
tech2024-01-17  94

Episode 7 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week your hosts are Brad Williams (@williamsba), Stephan Segraves (@ssegraves), and Kevin Yank (@sentience) with special guest Sarah Milstein (@SarahM).

SitePoint Podcast的 第7集现已发布! 本周您的房东是Brad Williams( @williamsba ),Stephan Segraves( @ssegraves )和Kevin Yank( @sentience ) 以及特别嘉宾Sarah Milstein ( @SarahM )。

下载此剧集 (Download this Episode)

You can also download this episode as a standalone MP3 file. Here’s the link:

您也可以将本集下载为独立的MP3文件。 这是链接:

SitePoint Podcast #7: Let’s Get Twitter Out of Our System (MP3, 29.3MB)

SitePoint Podcast#7:让Twitter脱离系统 (MP3,29.3MB)

剧集摘要 (Episode Summary)

Here are the topics covered in this episode:


Google Axes a Number of Services


Google Axes Dodgeball, Jaiku, Video and More (TechCrunch)

Google Axes Dodgeball,Jaiku,视频等 (TechCrunch)

Changes for Jaiku and Farewell to Dodgeball and Mashup Editor (Google)

Jaiku和Farewell更改为Dodgeball和Mashup Editor (Google)

Lycos Shuts Down Mail, Tripod


Lycos Europe To Shutter Lycos Mail, Tripod On February 15 (TechCrunch)

Lycos Europe将于2月15日关闭Lycos Mail,三脚架 (TechCrunch)

IE8 RC Will Be Out By the End of January

IE8 RC将于1月底发布

Browser Showdown At The Churchill Club; IE 8 Release Candidate Coming This Month (TechCrunch)

丘吉尔俱乐部的浏览器对决; IE 8本月即将发布的候选版本 (TechCrunch)

Responding to Change: Updated Getter/Setter Syntax in IE8 RC 1 (IEBlog)

响应更改:IE8 RC 1 (IEBlog)中更新了Getter / Setter语法 Relaunches with Cutting Edge Design

Whitehouse.gov推出了最前沿的设计 Becomes (O’Reilly Radar)

change.gov成为 (O'Reilly Radar)

CSS Sprites on (Dave Shea)

whitehouse.gov上CSS Sprites (戴夫·谢伊)

Listener Feedback from Karn (WebKarnage)


Main Show Topic: Twitter

主要展览主题: Twitter

Twitter catches up to Digg (Hitwise)

Twitter赶上Digg (Hitwise)

Twitter May Have Found Its Business Model (ReadWriteWeb)

Twitter可能已找到其商业模式 (ReadWriteWeb)

Sarah’s Report: Twitter and the Micro-Messaging Revolution: Communication, Connections, and Immediacy—140 Characters at a Time (O’Reilly)

莎拉的报告: 推特与微消息革命:沟通,联系和即时性-一次有140个字符 (O'Reilly)

Sarah’s Webcast: Advanced Twitter for Business: Conversation, Community, and Profit—140 Characters at a Time (O’Reilly)

萨拉(Sarah)的网络广播: 商业高级Twitter:对话,社区和利润-一次140个字符 (O'Reilly)

Thanks for listening! Feel free to let us know how we’re doing, or to continue the discussion, using the comments field below.

谢谢收听! 欢迎使用下面的评论字段让我们知道我们的状况,或者继续讨论。

