safari mp4 缓冲

tech2024-01-18  91

safari mp4 缓冲

In the early days of the web new browsers appeared every few months. History is repeating itself and the browser market has never been so active or exciting. The latest offering is Apple’s Safari 4, which is available as a beta download for Mac and Windows. I tried the Windows version and the first impressions are very promising.

在网络初期,每隔几个月就会出现新的浏览器。 历史在重演,浏览器市场从未如此活跃或令人兴奋。 最新的产品是Apple的Safari 4 ,可以在Mac和Windows上以Beta版下载。 我尝试了Windows版本,第一印象非常有希望。

安装和启动 (Installation and Launch)

The basic Safari download is a little over 25MB; certainly far larger than Firefox or Opera. However, installation is quick and easy and the browser starts almost instantly. If anything, it feels a little faster than Chrome.

基本的Safari下载超过25MB; 当然远大于Firefox或Opera。 但是,安装简便快捷,浏览器几乎立即启动。 如果有的话,感觉比Chrome快一点。

Safari 3 looked very much like a Mac application and I suspect it confused some Windows users. Apple have addressed the problem and Safari 4 looks like a standard XP/Vista browser. Tabs now appear in the title bar in a similar way to Google Chrome:

Safari 3看起来非常像Mac应用程序,我怀疑它使一些Windows用户感到困惑。 苹果已经解决了这个问题,Safari 4看起来像是标准的XP / Vista浏览器。 标签页现在以类似于Google Chrome的方式显示在标题栏中:

The tabs work well, although it is a little too easy to drag the whole window rather than an individual tab. I also miss the middle mouse clicking to close tabs, but that is a minor issue.

这些选项卡效果很好,尽管拖动整个窗口而不是单个选项卡有点容易。 我也想念鼠标中键单击以关闭选项卡,但这是一个小问题。

Microsoft font smoothing is used by default, although you can specify Mac-like rendering. I found them a little blurry, but I’m sure some will prefer them.

尽管您可以指定类似Mac的呈现,但默认情况下使用Microsoft字体平滑。 我发现它们有些模糊,但是我敢肯定有些人会喜欢它们。

新功能 (New Features)

Apple have announced 150 new features in Safari. Many help the browser catch up with the competition, but it is great to see some new innovations.

苹果已经在Safari中宣布了150个新功能 。 许多帮助浏览器赶上了竞争,但很高兴看到一些新的创新。

Perhaps the most attractive feature is CoverFlow; an iTunes-like 3D carousel that shows recently viewed web pages. Those that have changed since your last visit are highlighted with a blue star. Although Mac users get CoverFlow as standard, it may be disabled in Windows if you have a low-end graphics card. Hopefully, Apple will fix that for the final release.

也许最具吸引力的功能是CoverFlow ; 类似于iTunes的3D轮播,可显示最近浏览过的网页。 自您上次访问以来已更改的内容将以蓝色星标突出显示。 尽管Mac用户将CoverFlow作为标准配置,但如果您使用的是低端图形卡,则它可能在Windows中被禁用。 希望苹果公司将为最终版本修复该问题。

The browser also features an integrated RSS reader. It is a little basic and not as good as the one provided in Opera, but it is superior to IE and Firefox. The ‘Article Length’ slider alters the amount of text shown for news items.

该浏览器还具有集成的RSS阅读器。 它有点基础,不如Opera中提供的那样好,但是它优于IE和Firefox。 “文章长度”滑块可更改为新闻项目显示的文本量。

Web标准支持和创新 (Web Standards Support and Innovation)

Safari and the WebKit project continue to implement the latest standards and browser-specific features that may eventually be adopted by the development community. The browser now supports:

Safari和WebKit项目继续实施最新的标准和特定于浏览器的功能,这些功能最终可能会被开发社区所采用。 浏览器现在支持:

HTML 5, including media and offline storage

HTML 5,包括媒体和离线存储 HTML canvas and SVG 1.1

HTML canvas和SVG 1.1 CSS animations, effects and web fonts

CSS动画,效果和Web字体 ACID 2 and 3 compliance

符合ACID 2和3 ICC Color Profile Support

ICC色彩配置文件支持 Plug-ins and developer extensions

插件和开发人员扩展 JavaScript/ECMA version 3

JavaScript / ECMA版本3

Apple claim their Nitro JavaScript engine is up to 6 times faster than IE8 and 4 times faster than Firefox 3.1 beta. My own test using Webkit SunSpider showed it to be twice as fast as Firefox 3.0.6. That is fast, but not as much as I hoped.

苹果声称他们的Nitro JavaScript引擎比IE8快6倍,比Firefox 3.1 beta快4倍。 我自己使用Webkit SunSpider进行的测试表明,它的速度是Firefox 3.0.6的两倍。 那很快,但是没有我希望的那么快。

开发者工具 (Developer Tools)

Safari’s developer tools have always been good and have improved in version 4. Anyone familiar with Firefox’s Web Developer Toolbar and Firebug extensions will feel at home.


The Web Inspector shows a DOM tree, XPath, applied styles, element metrics, and other useful information. It is not quite as clear as Firebug, but is an essential tool for all web developers:

Web检查器显示DOM树,XPath,应用的样式,元素指标和其他有用的信息。 它不像Firebug那样清晰,但是它是所有Web开发人员的必备工具:

The Inspector also provides a JavaScript debugger, profiler, offline database viewer and an extremely attractive Resource viewer:


您会使用Safari吗? (Will You Use Safari?)

It is inevitable that Mac users will switch to Safari 4. I also suspect many more Windows users will be tempted to try the browser. It is impossible to predict adoption rates, but Safari certainly deserves to match the growth of Google Chrome.

Mac用户不可避免地会切换到Safari4。我还怀疑还会有更多Windows用户尝试使用该浏览器。 无法预测采用率,但是Safari当然值得与Google Chrome的增长相提并论。

Web developers will certainly need to install Safari. It provides some great tools and it is only a matter of time before the browser has a thriving extensions community.

Web开发人员当然需要安装Safari。 它提供了一些出色的工具,并且浏览器拥有一个繁荣的扩展社区只是时间问题。

Firefox is still my preferred browser, but Safari is catching up fast and comes a close second. What do you think of Safari 4? Will it become your default browser?

Firefox仍然是我首选的浏览器,但是Safari的发展速度很快,紧随其后。 您如何看待Safari 4? 它将成为您的默认浏览器吗?


safari mp4 缓冲
