
tech2024-01-16  98


At an event in San Francisco today, Yahoo! announced a broad expansion of their open strategy. Perhaps most compellingly, their 275 million user strong Yahoo! Mail application has been turned into an open app platform.

在今天在旧金山举行的活动中, Yahoo! 宣布扩大其开放战略。 也许最引人注目的是其2.75亿用户强大的Yahoo! 邮件应用程序已变成一个开放的应用程序平台。

Yahoo! today launched today what they’re calling a “smarter inbox,” available for some US users in preview mode at http://beta.mail.yahoo.com/. The new Yahoo! mail leans heavily on the social nature of the inbox. That’s something Yahoo! started talking about over a year ago when then-Senior Vice President of Communications & Communities Brad Garlinghouse told the New York Times that Yahoo! was working on “Inbox 2.0.”

雅虎! 今天,今天推出了他们所谓的“更智能的收件箱”,某些美国用户可以在预览模式下访问http://beta.mail.yahoo.com/ 。 新的Yahoo! 邮件在很大程度上取决于收件箱的社会性质。 那就是Yahoo! 一年多以前 ,当时的通讯与社区高级副总裁布拉德·加林豪斯(Brad Garlinghouse)告诉《纽约时报》,Yahoo! 正在开发“收件箱2.0”。

“The inbox you have today is based on what people send you, not what you want to see,” Garlinghouse said a year ago. “We can say, here are the messages from the people you care about most.” But there is a lot more passive information locked up in the inbox that could be exposed.

“今天的收件箱是根据人们给您发送的信息,而不是您想看到的信息,”加林豪斯一年前说。 “我们可以说,这是您最关心的人的信息。” 但是收件箱中锁定了许多可能被泄露的被动信息。

A lot of the information that makes up the so-called social graph on sites like Facebook and MySpace, already exists in your email account. It’s just not immediately evident. By analyzing who you communicate with most via email, it’s possible to extract a similar social graph. Yahoo! has realized this and is attempting to tap into that dormant social network.

您的电子邮件帐户中已经存在许多构成诸如Facebook和MySpace之类的网站上所谓的社交图的信息。 只是现在还不是很明显。 通过分析您与谁最经常通过电子邮件进行交流,可以提取相似的社交图。 雅虎! 已经意识到这一点,并试图利用该Hibernate的社交网络。

Yahoo!’s new inbox will also launch with six applications, four from third parties and two created in house, which will allow users to do more with the email. The applications come from WordPress, Xoopit, Flickr, Flixster, and two from Yahoo!: Greetings and Family Journal.

Yahoo!的新收件箱还将启动六个应用程序,其中四个来自第三方,两个内部创建,这将使用户能够处理更多电子邮件。 该应用程序来自WordPress,Xoopit,Flickr,Flixster,其中两个来自Yahoo!:Greetings and Family Journal。

Yahoo! is certainly not the first to realize the potential social graph lurking in your email account. In the same New York Times article linked above, Google expresses similar ideas. And small startup company Xobni makes a plugin for Outlook that essentially turns that email program into a social networking utility. In fact, even Bill Gates thinks the email box will be home to the “next generation of social networking.”

雅虎! 当然不是第一个在您的电子邮件帐户中发现潜在社交图的人。 在上面链接的《纽约时报》的同一篇文章中,谷歌表达了类似的想法。 小型创业公司Xobni为Outlook制作了一个插件,该插件实际上将电子邮件程序转变为社交网络实用程序。 实际上,甚至比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)都认为该邮箱将成为“下一代社交网络”的所在地。

In addition to the social email box, Yahoo! also announced changes to their front page, MyYahoo!, Toolbar, and other properties, all in the name of their Open Strategy.

除了社交电子邮件框外,Yahoo! 还宣布以其开放策略的名义对其首页MyYahoo !、工具栏和其他属性进行更改 。

Yahoo! is actually doing something that I suggested they should in an editorial on ReadWriteWeb about a year and a half ago. I wrote then that in order to fix Yahoo! they should do two things: go social and become a platform for third party applications. I suggested that Yahoo! build out their new social experience around their MyYahoo! start page property. In reality, they’re doing me one better by tying their social application platform into every property they own.

雅虎! 我实际上是在做我建议他们在大约一年半前在ReadWriteWeb上发表的文章 。 然后我写了那个,以修复Yahoo! 他们应该做两件事:社交并成为第三方应用程序的平台。 我建议雅虎! 围绕MyYahoo!建立新的社交体验! 起始页属性。 实际上,通过将自己的社交应用程序平台绑定到他们拥有的每个资产中,他们使我变得更好。

As we wrote in September, Yahoo! is starting to understand that the value of the web now lies in the free flow of information and data — the more open, the better. This could definitely be a winning strategy for Yahoo! They may never be the #1 search engine again, but Yahoo! is certainly a player in the race to create the web’s dominant social platform. This is actually a battle with Facebook more than it is one with Google.

正如我们在9月份写的那样 ,Yahoo! 人们开始理解,网络的价值在于信息和数据的自由流通-越开放越好。 这绝对是Yahoo!的制胜法宝! 他们可能再也不会成为排名第一的搜索引擎,但是Yahoo! 在创建Web主导社交平台的竞赛中,无疑是一个参与者。 实际上,与Facebook的斗争比与Google的斗争更多。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/yahoo-pushes-out-even-more-social/

