
tech2024-01-15  83


Earlier today social bookmarking site Ma.gnolia suffered what is undoubtedly the worst nightmare for any web startup: a massive, and possibly irreversible loss of data. The site is currently offline, and a note from company founder Larry Halff says that the problem will take days to evaluate.

今天早些时候,社交书签网站Ma.gnolia无疑遭受了任何Web初创企业最严重的噩梦:大量且可能不可挽回的数据丢失。 该网站目前处于离线状态,公司创始人拉里·哈夫(Larry Halff)的一封信说,这个问题将需要几天的时间进行评估。

“Early on the West-coast morning of Friday, January 30th, Ma.gnolia experienced every web service’s worst nightmare: data corruption and loss,” wrote Halff. “For Ma.gnolia, this means that the service is offline and members’ bookmarks are unavailable, both through the website itself and the API. As I evaluate recovery options, I can’t provide a certain timeline or prognosis as to to when or to what degree Ma.gnolia or your bookmarks will return; only that this process will take days, not hours.”

“在1月30日星期五西海岸的早晨,Ma.gnolia经历了每个Web服务最糟糕的噩梦:数据损坏和丢失,” Halff写道。 “对于Ma.gnolia而言,这意味着该服务处于脱机状态,并且成员的书签都无法通过网站本身和API进行访问。 在评估恢复选项时,我无法确定Ma.gnolia或您的书签何时或返回何种程度的时间表或预后; 只是这个过程需要几天,而不是几个小时。”

It should be pretty clear to anyone that this is a very, very bad thing. Even if Ma.nolia is to somehow recover all the user data it lost, there has very likely been irreparable damage done to their reputation and to the confidence that users have in their service. We expect that the cloud will go down from time to time, but we also expect that it will be back up quickly and with all of our data intact.

任何人都应该清楚这是非常非常糟糕的事情。 即使Ma.nolia要以某种方式恢复丢失的所有用户数据,也很可能对其声誉和用户对其服务的信心造成不可挽回的损害。 我们希望云将不时关闭 ,但是我们也希望云将快速备份并保持所有数据不变。

Long time members of SitePoint will remember that I went through something similar — albeit on a much smaller scale — about four years ago. Looking back on it now, I can laugh and marvel at now naive I was. But now, as I prepare to launch a software as a service application in the next couple of months, I also realize how much I still have to learn about making sure that customer data is securely and reliably backed up.

SitePoint的长期会员会记得,大约四年前 ,我经历了类似的事情-尽管规模要小得多。 现在回首过去,我可以为现在的天真而笑和惊奇。 但是现在,当我准备在接下来的几个月中启动软件即服务应用程序时,我也意识到我仍然需要了解确保安全可靠地备份客户数据的知识。

So I’d love to get a discussion going here about backup strategies. How do you manage backups of your web sites? Do you do it manually either to another server or locally using DVD-Rs or external hard drives? Do you pay for a third party back up product? Do you use a cloud storage service like Amazon S3 or Mosso Cloud Files?

因此,我很乐意在这里进行有关备份策略的讨论。 您如何管理网站的备份? 您是手动对另一台服务器还是使用DVD-R或外部硬盘在本地进行处理? 您是否购买第三方备份产品? 您是否使用Amazon S3或Mosso Cloud Files之类的云存储服务?

Let us know in the comments.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/open-thread-how-to-prevent-data-loss/

