链表 幸存 问题

tech2024-01-16  85

链表 幸存 问题

I have been lucky with computers. They have died on me but only after they’ve had a long life and I had replaced them with something better. My main PC had never blown up … until last week.

我对计算机很幸运。 他们对我死了,但是只有在他们长寿之后,我才用更好的东西代替了它们。 我的主电脑从未炸毁……直到上周。

Losing a computer can be traumatic. We store our lives on them: contact details, financial accounts, family photographs, music collections, videos and more. Here are 8 tips that could help you survive a PC meltdown…

丢失计算机可能会造成伤害。 我们将生活存储在它们上:联系方式,财务账目,家庭照片,音乐收藏,视频等等。 这里有8条技巧可以帮助您在PC崩溃后幸免于难…

1. BACK UP If you have never backed up your data, stop everything and do it now! External hard disks and NAS drives are cheap and easy to use.

1.备份如果您从未备份过数据,请立即停止一切操作! 外部硬盘和NAS驱动器便宜且易于使用。

Try to automate your backup process or make it as easy as possible. There are several free Windows applications that could help, including SyncBack Freeware, CloneZilla, Allway Sync, ezback-it-up, or FullSync.

尝试使备份过程自动化或使其尽可能简单。 有几种免费的Windows应用程序可以提供帮助,包括SyncBack Freeware , CloneZilla , Allway Sync , ezback-it-up或FullSync 。

2. Keep a spare PC A spare PC is vital. It may be old or underpowered, but it will keep you working whilst you hunt for a replacement. I survived on a lumbering 8 year-old PC and a netbook – it was not always an enjoyable experience, but it allowed me to keep in contact with clients.

2.保留备用PC备用PC是至关重要的。 它可能很旧或功率不足,但是在寻找替代品时可以使您继续工作。 我只能使用笨拙的8岁个人电脑和一台上网本生存下来,虽然这并非总是令人愉快的经历,但它使我得以与客户保持联系。

3. Purchase a hard-disk enclosure Even if your PC is irreparable, the hard disk may be intact. It is relatively simple to remove the device, slot it into an enclosure, and create a USB hard drive. This allows you to retrieve data that had not been backed up, but do not rely on this as your only backup method.

3.购买硬盘盒即使您的PC无法修复,硬盘也可能完好无损。 移除设备,将其插入机箱并创建USB硬盘驱动器相对简单。 这使您可以检索尚未备份的数据,但不要将其作为唯一的备份方法。

4. Use online synchronization Online storage is unlikely to be practical for all your data, but it could certainly be used for vital files such as password databases, important accounts, or current documents. I can personally recommend Dropbox; it is available on Windows, Mac and Linux and just works.

4.使用在线同步在线存储不可能适用于所有数据,但可以肯定地用于重要文件,例如密码数据库,重要帐户或当前文档。 我可以亲自推荐Dropbox ; 它适用于Windows,Mac和Linux,并且可以正常使用。

5. Install Foxmarks Foxmarks backs up your Firefox bookmarks to a central server so they can be accessed online or synchronized with other PCs. It was a relief not to lose 15 year’s worth of website links.

5.安装Foxmarks Foxmarks将Firefox书签备份到中央服务器,以便可以在线访问它们或与其他PC同步。 不失去长达15年的网站链接,这是一种放松。

6. Automatically forward your emails Emails can be instantly forwarded to a GMail or any other webmail account. This allows you to check messages from anywhere and provides a historical record of messages you may have lost otherwise.

6.自动转发您的电子邮件电子邮件可以立即转发到GMail或任何其他Webmail帐户。 这使您可以从任何地方检查邮件,并提供可能会丢失的邮件的历史记录。

You can define filters in GMail so forwarded messages are labeled and archived rather than remaining in your inbox. Click Settings, Filters, then “Create a new filter”. In the “To:” box, enter your email address or domain name. Finally, click “Next Step” and define how you want the message handled:

您可以在GMail中定义过滤器,以便对转发的邮件进行标记和存档,而不是保留在收件箱中。 单击设置,过滤器,然后单击“创建新过滤器”。 在“收件人:”框中,输入您的电子邮件地址或域名。 最后,单击“下一步”,然后定义如何处理消息:

7. Move your work into the cloud Although there have been a number of high-profile failures, cloud computing is here to stay and most applications will be more resilient than your own PC. Online applications such as Google Docs, Zoho Office, Buzzword, and ThinkFree offer viable alternatives to desktop suites.

7.将您的工作转移到云中尽管出现了许多备受瞩目的故障 ,但云计算将继续存在,并且大多数应用程序将比您自己的PC更具弹性。 诸如Google Docs , Zoho Office , Buzzword和ThinkFree之类的在线应用程序为台式机套件提供了可行的替代方案。

8. Use “no-install” applications Reinstalling your essential programs on a new PC is no fun. However, many applications provide ZIP, USB drive, or XCOPY deployment versions that can be installed by copying the files to an appropriate location and creating a shortcut. If the configuration files are also saved locally, your whole environment can be available within seconds.

8.使用“无安装”应用程序在新PC上重新安装基本程序并不有趣。 但是,许多应用程序提供ZIP,USB驱动器或XCOPY部署版本,可以通过将文件复制到适当的位置并创建快捷方式来进行安装。 如果配置文件也保存在本地,那么您的整个环境将在几秒钟内可用。

Have you ever experienced catastrophic PC failure? How did you cope? Would you do anything differently?

您是否经历过灾难性的PC故障? 你是怎么应付的? 您会做其他改变吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/8-tips-for-surviving-pc-failure/

链表 幸存 问题
