
tech2024-01-16  104


The Internet has made it possible for artists to spread their work to huge, world wide audiences like never before in human history. Site’s like DeviantArt and Flickr have collected billions of — mostly digital — art works that have without a doubt enriched the Internet experience. But at the same time, there’s still something very alluring about analog.

互联网使艺术家有可能将其作品传播给人类历史上从未有过的庞大的全球观众。 像DeviantArt和Flickr这样的网站已经收集了数十亿(主要是数字)艺术品,无疑丰富了互联网体验。 但与此同时,关于模拟仍然有一些诱人之处。

The best way to experience analog art, of course, is to visit a museum or gallery. But below are five in a unique class of web sites that marry digital distribution with analog creation — and specifically, with artistic creation by snail mail (postal mail).

当然,体验模拟艺术的最佳方法是参观博物馆或美术馆。 但是下面是一个独特的网站类别中的五个,它们将数字发行与模拟创作(特别是通过蜗牛邮件(邮政)进行的艺术创作)结合起来。

后秘密 (PostSecret)

PostSecret is easily the most well-known site on this list. The most succinct description comes from the site’s creator, Frank Warren: “PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard.”

PostSecret很容易成为此列表中最知名的网站。 最简洁的描述来自该网站的创建者弗兰克·沃伦(Frank Warren):“ PostSecret是一个正在进行的社区艺术项目,人们在明信片的一侧以匿名方式秘密邮寄秘密。”

Each postcard is a work of art that exposes someone’s inner thoughts — sometimes silly, sometimes sad, sometimes funny, sometimes tragic, often times just a bit disturbing. The site has spawned four print books, and a thriving fan community. Since opening in 2005, PostSecret has been visited over 200 million times according to a counter on the site.

每张明信片都是一件艺术品,可以揭示某人的内心想法–有时很愚蠢,有时很伤心,有时很有趣,有时很悲惨,但有时却有些令人不安。 该站点产生了四本印刷书籍,以及一个繁荣的粉丝社区 。 自2005年开业以来,根据该网站的计数器,PostSecret的访问量已超过2亿次。

道尔 (Dawdlr)

Twitter famously asks, “What are you doing?” By which they mean: right now. Dawdlr, on the other hand, asks, “what are you doing, you know, more generally?” They slow things way down, too. Rather than enter your answer into a form on the web and having it broadcast out to your friends, Dawdlr would rather you write out your answer on a postcard and send it via postal mail.

Twitter著名地问:“你在做什么?” 他们的意思是: 现在 。 另一方面,道德(Dawdlr)问:“更普遍地说,你在做什么?” 他们也放慢了脚步。 Dawdlr宁愿您将答案写在明信片上并通过邮寄发送,而不是将您的答案输入网络形式并广播给您的朋友。

Like PostSecret, Dawdlr submissions are often works of art. Unlike PostSecret, unfortunately Dawdlr is on hiatus. The next update is planned for May 21st, 2009. There’s still a great archive on the site for you to spend some time looking through, though.

与PostSecret一样,Dawdlr提交的作品通常都是艺术品。 与PostSecret不同,不幸的是Dawdlr处于中断状态。 下一次更新计划于2009年5月21日进行。尽管如此,该站点上仍有大量存档,您可以花一些时间浏览一下。

邮件艺术明信片展 (Mail Art Postcard Exhibition)

When I was in high school I used to subscribe to a magazine that encouraged readers to decorate their envelopes when they wrote in, then the best of which would be published with the letters column each month. Mail art like that is still alive and well on the Internet, and one of the best places to find it is the Mail Art Postcard Exhibition, of blog of mailed art that posts some truly amazing pieces.

上高中时,我经常订阅一本杂志,鼓励读者在写信时装饰信封,然后最好每月在信栏上发表。 像这样的邮件艺术在互联网上仍然很活跃,并且找到它的最好的地方之一是邮件艺术博客展览,它是邮寄艺术博客中张贴一些真正令人惊奇的作品的地方。

Based in Pennsylvania, USA, the Mail Art Postcard Exhibition displays art sent in from all over the world. Even though it accepts art by email as well, most seems to come via traditional snail mail.

