
tech2024-01-16  95

Today is the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States, which means that tomorrow is Black Friday — the biggest shopping day of the year and the unofficial start of the Christmas shopping season. Braving the long lines and packed parking lots on Friday in order to score some killer deals may not be for everyone, but the fact remains that you have less than a month now to find something for the special person in your life. If they’re anything like us, they’ll love something from this guide to gifts that will put a smile on any geek’s face.

今天是美国的感恩节假期,这意味着明天是黑色星期五,这是一年中最大的购物日,也是圣诞节购物季节的非正式开始。 为了获得一些杀手级的交易,在星期五勇敢地排长队和挤满人的停车场可能并不适合每个人,但事实是,您现在只有不到一个月的时间来为自己生活中的特殊人寻找东西。 如果他们像我们一样,他们会喜欢从本指南到礼物的东西,这些礼物会让任何怪胎的脸上都露出微笑。

A big special thank you to the entire SitePoint staff who were kind enough to share their Christmas wish lists with me and help me put together this list of must-have gift ideas. Please share what you want in the comments below.

非常感谢所有SitePoint员工,他们乐于与我分享他们的圣诞节愿望清单,并帮助我整理了这份必不可少的礼物创意清单。 请在下面的评论中分享您想要的内容。

醒来 (For Waking Up)

Sunbeam Café Series Espresso Machine


Everyone knows that caffeine is the fuel that powers web developers the world over, and in the SitePoint offices, espresso is our caffeine of choice. The Sunbeam Café Series Espresso Machine is an excellent choice for making the perfect cup of coffee at home. It’s a slick and beautiful machine.

众所周知,咖啡因是推动全球Web开发人员发展的动力,在SitePoint办公室中,意式浓缩咖啡是我们的首选咖啡因。 SunbeamCafé系列浓缩咖啡机是在家制作一杯完美咖啡的绝佳选择。 这是一台漂亮漂亮的机器。

Home Barista Kit


Just having the right coffee maker isn’t enough, though. If you really want to make the perfect cup of joe, snag the Home Barista Kit, which comes with a nock tube, cocoa shaker, group head cleaning brush, measure spoon, tamper, tamper mat, stainless steel jug, thermometer and espresso machine cleaning fluid. Keep that new Sunbeam in good working order for years to come.

但是,仅拥有合适的咖啡壶是不够的。 如果您真的想制作一杯完美的咖啡 ,请带上Home Barista套件 ,其中包括一个拨钉管,可可瓶,组头清洁刷,量匙,防拆垫,防拆垫,不锈钢水罐,温度计和意式浓缩咖啡机清洁体液。 在未来的几年中,要使新光束保持良好的工作状态。

NANDA Alarm Clock


Before you even get to the coffee, though, you have to get out of bed. For some heavy sleepers, an alarm clock isn’t enough — we just turn it off, roll over, and go back to sleep. The innovative NANDA Alarm Clock won’t let that happen, though, because after switching on each morning, the clock rolls off your dresser and hides, forcing you out of bed to turn it off. Evil, yes, but also ingenious.

不过,在您还没有喝咖啡之前,您就必须起床。 对于一些沉重的睡眠者来说,闹钟是不够的-我们只需将其关闭,翻身然后再入睡即可。 但是,创新的NANDA闹钟不会让这种情况发生,因为每天早晨打开后,时钟会从您的梳妆台上滚下来并藏起来,迫使您下床将其关闭。 邪恶,是的,但也很巧妙。

为了上班 (For Getting to Work)

MacBook Pro

MacBook Pro

Once fully awake, it’s time to get to work. Give the gift of style, with the new MacBook Pro. You didn’t honestly think we could publish a holiday gift guide without a MacBook on it, did you? Yes, it might be a cliché to include a Mac on our gift guide, but there’s a reason these things grace almost every tech/geek gift guide each year: they rock. The new all aluminum unibody case, LED-backlit display, and glass, multi-touch trackpad make this year’s model the best yet.

一旦完全清醒,就该开始工作了。 新款MacBook Pro带来时尚的礼物。 您真的不认为我们可以发布不带MacBook的节日礼物指南,对吗? 是的,在我们的礼物指南中包括Mac可能是一种陈词滥调,但是每年都有几乎所有技术/极客礼物指南都可以使用这些东西,这是有原因的:它们令人震惊。 全新的全铝一体式外壳,LED背光显示屏以及玻璃,多点触摸触控板使今年的机型成为迄今为止最好的机型。

Humanscale Freedom Task Chair


Move over Aeron, the Freedom Task Chair from Humanscale is our preferred product on which to rest our posteriors during a long day at work. If you buy one for yourself in this economy, it probably means you’re blowing through funding in ways that would make your investors cringe, but if you get one as a gift it just means someone really loves you.

超越Aeron,Humanscale的Freedom Task Chair是我们的首选产品,可以让我们的后代长时间工作。 如果您在这种经济环境中为自己购买一个,那可能意味着您正在以使您的投资者畏缩的方式来筹集资金,但是如果您将其作为礼物赠与,则意味着有人真的爱您。

Basecamp Subscription


We’ve often talked about how great Basecamp is. It makes running a small to mid-sized business vastly more simple, and almost any web developer on your gift list who does client work would be happy to get a subscription for Christmas, we guarantee it.

我们经常谈论Basecamp有多出色。 它使中小型企业的运营变得更加简单,并且,您的礼物清单上几乎所有从事客户工作的Web开发人员都将很高兴获得圣诞节的订阅,我们保证。

为了开心 (For Having Fun)

Foosball Table


It can’t be all work, work, work, though. At SitePoint’s offices, one of the ways we unwind is by playing foosball. The beautiful table pictured above isn’t actually for sale, as far as I can tell, but check out the Halex Oakmont, which is classy enough to go well with any living room decor.

