Sun Microsystems预测:我们局部多云

tech2024-01-16  89

Today, Sun Microsystems announced its variation of “virtualizing data”. According to the news, Sun will release a set of open application programming interfaces aimed at developers, students and Web startups. In the ongoing battle for viable virtual computing, being waged with terms as much as technology, Sun Microsystems follows the trail blazed by Amazon and Google.

今天,Sun Microsystems宣布了其“虚拟化数据”的变体。 根据消息 ,Sun将发布面向开发人员,学生和Web初创公司的一组开放式应用程序编程接口。 在不断进行的可行的虚拟计算之争中,Sun的技术和技术一样多,Sun Microsystems追随了Amazon和Google的足迹。

Sun’s “cloud computing” strategy appears to be driven by flexibility versus its competitors Google and Amazon. By comparison, the Amazon EC2 system for example is primarily a Linux based platform, while the new Sun variant runs across OpenSolaris, Linux or Windows, and is compatible with Amazon S3 APIs too. Adding drag and drop simplicity further delineates Sun’s interface, and strives to give developers a true development data center. With pre-packaged Virtual Machine Images (VMIs) via Sun’s open source software, Sun’s approach appears to simplify developmental deployments within the Sun cloud matrix of services.

与竞争对手谷歌和亚马逊相比,Sun的“云计算”策略似乎是由灵活性驱动的。 相比之下,例如,Amazon EC2系统主要是基于Linux的平台,而新的Sun变体可以跨OpenSolaris,Linux或Windows运行,并且也与Amazon S3 API兼容。 增加拖放的简便性进一步描绘了Sun的界面,并努力为开发人员提供真正的开发数据中心。 通过通过Sun的开源软件预先打包的虚拟机映像(VMI),Sun的方法似乎可以简化Sun云服务矩阵中的开发部署。

Sun’s announcement at the CommunityOne East developer event in New York, further highlights even more competitiveness within the space. Sun taking on Google and Amazon, combined with Cisco’s hardware engagement of IBM, Dell and HP with their Unified Computing System announcement on Tuesday, shows former collaborators competing within the space on every level.

Sun在纽约的CommunityOne East开发人员活动上的宣布进一步强调了该领域的更大竞争力。 Sun接管Google和Amazon,再加上Cisco在IBM,Dell和HP的硬件合作以及统一计算系统的发布,这表明前合作者在各个层次上都在竞争。

Sun, like many of the other players, is finding it increasingly difficult to sell their server hardware. With Cisco, and a score of other big players making their own way with hardware, Sun’s only logical strategy is to answer with their own variation of cloud services. In the news from AP, Sun’s Chief of Technology Lew Tucker described their strategy ironically suggestive of one we mentioned the other day:

与许多其他厂商一样,Sun也发现出售其服务器硬件变得越来越困难。 与思科以及其他许多大企业一起使用硬件来实现自己的方式,Sun唯一合乎逻辑的策略就是用自己的云服务变化来应对。 在美联社的新闻中,Sun的技术主管Lew Tucker描述了他们的策略,讽刺地暗示了我们前几天提到的策略:

Sun believes there are bigger profits in selling the technology to companies that want to provide cloud services themselves, or to large corporations that want cloud services for its employees but refuse to surrender their most sensitive, proprietary data.


The fact of the matter is that all these companies have contingencies for balanced, full integration, and even no integration with the cloud at all. Regardless of the system or the motivation, new tools and services for the people who work with data should be our concern as developers, As for the larger issues of viability, I expect the market will dictate this more than our pondering. However, it is clear that competitiveness between former collaborators is heating up even in what might be considered speculative markets.

事实是,所有这些公司都具有平衡,完全集成甚至根本没有与云集成的突发事件。 不管是系统还是动机,面向数据工作人员的新工具和服务都应该成为我们作为开发人员的关注点。至于更大的生存能力问题,我希望市场将决定这一点,而不是我们的考虑。 但是,很明显,即使在可能被认为是投机市场的情况下,前合作者之间的竞争也在加剧。


相关资源:Java简介_Java是由Sun Microsystems公司于1995年5月推出的Java程序设计语言(以下简称Java语言)和Java平台的总称。