
tech2024-01-17  95


When CNN launched their new site in June of 2007 they dumped Yahoo! in favor of Google to power their site search on CNN.com. Yahoo! was still used on the international version of the site, however. As I’m based in the US, I don’t often check the CNN International site, but I decided to look today. I’m not sure who is powering the search on the site now, but the Yahoo! logo is gone, so it looks like they dumped Yahoo! there, too. Anecdotally, that seems to be a common trend — I see a lot more “Powered by Google” buttons next to site search boxes than “Powered by Yahoo!” badges.

当CNN在2007年6月启动新网站时,他们放弃了Yahoo! 支持Google在CNN.com上进行其网站搜索。 雅虎! 但是,该网站的国际版本仍在使用。 由于我常驻美国,因此我经常不访问CNN International网站,但我决定今天就去看看。 我不确定现在是谁在推动该网站的搜索,但Yahoo! 徽标不见了,因此看起来好像他们抛弃了Yahoo! 在那里。 有趣的是,这似乎是一种普遍趋势-与“由Yahoo!提供支持”相比,网站搜索框旁边的“由Google提供支持”按钮更多了 徽章。

Google’s Site Search is so easy to plug in, and the resulting user experience is so good, that is has become a mainstay on an ton of sites around the web. Today, Yahoo! announced a revamped site search product that aims to take a bite out of Google’s search marketshare.

谷歌网站搜索是很容易插入,并将得到的用户体验是如此的好,就是已经成为一个吨使用其他网站的Struts。 今天,雅虎! 宣布了一种经过改进的网站搜索产品​​,旨在抢占Google的搜索市场份额。

Yahoo! Vertical Lens is part of the Build Your Own Search Service (BOSS) platform, and allows developers to create site search engines that go beyond Google’s plug’n’play offering. Yahoo!’s launch partner for the initiative is technology blog TechCrunch, who are now using Vertical Lens for their site search.

雅虎! Vertical Lens是“ 构建自己的搜索服务” (BOSS)平台的一部分,并且允许开发人员创建超越Google即插即用产品的站点搜索引擎。 雅虎对该计划的发起合作伙伴是技术博客TechCrunch ,他们现在正在使用Vertical Lens进行站点搜索。

Among the features that the new product offers are:


Real-time indexing of proprietary content – When new blog posts or comments are added to the site, the search index updates almost immediately to reflect those changes. (Google is pretty good at keeping on top of site changes as well, so not much new here.)

专有内容的实时索引 –当新博客文章或评论添加到站点时,搜索索引几乎立即更新以反映这些更改。 (Google也非常擅长掌握网站更改的最新信息,因此此处并不太多。)

Customized ranking – BOSS is all about customizing Yahoo! search results, so Vertical Lens allows sites to find tune the algorithm to fit their audience and user experience.

定制排名 – BOSS就是定制Yahoo! 搜索结果,因此Vertical Lens允许网站查找调整算法以适合其受众和用户体验。

Structured search – Maybe the coolest aspect of the new Vertical Lens is that it supports faceted refinement of searches. For TechCrunch, their new search engine allows users to narrow query results by author, number of comments, blog category, or date, for example.

结构化搜索 –也许新的垂直镜头最酷的方面是它支持搜索的精细化。 对于TechCrunch,他们的新搜索引擎使用户可以按作者,评论数,博客类别或日期来缩小查询结果的范围。

Blending Web with proprietary content in a single search display – Vertical Lens can search both site and web content and blend results together in a single display.

在单个搜索显示中将Web与专有内容融合在一起 – Vertical Lens可以搜索网站和Web内容,并在单个显示中将结果融合在一起。

Yahoo! Vertical Lens is currently only available to partners, but Yahoo!’s YaJie Ying promises that the company is “working to share the technology more openly through the BOSS API.”

雅虎! 垂直镜头目前仅向合作伙伴提供,但Yahoo!的YaJie Ying承诺该公司“正在努力通过BOSS API更加公开地共享该技术”。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/yahoo-wants-to-power-your-site-search/