但是,这不可能全部都是工作,工作,工作。 在SitePoint的办公室里,我们放松的一种方式是打桌上足球。 据我所知, 上面这张漂亮的桌子实际上并未出售,但请查看Halex Oakmont ,它足够优雅,可以搭配任何客厅装饰。

Mix Tape Portable DJ Mixer


With dual 3.5mm stereo inputs, the Mix Tape Portable DJ Mixer adds a whole new dimension to the classic mix tape. Hook up two iPods and some speakers, then use the built in crossfader to mix tracks together.

具有双3.5mm立体声输入, Mix Tape便携式DJ混音器为经典混音带增加了一个全新的维度。 连接两个iPod和一些扬声器,然后使用内置的交叉渐变器将音轨混合在一起。

Guitar Hero World Tour


Another way we unwind at the SitePoint offices is by playing Guitar Hero. The new World Tour kit for Guitar Hero 4 will have your whole office or family rocking in no time with drums, guitars, and vocals.

我们在SitePoint办公室放松的另一种方式是弹吉他英雄。 全新的适用于吉他英雄4的世界巡演套件 ,将使您的整个办公室或整个家庭随手摇鼓,吉他和人声。

对于看起来不错 (For Looking Good)



What is the preferred mode of dress for programmers? T-shirts, of course! We have something of a Threadless addiction at SitePoint (I have about 20 shirts from Threadless in my closet), and highly recommend them for Christmas shopping this year. If you want your purchasing to do some good, though, check out Andy Brice’s shirts for programmers, the profits from which will go to charity.

程序员首选的着装方式是什么? 当然是T恤! 我们拥有的东西绪在SitePoint(我有大约来自20件Threadless的衬衫在我的衣柜里)瘾,并极力推荐他们为今年圣诞购物。 但是,如果您希望自己的采购有所帮助,请查看安迪·布里斯(Andy Brice) 为程序员准备的衬衫 ,从中获得的利润将用于慈善事业。

8-bit Tie


If you know someone who has to dress up for work, the least you could do is help them do it in geek chic style. We recommend the 8-bit Tie from ThinkGeek. Wearing a shirt and tie has never been so, er, Mario-like.

如果您知道某人必须打扮才能上班,那么您至少可以做的就是帮助他们以怪异的时髦风格做事。 我们建议使用ThinkGeek的8位领带 。 穿着衬衫和领带从来没有像马里奥那样。



Of course, if you’re going to help someone look good, their laptop should match. GelaSkins is positively the best place to find gorgeous artistic skins for laptops, phones, and MP3 players. I bought my friend an iPod skin from these guys last year for Christmas and he absolutely loved it.

当然,如果您要帮助某人看起来不错,那么他们的笔记本电脑应该匹配。 GelaSkins肯定是找到适合笔记本电脑,手机和MP3播放器的精美艺术外观的最佳场所。 去年圣诞节,我从这些人那里给我的朋友买了iPod皮,他绝对喜欢。

在家放松 (For Relaxing At Home)

The Slanket


After a long day at the office, there’s nothing most people want more than to come home and relax. For those of us who live in colder climes, I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t be happy to receive a Slanket for Christmas. The Slanket is like other blankets except for one key difference: it has sleeves! That allows you to keep your arms warm whole freeing up your hands for important tasks like holding a book, video game controller, or mug of hot cocoa.

在办公室忙碌了一天之后,大多数人除了回家和放松外,没有什么比这更重要的了。 对于我们这些生活在较冷气候中的人来说,我想不起来谁会不高兴收到圣诞节的Slanket 。 Slanket就像其他毯子一样,唯一不同的是:它有袖子! 这样一来,您就可以保持整个手臂温暖,从而腾出双手来完成一些重要任务,例如拿着书,视频游戏控制器或一杯热可可。

Bose QuietComfort 3 Acoustic Noise Canceling Headphones

Bose QuietComfort 3降噪耳机

Especially for those who travel a lot for work, the Bose QuietComfort 3 Acoustic Noise Canceling Headphones are essential for relaxing and blotting out the world around you. I don’t think I’ve been on a plane in the past year without seeing someone break out a pair of these headphones — and somehow the trip always seems like it’s going faster for them.

Bose QuietComfort 3降噪耳机特别适合那些经常出差工作的人,对于放松和遮挡您周围的世界至关重要。 在过去的一年中,我认为我从未去过飞机,而没有看到有人将这些耳机拆成对头,因此总而言之,旅行似乎对他们来说会更快。

The Dark Knight on DVD


It was the biggest movie of the year at the box office — one of the biggest of all time — and is already one of the best-selling DVDs of 2008, as well, even though it’s hasn’t yet been release! The Dark Knight is kind of like Gladiator, The Matrix, or 300: it’s an essential part of any DVD collection. Featuring a stunningly brilliant performance from the late Heath Ledger, this is a guaranteed winning gift for anyone on your list.

这是票房年度最大的电影,是有史以来最大的电影之一,即使它尚未发行,它也已经是2008年最畅销的DVD之一! 《黑暗骑士》有点像《角斗士》,《黑客帝国》或300:这是所有DVD唱片中必不可少的一部分。 这是已故的希思·莱杰(Heath Ledger)令人惊叹的出色表演,对您名单上的任何人而言,这都是一份保证获奖的礼物。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/15-awesome-gifts-for-the-geek-in-your-life/
