
tech2024-01-15  100


Getting things done quickly and efficiently is a big part of staying fresh and energetic with your work. Increased productivity can help you avoid burnout, get rid of stress, take on more work and make more money. Assuming that you have directed and measurable goals that you want to achieve by being more productive (as opposed to just adding more to your to-do list in the hopes of finding a better way to work), accomplishing more quality tasks and your most important priorities every day can help to develop an ongoing sense of fulfillment and achievement.

快速高效地完成工作是保持工作新鲜感和活力的重要组成部分。 提高生产力可以帮助您避免精疲力尽 ,摆脱压力,从事更多工作并赚更多钱。 假设您已制定了要通过提高生产力来实现的可衡量目标(而不是仅将更多工作清单添加到待办事项中,以期希望找到更好的工作方式),完成更多质量最高且最重要的任务每天的优先事项可以帮助培养持续不断的成就感和成就感。

Here are some very simple, yet highly effective ways to make small changes that can increase your productivity in big ways.


1. Get Up Earlier


You obviously need enough sleep in order to perform at your best, but one option for dealing with time constraints and extensive task lists is to go to bed earlier and get up earlier. This is especially effective if you can capitalize on quiet early morning work time by having a plan laid out the day before for what you want to accomplish the next morning.

您显然需要充足的睡眠才能达到最佳状态,但是处理时间限制和大量任务清单的一种选择是早睡早起。 如果您可以通过在前一天为第二天早上要完成的事情制定计划来利用安静的清晨工作时间,则此功能特别有效。

If you’re not a morning person, try scheduling a time later in the evening after your typical work hours and after a break when you can create a focused slot of time to finish a manageable amount of work.


2. Remove Distractions


As difficult as it may be, try removing some of the daily distractions that interrupt your work – e-mail, phone calls, pets, IM, browsing online, TV, social media sites, and RSS feeds. If you are used to working through interruptions, you may be surprised by how much you can get accomplished, even in a short period of dedicated work time.

尽可能地困难,尝试消除一些干扰您工作的日常干扰,例如电子邮件,电话,宠物,即时消息,在线浏览,电视,社交媒体网站和RSS源。 如果您习惯于不时打扰工作,即使在很短的工作时间内,您会获得多少成就,您可能会感到惊讶。

If you are working from home with young children in tow, consider setting up some regular childcare, even for a few hours a week.


Do you find that you are pulled off task because you are thinking about other things you need to do during the day? Try writing things down as soon as you think of them and then putting it aside until you have the time to focus on it. This will ensure it doesn’t get forgotten and prevent the stop-and-go in your work flow.

您是否发现自己因为正在考虑白天需要做的其他事情而退出任务? 想到后就尝试写下来,然后放到一边,直到有时间专注于它。 这将确保它不会被遗忘,并防止工作流程中的停停走走。

3. Get Mobile


Flexibility is another way you can increase your productivity. You can benefit from reduced work time by having a laptop and BlackBerry or other devices that let you work on the go. This also enables you to work from places other than your home, which can be an effective way to jumpstart your productivity.

灵活性是您提高生产率的另一种方式。 通过配备便携式计算机和BlackBerry或其他可让您随时随地工作的设备,您可以从减少的工作时间中受益。 这也使您可以在家以外的地方工作,这是提高生产力的有效方法。

4. Get Rid of Busyness


Take an honest look at your task list. How much of it is really important? Sort your to-do’s by the highest priority so you know the most important things you need to do each day. If you find that there are a few tasks that keep getting put off week after week, they may be good candidates for outsourcing, or maybe you can get rid of them altogether.

诚实地查看您的任务列表。 其中有多少真的很重要? 按最高优先级对您的待办事项进行排序,以便您知道每天需要做的最重要的事情。 如果您发现有一些任务一周又一周推迟执行,那么它们可能是外包的理想人选,或者也许您可以完全摆脱它们。

One way to see how much of your time is spent on your priorities is by tracking all of your time, for billable and non-billable work. After a few weeks, you’ll get a good idea of where your time is going and can make adjustments as necessary.

查看有多少时间花在优先事项上的一种方法是跟踪所有时间,以进行可计费和不可计费的工作。 几周后,您会清楚地知道时间在哪里,可以根据需要进行调整。

How productive are you? What can you do to get more done?

您的生产率如何? 您能做什么来做更多的事情?

Image credit: zbyszek80

图片来源: zbyszek80

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/4-ways-to-be-more-productive/