邮件艺术明信片展览会设在美国宾夕法尼亚州,展示从世界各地寄来的艺术品。 即使它也接受电子邮件艺术作品,但大多数似乎都是通过传统的蜗牛邮件来实现的。

真正的蜗牛邮件 (Real Snail Mail)

Real Snail Mail is an art installation that goes in a completely different direction as the other sites on this list. Rather than accept submissions via snail mail and then post them on the web, Real Snail Mail accepts submissions via the web and then sends them out via email. So where does the snail mail part come in? Well, between you pressing “send” on your submission, and it reaching its final email destination, the message is carried across physical space by a snail. A real, living snail.

Real Snail Mail是一种艺术品安装,其安装方向与此列表中的其他站点完全不同。 Real Snail Mail不会通过Snail邮件接受提交,然后将其发布到网络上,而是通过Web接受提交,然后通过电子邮件将其发送出去。 那么,蜗牛邮件部分从何而来? 好吧,在您按提交内容上的“发送”,直到其到达最终的电子邮件目的地之间,该消息由蜗牛承载在物理空间中。 真正的活蜗牛。

Here’s how it works: first, you submit a message via an online form. That message is then collected by a snail that is equipped with a miniaturized electronic circuit and antenna at one end of an indoor snail enclosure. When the snail reaches the other end of the habitat — which could take weeks — the message is beamed to a second computer and dispatched to its final location. You can’t get much more true to the name “snail mail” than that.

它是这样工作的:首先,您通过在线表单提交消息。 然后,通过室内蜗牛外壳一端装有微型电子电路和天线的蜗牛收集该消息。 当蜗牛到达栖息地的另一端时(可能要花几周的时间),消息被传送到第二台计算机,然后发送到其最终位置。 您对“蜗牛邮件”的称呼比这更真实。

Snail Mail发的推文 (Tweet by Snail Mail)

Tweet by Snail Mail is a new site that just opened this week. The idea is simple: send in your message by mail on a postcard, and have it tweeted back out anonymously via the @SnailMailTweet account. Since it is so new, nothing has actually been mailed and tweeted yet, but once the tweet mails start rolling in, we hope that the service will be as addictive to watch as PostSecret has been.

Snail Mail的Tweet是本周刚刚开放的新站点。 这个想法很简单:通过明信片上的邮件发送您的消息,然后通过@SnailMailTweet帐户匿名发推文 。 由于它太新了,实际上还没有邮寄和发推文,但是一旦开始发送推文,我们希望该服务像PostSecret一样令人上瘾。

奖金1: RedBubble蜗牛邮件组 (Bonus #1: RedBubble Snail Mail Group)

Photo and illustration sharing site Red Bubble has a group in which members post submissions — photos, illustrations, writing — related to the concept of “snail mail.” As you might guess, that means a lot of photos of mail boxes.

照片和插图共享网站Red Bubble有一个小组,成员在其中发布与“蜗牛邮件”概念相关的意见(照片,插图,写作)。 您可能会猜到,这意味着有很多邮箱照片。

红利#2: Google Snail Mail搜索项目 (Bonus #2: Google Snail Mail Search Project)

A couple of years ago blogger Joe Schmidt started the Google Snail Mail Search Project. The GSMSP is basically a printable version of Google that you can fill out and mail to Mountain View. If anyone actually receives a response from Google to their snail mail search queries, let us know!

几年前,博客作者Joe Schmidt发起了Google Snail Mail Search Project。 GSMSP基本上是Google的可打印版本,您可以填写并邮寄到Mountain View。 如果有人真的收到了Google对他们的蜗牛邮件搜索查询的答复,请告诉我们!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/5-awesome-snail-mail-powered-art-projects/


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