ruby 中文乱吗

tech2024-01-15  87

ruby 中文乱吗

Mostly due to the very hyped Ruby on Rails web application framework, Ruby has been talked about a lot over the past four years or so — perhaps disproportionately so to the amount of people actually using it. However, Ruby usage had also been growing like a weed based on all available metrics. But has that changed recently? Are people starting to jump off the Ruby bandwagon?

主要是由于Ruby on Rails Web应用程序框架非常宣传,在过去的四年左右的时间里,Ruby被谈论很多,也许与实际使用它的人数不成比例。 但是,基于所有可用指标,Ruby的使用也像杂草一样增长。 但是最近改变了吗? 人们开始跳起Ruby潮流了吗?

Analysts are high on Ruby’s future. Gartner research vice president Mark Driver predicted in his April 2008 report “Open Source in Programming Languages,” that there would be 4 million Ruby developers by 2013. Further, he noted that Ruby would enjoy huge popularity in the enterprise. “Ruby will enjoy a higher concentration among corporate IT developers than typical, dynamic ‘scripting’ languages, such as PHP,” he wrote.

分析师对Ruby的未来寄予厚望。 Gartner研究部副总裁Mark Driver在其2008年4月的报告《编程语言的开源》中预测,到2013年将有400万Ruby开发人员。此外,他指出Ruby将在企业中享有巨大的知名度。 他写道:“与典型的动态“脚本”语言(如PHP)相比,Ruby在企业IT开发人员中的集中度更高。”

Black Duck Software, who owns the code search engine Koders, said in October that Ruby searches were up 20-fold last year and had passed Python, PHP, and Perl to become the fourth most searched for language on their site. That result seems to be anomalous, however, when compared with the rest of the web.

拥有代码搜索引擎Koders的 Black Duck Software去年10月表示, 去年Ruby的搜索量增长了20倍,并且已经超过Python,PHP和Perl,成为该网站上搜索次数第四高的语言。 但是,与网络的其余部分相比,该结果似乎是异常的。

The TIOBE Index, which looks at search data from the top mainstream search engines — Google, Yahoo!, MSN, and YouTube, currently ranks Ruby at number 11 — a push year-over-year. Though Ruby actually had the third largest one year growth, it wasn’t enough to crack the top 10 languages, and off ranking highs reached two years ago.

TIOBE Index可以查看Ruby , Google,Yahoo!,MSN和YouTube等主流主流搜索引擎的搜索数据,该排名目前在Ruby方面排名第11位,同比增长。 尽管Ruby实际上在一年中增长了第三大,但这还不足以破解前十种语言,而且还没有达到两年前的最高水平。

Over the past five years, Python is actually growing faster than Ruby — at least in search volume.


Another metric, Ohloh’s language comparison tool, which measures commits, lines of code, and contributors for open source projects, shows steady growth for Ruby starting 2005, but a dip recently. That trend is repeated across all the metrics Ohloh measures. PHP and Python, on the other hand, show more or less continued steady growth over the past ten years.

Ohloh的语言比较工具是另一个度量标准,用于度量开源项目的提交,代码行和贡献者,它显示Ruby从2005年开始稳定增长,但最近有所下降。 在所有Ohloh度量指标中都重复了这种趋势。 另一方面,PHP和Python在过去十年中显示出或多或少的持续稳定增长。

结论 (Conclusion)

So is Ruby’s popularity declining? It might be a bit premature to say that — TIOBE actually show that Ruby gained search share this year faster than any other language except C and C++, and there are still more and more ruby jobs available each month, according to Indeed. What the numbers in this post might show, however, is a slight slow down in Ruby’s rate of growth.

那么Ruby的受欢迎程度会下降吗? 这么说还为时过早– TIOBE实际上证明,Ruby今年获得的搜索份额比C和C ++以外的任何其他语言都要快,而且据Indeed称,每月仍有越来越多的Ruby工作可用。 然而,这篇文章中的数字可能表明,Ruby的增长率略有放缓。

Determining what is the most popular programming language is an difficult prospect, but it would certainly appear from the numbers we do have that Gartner’s guess that Ruby would be outstripping PHP among corporate developers by 2013 might not be accurate. PHP and Python both have more activity than Ruby in almost every measure, and show no sign of declining — while Ruby’s growth seems to be leveling off a bit.

确定什么是最流行的编程语言是一个困难的前景,但是从我们得到的数字来看,这肯定会出现,Gartner的猜测是,到2013年Ruby在企业开发人员中将超越PHP,这可能并不准确。 在几乎所有方面,PHP和Python都比Ruby具有更多的活动性,并且没有下降的迹象-尽管Ruby的增长似乎正在趋于平稳。

The good news all around, of course, is that the job trend line for all three languages is on the upswing.


Full disclosure: I co-own a popular Ruby on Rails community site, so have a vested interest in the popularity of the Ruby language.

全面披露:我与他人共同拥有一个流行的Ruby on Rails社区站点,因此对Ruby语言的流行性有着既得利益。


ruby 中文乱吗
