
tech2024-01-17  97

It’s true that most blogs don’t make money directly. It’s also true, however, that a large number of bloggers make a lot of money as a result of their blogs. That’s why the assertion by Newsweek’s Dan Lyon’s that blogging is “yet another high-tech fairy tale” struck me as particularly absurd.

的确,大多数博客并不直接赚钱。 但是,也确实如此,大量博客作者通过他们的博客赚了很多钱。 这就是为什么《新闻周刊》的丹·里昂(Dan Lyon) 断言博客是“另一个高科技童话”的原因,令我感到特别荒唐。

According to Lyons, whose blog “The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs” gained mass popularity over the last year or two, blogging is not a good way to make money. Lyons’ blogging experience led him to the conclusion that “while blogs can do many wonderful things, generating huge amounts of money isn’t one of them.”

据里昂斯(Lyons)的博客“史蒂夫·乔布斯的秘密日记”(The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs)在过去一两年中大受欢迎,博客不是赚钱的好方法。 里昂(Lyons)的博客经验使他得出以下结论:“尽管博客可以做很多奇妙的事情,但产生大量金钱并不是其中之一。”

Lyons concedes that a lucky few blogs, and those that are part of larger media properties, are making good money for their writers — writing for those types of blogs are how I’ve managed to make a fairly comfortable living as a blogger for the past few years. But those success stories are few and far between, says Lyons. “Technorati, a blog researcher, estimates that bloggers who run ads earn an average of $5,060 per year,” he writes. “Don’t call the Ferrari dealer just yet.”

里昂(Lyons)承认,少数幸运的博客以及属于大型媒体的博客为他们的作家赚了很多钱–为这些类型的博客写作是我过去如何过上相当舒适的生活的方式几年。 里昂说,但是那些成功的故事很少而且相差甚远。 他写道:“博客研究人员Technorati估计,运行广告的博客平均每年可赚5060美元。” “暂时不要致电法拉利经销商。”

What Lyons fails to mention, is how much money blogging can make for people by opening doors. Some of the most successful blogs, in terms of how many opportunities they generate for their authors, are blogs that don’t even have any ads on them. Blogging pioneer Dave Winer wrote today that blogging has made him more than $2 million over the past 12 years by allowing him to publicize his businesses and land consulting gigs.

里昂没有提到的是,通过打开博客,博客可以为人们带来多少收益。 就它们为作者创造的机会而言,一些最成功的博客是甚至没有任何广告的博客。 博客开拓者戴夫·温纳( Dave Winer )今天写道 ,通过允许他宣传自己的业务和土地咨询演出,博客在过去12年中为他带来了超过200万美元的收入。

Another popular blogger, Robert Scoble, has only just recently started to run ads as on his blog. I’d be willing to bet they don’t make him a lot of money. But his blog has most certainly landed him plenty of paying consulting and speaking gigs, and likely played a role in how he got his current job as a columnist for FastCompany.

另一个受欢迎的博主Robert Scoble刚刚才开始在他的博客上投放广告。 我愿意打赌他们不会给他赚很多钱。 但是他的博客无疑可以吸引他大量的咨询和演讲演出,并可能在他如何成为FastCompany专栏作家的工作中发挥了作用。

Blogging can help you build your personal brand and help to establish you as an expert in your field. Your blog can make you money indirectly by capturing mindshare for you and attracting paying gigs in your field, whatever that might be. This is actually something I’ve been saying on the SitePoint Blogging forums since they opened. “If you’re not in the top tier of bloggers, making money on advertising will be hard. But using your blog to promote your brand […] is a great idea. I can’t tell you how many friends I have who use their blogs to get consulting clients, or land jobs, etc.,” I wrote in a forum post 13 months ago. Then, this is what I wrote a couple of months ago in the same forum:

博客可以帮助您建立个人品牌,并帮助您建立自己的专家领域。 您的博客可以通过吸引您的注意力并吸引您所在领域的付费演出来间接赚钱,无论可能是什么。 自开放以来,这实际上是我在SitePoint博客论坛上一直说的话。 “如果您不是顶级博客作者,那么通过广告赚钱将很困难。 但是,使用博客来推广您的品牌[…]是个好主意。 我不能告诉你我有多少朋友使用他们的博客来获得咨询客户或寻找工作等,”我13个月前在论坛上写道。 然后,这就是我几个月前在同一论坛上写的内容:

Some personal blogs earn income, but most don’t. Or they do, but it’s such a paltry sum it isn’t enough to live off of (and maybe not even be enough to cover the hosting bill).

一些个人博客赚取收入,但大多数人却没有。 或他们这样做,但这只是微不足道的一笔钱,还不足以维持(甚至可能不足以支付托管费用)。

However, personal blogs can pay dividends in other ways. Blogging is a great way to establish yourself as an expert in your field. While you may not make a direct income from ads, a well received blog can help land you a job, consulting gigs, speaking engagements, can help you sell books, services, or whatever you do, etc.

但是,个人博客可以通过其他方式来分红。 博客是一种使自己成为该领域专家的好方法。 虽然您可能不会直接从广告中赚钱,但一个受欢迎的博客可以帮助您找到工作,咨询演出,演讲,可以帮助您出售书籍,服务或所做的任何事情,等等。

For many people, their personal blog is a great marketing tool for building their personal brand. It doesn’t make them money directly, but it does make them money.

对于许多人来说,他们的个人博客是建立个人品牌的绝佳营销工具。 它并不能直接使他们赚钱,但确实可以使他们赚钱。

So what about Lyons? Turns out, his blog made him a lot more than than the $1,000 per month he says he pulled in from AdSense. As Kevin Donovan at TechDirt points out, Lyons has parlayed his blog’s success into a number of paid writing and speaking gigs. “What’s missing from Lyons’ piece, of course, is the great success he experienced as a direct result of blogging,” writes Donovan. “Not only did he receive a big book deal using the same Fake Steve Jobs character he created for the blog, Lyons has been invited to speak and write widely on the topic. Further, it’s doubtful that his high-profile switch from Forbes to Newsweek was anything but augmented by his blogging success.”

那里昂呢? 事实证明,他的博客使他获得的收益远远超过他说自己从AdSense那里获得的每月1000美元的收入。 正如TechDirt的Kevin Donovan所指出的那样 ,Lyons将他的博客的成功转化为许多付费的写作和口语表演。 “当然,里昂的文章所缺少的是,他直接通过博客获得的巨大成功,”多诺万写道。 “不仅他使用为博客创建的相同的假史蒂夫·乔布斯角色获得了一笔大笔交易,而且邀请里昂斯就该主题进行广泛的演讲和写作。 此外,令人怀疑的是,他从《福布斯》(Forbes)转到《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)的高调引人注目,但其博客成功却无济于事。

Bottom line: Your blog itself might not make any money, but blogging itself certainly can pay out big.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/blogging-can-make-you-money-even-if-your-blog-doesnt/
