QUAKE LIVE是游戏的未来吗?

tech2024-01-15  99

QUAKE LIVE was launched to eager Internet gamers earlier this week. The new game is based on the 10 year-old critically acclaimed Quake III by 3D gaming experts id Software. However, this version is free and is played directly within a browser anywhere and at any time.

QUAKE LIVE已于本周初推出,以吸引互联网游戏玩家。 这款新游戏基于3D游戏专家id Software拥有10年历史的备受赞誉的Quake III。 但是,此版本是免费的,可以随时随地在浏览器中直接播放。

The game has been insanely popular during the first few days. If you have managed to play it, then you are one of the lucky ones. Many people were left waiting in virtual queues that exceeded 50,000 in depth. Id Software have apologized for the problems and are working on a solution. However, you are unlikely to get a quick blasting fix unless you are very, very patient.

在开始的头几天里,这款游戏大受欢迎。 如果您设法玩过游戏,那么您就是其中之一。 许多人在超过50,000个深度的虚拟队列中等待。 Id Software已为上述问题道歉,并正在寻求解决方案 。 但是,除非您非常非常有耐心,否则您不可能获得快速的修复效果。

Although the game is browser-based, there are some limitations:


it is only available to Windows PC users – there is no news about Mac or Linux availability as yet

它仅适用于Windows PC用户–尚无关于Mac或Linux可用性的消息 it only works in IE7 or Firefox 3 (not version 3.1) – so Opera, Chrome, Safari, and Lynx fans are likely to disappointed

它仅适用于IE7或Firefox 3(不适用于3.1版)–因此,Opera,Chrome,Safari和Lynx粉丝可能会失望 you need to install a browser plug-in to play.


There are rumors that the game is developed using Adobe Flash, although the dedicated plug-in is likely to handle much of the graphical gaming effort. The browser is primarily used as the game’s delivery mechanism rather than being the basis for its implementation.

有传言称该游戏是使用Adobe Flash开发的,尽管专用插件可能会处理许多图形游戏工作。 浏览器主要用作游戏的交付机制,而不是其实现的基础。

However, it is early days. Whether you assume QUAKE LIVE to be truly browser-based or not, the game matches the quality, playability, and speed of console-based gaming a generation or two ago. Until now, Flash and browser games have been simplistic but perhaps this high-profile release offers a glimpse into the future direction of the games industry.

但是,现在还处于初期。 无论您是否认为QUAKE LIVE是真正基于浏览器的,该游戏都与一代或两代以前基于控制台的游戏的质量,可玩性和速度相匹配。 到目前为止,Flash和浏览器游戏还很简单,但也许这个引人注目的发行版提供了游戏行业未来方向的一瞥。

Have you managed to play QUAKE LIVE? Did you need to wait long? Was the game any good and would you recommend it? Could this be the start of high-end on-demand browser gaming?

您是否成功玩过QUAKE LIVE? 您需要等待很长时间吗? 游戏有什么好处,您会推荐吗? 这可能是高端按需浏览器游戏的开始吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/quake-live-gaming/
