional advertising methods.

另一种选择是通过您的网站和/或博客获利。 当然,这并不适合每个人,但是如果您可以使其以一种有品味且具有战略意义的方式工作,那么这可能是被动收入的不错来源。 史蒂文·斯内尔(Steven Snell)在DesignM.ag上发表的精彩文章是“ 通过设计博客获利的10种方法 ”。 他介绍了诸如出售自定义主题,创建会员博客以及更传统的广告方法之类的内容。

8. Diversify


Try looking beyond traditional design services. Do you like to help others? You can offer fee-based mentorship or even an apprenticeship to up-and-comers. Do you have a critical eye for what people can be doing better on their sites? Site analysis services may be the perfect option. Think about other areas you are passionate about and you will probably come up with a few non-design but design-related services you can offer to potential clients.

尝试超越传统设计服务。 你想帮助别人吗? 您可以为有前途的人提供收费的指导,甚至是学徒制。 您是否对人们可以在自己的网站上做得更好的事情持批判态度? 站点分析服务可能是理想的选择。 考虑一下您热衷的其他领域,您可能会想出一些可以为潜在客户提供的非设计但与设计相关的服务。

9. Partner Up


If you’re feeling the crunch, chances are your colleagues are, too. Approach another designer or developer to create a partnership. You may find more success by having two (or even a team) of people marketing a larger service base. And don’t limit yourself to other people who do similar work; you may benefit from creating a partnership across many industries — writers, marketers, public relations professionals, and even virtual assistants who have clients in need of design services but no desire or ability to provide it themselves.

如果您感到紧缩,您的同事也很有可能。 与另一个设计师或开发人员联系以建立合作关系。 如果有两个(或什至一个团队)人在营销更大的服务基础,您可能会发现更多的成功。 不要将自己局限于从事类似工作的其他人; 您可能会从跨许多行业的合作伙伴关系中受益,这些合作伙伴包括作家,市场营销人员,公共关系专业人士,甚至是虚拟助理,这些合作伙伴的客户需要设计服务,但又不愿或无法自己提供设计服务。

Give it some creative thought, and you may be surprised what you come up with to boost your income. I’d love to hear your ideas!

给它一些创造性的想法,您可能会惊讶于自己想出什么来增加收入。 我很想听听您的想法!

Image credits: Alexander Kalina (money), Sanja Gjenero (shaking hands)

图片来源: Alexander Kalina (金钱), Sanja Gjenero (握手)


